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Bundesliga 2012/2013

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  • Nisam gledao Junajted zbog Leverkuzena.Isplatilo se

    Salke je pregazen!Niko nije mogao ocekivati ovako laganu pobjedu domacina Levandovski i Hipija su betonirali sredinu(Rajnartz,Rolfs i Bender) i vidjelo se to na terenu.Vidjelo se jos od pocetka da Leverkuzen vise zeli pobjedu i da ce da ih rastrgnu,samo me bilo strah da ne prime neki glup gol pa da se utakmica potpuno okrene.A bgm je imao Salke jednu sansu pri rezutatu 0:0 kad je Leno imao dosta srece.
    Od pocetka je najbolji bio Sirle.Ovo je bio njegov dan i to je potvrdio golcinom sa nekih 25m.Napadacka trojka je odlicno funkcionisala.Kisling je propustio dvije dobre sanse prije nego sto je zabio za 2:0 na pas Kastra koji je dobro namucio lijevu stranu Salkea.Sva trojica su u odlicnoj formi
    Mogli su i ubjedljivije i steta sto nisu.Nisu iskoristili penal..imali su i stativu.
    Sto se Salkea tice jedino su Farfan i Draksler nesto radili ali je to bilo slabo.Huntelar potpuno nevidljiv.

    E jbm ti onakvu igru protiv Volfzburga...mogli su biti drugi No,to je Leverkuzen..njima se nikad ne zna kako ce odigrati

    Ovo ostalo nisam ispratio,pa cu sacekati sjutra pregled Samo cu reci da mi je drago sto se Bajern okliznuo u derbiju ;)
    Last edited by powerslave; 17-11-12, 21:43.


    • Sirle igracina! Kakav gol je dao.

      Rasrafio ih je Leverkusen, mnogo bolji su bili. Drago mi je zbog Samija, nadam se da ce uci u LS.
      When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there! S.G.8


      • Gledao sam malo na preseke i do Surleovog gola ostavili su malo bolji utisak, cini mi se da je taj gol prelomio mec i posle su oni vodili glavnu rec.Ocekivao sam da ce Salke dobiti ovu, pogotovo sto je Bajern kiksao, ali bas kao sto sam i rekao njih samo Dortmund moze ugroziti i niko vise, jer im je Klop usadio pobednicki mentalitet, a to Salke nece imati jos par godina.Treba im vanserijski trener za to, Stivens jeste da ih je izdigao iz proseka, ali nije taj covek koji ce im doneti titulu..Jos kad bi se sa -9 uslo u derbi bilo bi odlicno, ali cini mi se da ce kiksnuti protiv Majnca.Danasnji rezultati su isli na ruku Verderu i ako pobede Fortunu eto ih na sedmom mestu.

        Koliko puta Bajern u ovoj sezoni igra bez Riberija toliko puta ce da kiksne.Cisto da ukazem na to da je on pola ekipe.


        • Evo oce Saf da se bije


          • Leverkusen 2-0 Schalke: Schurrle stays in a position to counter-attack

            Leverkusen comfortably won a very simple game of football.

            Sami Hyypia selected a 4-1-4-1 / 4-3-3 shape with roughly his first-choice XI this season, although left-back Michal Kadlec is out injured, so versatile Japanese international Hajime Hosogai filled in.

            Huub Stevens was without Ibrahim Afellay, so Julian Draxler started on the left of midfield. Otherwise, they were unchanged from the win over Werder Bremen.

            Leverkusen were by far the better side throughout the game, with Stevens furious at the performance of his side.

            The starting line-ups

            Leverkusen sit back

            The game started at a very low tempo, because the home side were entirely content to play on the counter-attack. Whereas they usually average around 50% of possession in home matches this season, in this match they managed just 37%, because there was no attempt to dominate the ball or push high up the pitch.

            Schalke might have been surprised by Leverkusen’s passiveness, because they would have fancied counter-attacking too, with the pacey duo of Draxler and Jefferson Farfan able to carry the ball at speed. Instead, they saw the majority of the ball by default, although they used it very poorly.

            There was some horrendous misplaced passes from Schalke across the pitch, and no real creativity or imagination in the centre. Lewis Holtby was shackled by Stefan Reinartz and was the first player to be substituted, while the midfield combination of Roman Neustadter and Jermaine Jones lacked calmness on the ball, or the necessary desire to charge forward and link the play. With Holtby barely involved, Klaas-Jan Huntelaar came deep, but no-one mirrored his runs into centre-forward positions.

            Leverkusen tactics

            Leverkusen started off defending with a high defensive line, and their centre-backs stayed tight together, starving Huntelaar of time in central positions. They dropped off and only pressed in their own half when the ball was played into Jones and Neustadter, seemingly not worried about the passing ability of Schalke’s centre-backs. They squeezed Schalke’s play effectively in midfield, and there was little sign of the high line being exploited.

            In possession, Leverkusen’s formation became 3-4-3, as Reinartz dropped into the back to get out of Schalke’s natural press, allowing the full-backs to spread and move high up the pitch, forcing Draxler and Farfan into defensive positions. But although Leverkusen used the space well, their passing wasn’t particularly swift or incisive when Schalke had men behind the ball.


            Instead, this game was purely about the counter-attacking potential of Leverkusen’s front three. On the right, Gonzalo Castro is something of an all-rounder, able to play in various positions (including full-back) rather than an out-and-out winger. He moved into defensive positions when Schalke had possession, tracking the forward runs of Christian Fuchs. Meanwhile, Stefan Kiessling played a mobile role as the main striker, dropping away from the centre-backs into clever positions in the channels, exploiting the space when Schalke’s full-backs moved forward.

            But the key battle was unquestionably Andre Schurrle against Benedkt Howedes. Schurrle didn’t replicate Castro’s movement on the other side, instead remaining in ‘free’ positions ready to counter. Simon Rolfes moved across to the left slightly, to make sure Hosogai wasn’t overloaded.

            Schurrle v Howedes

            Then, the game was a little like Portugal’s matches at Euro 2012, when Cristiano Ronaldo let the full-back advance past him, happy to remain in positions to counter-attack. The match was about who could do more damage – Howedes with his crossing ability, or Schurrle with his direct dribbling at the Leverkusen defence. It was a slightly risky move from Hyypia, within the context of a very cautious overall strategy – but it clearly paid off.

            The battle was entirely down this side – Schurrle v Howedes, summed up by the fact both sides concentrated their attacking down that flank – see the below graphic, courtesy of – Leverkusen are on the left, Schalke to the right.

            Howedes’ performance when given time on the ball was shocking – one second half cross was shanked horribly behind the goal under absolutely no pressure, and he failed to have a significant impact upon the game.

            Schurrle, however, was the star man. He constantly picked up the ball on the move, prompting counter-attacks and linking with Kiessling – with Castro the third counter-attacker, almost a decoy at times. Between them, those three had 13 of Leverkusen’s 18 shots, a higher tally than Schalke’s entire side managed.

            Schurrle hit a brilliant opener on the counter-attack (see how Howedes, number four, has advanced up the pitch and is in no position to stop him):

            Schurrle went onto be a constant threat on the break. Kiessling got the second goal midway through the first half, and missed a penalty after Howedes brought one of Schurrle’s dribbles to a halt with a clumsy tackle in the box – which summed up the key battle, and who had the upper hand.


            “I could have taken nine men off, and I did take some of them off,” said Stevens after the game. “And then the only one who actually performed well got a second yellow card (Kyriakos Papadopoulos), which is a shame. We were begging to lose this game. It was a total failure, we absolutely deserved to lose. I cannot remember when we last played so badly.”

            It’s difficult to explain why Schalke passed so badly, but it’s easy to explain why Leverkusen could counter so readily – Schurrle put himself in space rather than tracking Howedes, and did the damage.


            • Vrlo dobra nedelja za bundesligase.4 pobede, 2 remija i poraz Leverkuzena koji je u Ukrajinu otisao sa rezervnim sastavom, pa je to bilo ocekivano.Levandovski je odmarao Surlea i Bendera zato sto su prosle nedelje igrali za reprezentaciju, dok ostali igraci koji nisu otisli su povredjeni ili su imali neke lakse povrede, pa Levandovski nije hteo da rizikuje, jer ih u nedelju ocekuje bitan duel sa Hofenhajmom i raspored im do kraja sezone nije lak.Verovatno ce i u sledecem mecu sa Rozenborgom igrati u rezervnom sastavu posto su vec obezbedili plasman.Stutgart neocekivano ubedljivo slavio protiv Steaue u Bukurestu i u poslednjem kolu im dolazi Molde i to bi trebalo da im bude zicer.U Menhengladbah nisam verovao da mogu da prodju grupu, ali rezultati su im se poklopili+bili bolji u medjusobnom duelu protiv Marseja i moze se reci da su zasluzeno prosli dalje.Hanover razocarao svoju publiku i gostuje Levanteu u poslednjem kolu i taj mec ce odluciti ko ce biti prvi u grupi.

              Sto se tice LS, Dortmund slavio lakse nego sto se ocekivalo u Amsterdamu, cekali su svoje sanse i imali su odlicnu realizaciju sto se vidi u konacnom rezultatu.Bajern za malo sa igracem vise da izgubi od Valensije sa igracem vise, ali ih je Miler spasio i najverovatnije ce biti prvi u grupi.Gol Fuksa odveo Salke u osminu finala i potrebna im je pobeda u Montpeljeu kako bi osigurali prvo mesto u grupi, a mozda im to na kraju i nece trebati u zavisnosti u kom sastavu ce Arsenal putovati za Pirej.

              Za sada znamo da ce Dortmund biti prvi u svojoj grupi, a Leverkuzen i Menhengladbah drugi u svojim grupama.Ostali ce morati malo da se pomuce u poslednjem kolu kako bi dosli do prvih mesta, dok ce Stutgartu trebati remi ili poraz Steaue kako bi zavrsio kao pobednik grupe bez obzira sto su imali slabe rezultate u prva tri kola.Kad je bilo najbitnije oni su se pokrenuli.


              • Zbog povrede misica VDV ce propustiti preostale utakmice HSV-a do kraja sezone, mada mozda bude bio spreman za Leverkuzen.Uz duzno postovanje prema drugim igracima, mislim da je on taj igrac koji ih vadi iz proseka i ocekujem da ce u vrh glave osvojiti 4 boda do kraja polusezone.Ipak je VDV motor ove ekipe, a videli smo kako su igrali bez njega na pocetku prvenstva, kao i u prosloj sezoni.Jedina dobra vest za njih je da ce za Salke biti spreman Jansen.

                Izgleda da se i Lokomotiva iz Moskve interesuje za Kuzmanovica i ako se neki veci klub iz Lige Petice ne umesa da ce preci kod Rusa.

                Male su sanse da ce Bender danas zaigrati za Dortmund zbog povrede koju je zaradio u Amsterdamu, pa posto je Kel povredjen vrlo moguce je da ce Klop morati da eksperimentise sa veznim redom i mozda ce Gece igrati povucenije ne go inace.U ovakvoj utakmici ce im puno faliti destruktivac kao gorepomenuti dvojac koji izostaje i mirise mi da ce kiksnuti danas.A svi znamo koliko Majnc zna da namuci Dortmund, samo se prisetite utakmice u prosloj sezoni kada je Borusija gostovala.


                • Ma te price da ce u Lokomotivu su meni presmesne. Sigurno ce Kuzma u neki jaci tim, igrao bi i u Stuttgart-u da nije odbio da produzi ugovor.

                  Odlican igrac, a to ce nadam se i pokazati u narednom timu u kojem bude igrao.

                  Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                  "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                  Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                  All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                  • Bolje mu je tamo preci nego u Sevilju ili bilo koji spanski klub zato sto nece biti u prvom planu.Siguran sam da nema nameru da igra PL u nekom osrednjem klubu, ako ga Roma bude pozvala neka predje tamo.
                    Deluje mi kao igrac koji ce da ide tamo gde bude dobijao najvise para.
                    Od ovih trenutno klubova, najbolje mu je da predje u Lokomotivu.Cini mi se da je izvesno da napusta Stutgart, saznacemo uskoro gde.

                    Ipak Bender pocinje mec.
                    Nek im je sa srecom, propusticu danasnje meceve , pa valjda me nece razocarati rezultatom.xD


                    • Opaa , Martinez !


                      • Odmah posle Bayern-a, Mainz daje gol.

                        Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                        "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                        Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                        All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                        • Mocni Marco Reus..

                          Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                          "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                          Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                          All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                          • Originally posted by Dale View Post
                            Opaa , Martinez !


                            • Ladno se Gundogan opet povredio.

                              Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                              "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                              Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                              All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                              • Puce petarda u Minhenu.

