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  • #16
    Monlau ce ga prebaciti u Moto2 ako osvoji titulu, po hitnom postupku. To mu je obecano. Svakako vozi za njih, ali gde zavisi samo od njega.

    Honda se ipak odlucila da upumpa novac u Moto3 projekat i bude konkrent KTM-u... Sad su se setili, a to sto je Vinales mogao da im osvoji titulu prosle godine da su se samo malo vise potrudili, to nikom nista...

    Nece preneti troskove razvoja za kupce RCV1000R, a ovamo se zale kako KTM daje vise novca nego sto zaradjuje za Moto3 projekat. Naravno, potpuno su zaboravili da su i oni imali svakakve neke mahinacije od kad je veliki Soichiro preminuo...
    Last edited by Vanja #66; 09-10-13, 14:37.


    • #17
      Pogledajte kako ce izgledati motor VR Sky tima za narednu godinu. Dizajn nije konacan, ali za sada zute boje nema...


      • #18
        Nije finalna, a i nije čudno iskreno, jer Rossi ne promoviše sebe tim timom, nego samo želi da naglasi tim kratkim VR|46 da on učestvuje u tom projektu kako bi privukao i druge sponzore...


        • #19
          Dragi forumasi,

          Zelim vam svima srecnu Novu godinu i Bozicne praznike!!!

          Nadam se da cemo se jos vise i lepse druziti tokom 2014-te.


          • #20
            Scott Deroue potpisao za RW Racing, Holanđanin za Holanđane. Dosadašnji uspesi - 4 pobede u RB Rookies kupu u prošle 3 godine.


            Evo i stranica gde su svi Moto3 vozači za sledeću godinu... Još samo jedno mesto u Gresiniju je ostalo prazno...


            Team Italia je na Mahindri, to sam propustio. Mahindri će, inače biti više nego Hondi, ništa čudno pored rezultata u ove 2 godine. Ironije li, mislim da će Honda ove godine možda biti bolja i od KTM-a...


            • #21
              Wayne Gardner tvrdi da je njegov sin spreman za svoj debi u Moto3 klasi. Remi puni 16 godina u februaru i nada se da ce dobiti wild card za neku trku...
              Last edited by nb_korac; 24-01-14, 11:31.


              • #22
                Rins je operisao zglob desne ruke i morace da propusti ovonedeljni test u Herezu


                • #23
                  Ko zna Engleski


                  • #24
                    The Marc VDS Racing Team communiqué reads as follows:

                    ‘While the Marc VDS Racing Team would prefer to keep confidential their negotiations and agreements with riders, circumstances dictate that the team clarify their position with regards to Jack Miller.

                    Jack Miller recently stated on the official Ajo Motorsport website that he has no contract for the future. This statement is inaccurate. Jack Miller signed a binding three-year contract with the Marc VDS Racing Team for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 seasons.

                    Under the terms of this six-page contract, the Marc VDS Racing Team negotiated on Jack Miller’s behalf to secure him a Moto3 World Championship ride with the Red Bull KTM Ajo Team in 2014.

                    During the course of these negotiations Ajo Motorsport team owner, Aki Ajo, was made aware of the contract between Jack Miller and the Marc VDS Racing Team and also that, under the terms of this contract, Jack Miller would contest the Moto2 World Championship for the Marc VDS Racing Team in 2015 and 2016.

                    The three-year contract was in the form of an extensive pre-agreement, covering the relevant key points such as exclusivity, payment conditions and technical support. Nowhere was there a clause related to early release from the contract should Jack Miller receive an offer for MotoGP in 2015. Following the signing of this pre-agreement a final contract was negotiated and agreed between the parties, with the key elements remaining unchanged.

                    This final agreement was not signed and all requests by the Marc VDS Racing Team for a meeting with Jack Miller, his parents and his management team, to clarify the situation with regard to Jack Miller’s contractual obligations for 2015 and 2016, have gone unanswered.

                    In the absence of a signed final agreement, the signed pre-agreement remains extant and binding on both parties.

                    "It is regrettable that we’ve had to make public this situation, but we really were left with no option," stated Michael Bartholemy, Team Principal of the Marc VDS Racing Team. "We have a contract with Jack Miller and we are already preparing for his arrival in the team for the 2015 season because, for us, a deal is a deal. If Jack has changed his mind and doesn’t want to ride for us next year then he or his management team need to come and talk to us, rather than simply ignoring our numerous requests for a meeting to clarify the situation. We are not interested in playing games; we just want the situation sorted out expeditiously. Until it is resolved we cannot move forward with our own plans for the 2015 season, as we have no intention on reneging on the agreement by offering Jack Miller’s place in the Marc VDS Racing Team to another rider."

                    Finally, the Marc VDS Racing Team would like to wish Jack Miller the best of luck with his 2014 Moto3 World Championship campaign.’


                    • #25

                      svako bi trebalo da ispuni svoj deo dogovora,ali ne mozes nekoga ni na silu zadrzati,to ne moze doneti nista dobrovise bih volela da ovi isteraju svoje,samo da milera ne vidim kod akijatako mlad,a vec toliko iritantan
                      don't be scared homie


                      • #26
                        Jorge Navarro ce menjati Loia.


                        • #27
                          Zna li se đe će Loi?


                          • #28
                            Artur Sisis je dobio otkaz. Umesto njega za Mahindru ce do kraja sezone voziti Andrea Minjo, momak sa Rosijeve Akademije


                            • #29
                              Pa, nije nezasluženo...


                              • #30
                                Gresini Racing to run Honda machinery with Bastianini and Locatelli in 2015

                                Veoma zanimljivo, uzimaju Hondu iako Enea leti na KTM-u, nadam se da neće pogriješiti...

