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  • Samo je Kintana pukao, Kontador je spasio sta se spasti moze.
    Frum je danas obukao zutu majicu, tur je zavrsen.
    Originally posted by Casiraghi
    Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
    Originally posted by Casiraghi
    Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.
    Originally posted by Casiraghi
    Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


    • Ja sam zadovoljan. Ovo je tip uspona koji Pistoleru ne odgovara, jos je rekao da je ostao bez vazduha u jednom trenutku i pored toga uspeo skoro potpuno da se vrati. Mislim da u Alpima ima sanse kako i on sam kaze. Svi su u minut nisu ovo nikakve razlike, a mislim ustvari vise se nadam da je Alberto dobro tempirao formu. Nema on vise snage za Giro-Tour, to je video pre 2 godine(mozda je mogao ranije da pokusa) ali za par strasnih etapa ako se dobro oseca ima. Jedva cekam vikend.

      P.s. Auuuu kakva etapa u nedelju mada ce se vrv napadati tek na 3. HC usponu.


      • Daj njegovu izjavu
        Originally posted by Casiraghi
        Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
        Originally posted by Casiraghi
        Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.
        Originally posted by Casiraghi
        Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


        • Ha habido un momento que he tenido que coger aire. Ha habido diferencias y eso nunca es bueno, pero hemos salvado el día y eso es bueno. Ahora tenemos dos días para recuperar del desgaste",
          afirmó el ciclista del Trek que perdió 6 segundos con el británico Chris Froome, del que ahora le distancian 52 segundos.

          "Tengo que ver detenidamente la general, pero las diferencias no han sido significativas teniendo en cuenta cómo hemos subido. Este es un Tour en el que hay que ser especialmente regular. Voy a ver si en Alpes, que me gustan, podemos intentar algo", aseguró.

          "Estaba más pendiente de Froome y de Richie Porte. Aru está fortísimo, ya lo demostró en la Dauphiné. Pero yo vigilaba a esos dos", señaló.

          Sad cu da ti dam na engleskom(ako nadjem haha)


          • The fifth stage of La Grande Boucle was a difficult test for the Spaniard. "There was a moment when I had to slow down to take some air," said the rider to the media at the end of the stage. "There were differences and that is never good, but we saved the day and that is good. Now we have two days to recover from this physical wear."

            Contador doesn't think that any conclusions can be made based on one stage. "I will have to stop to study the general classification standings, but the differences haven't been big considering the way we climbed. This is a Tour in which you have to be particularly consistent. I will see if in the Alps, a place that I like, we can try to do something," he commented.

            The rider also indicated that he was not expecting an attack from Fabio Aru, who eventually won the stage, because he was focused on other riders. "I was looking out more for (Chris) Froome and Richie Porte. Aru is very strong, and he already showed it in the Dauphine. But I was just looking at those two," explained the Trek-Segafredo rider.


            • Hvala
              Originally posted by Casiraghi
              Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
              Originally posted by Casiraghi
              Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

              Originally posted by Casiraghi
              Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


              • Biti na skoro minut od Fruma je velika razlika. Mora to da se prizna, Frum je jak, Skaj je jak i ta prednost je velika.

                Ja sam odmah napisao posle etape poruku, tako da moram da se ispravim kao sto ste rekli, Kontador se nekako spasao.

                Послато са HUAWEI VNS-L31 уз помоћ Тапатока




                  Послато са HUAWEI VNS-L31 уз помоћ Тапатока


                  • Sad mi zao sto sam psovao Sagana


                    • Sjajna zavrsnica, jos se ne zna ko je pobedio.

                      Edit: Izgleda ipak Kitel.
                      Last edited by colchonero; 07-07-17, 17:30.


                      • Da li je moguce ? Zanimljiva zavrsnica. Smorio je Kitel vise, ali svaka cast


                        • Ne znam po meni je ovo trebalo da bude nereseno. Iz helikoptera se cinilo da je EBH ispred, a nijedna slika fotofinisa po netu(ma koliko god uvecana) ne ukazuje na to zasto je Kitel proglasen prvim.Evo Marca je postavila sliku cilja sa TDP.

                          Last edited by colchonero; 07-07-17, 17:56.


                          • Evo ovde se bolje vidi

                            Ima vise tamnog dela linije ispred EBH tocka, bar mi se cini haha, ali u svakom slucaju ovo treba da je nereseno.

                            Evo je brzina, Kitela izvuklo 70,49kmh na samo 32 metra do linije cilja.

                            Last edited by colchonero; 07-07-17, 18:20.


                            • Ne znam, cas pomislim da je Edi Bos pobedio,a cas suprotno


                              • "I was able to see the official photo finish zoomed to individual pixels. 1 pixel was the difference. 0.0003 sec. 6mm."

                                Ovo je zvanicna razlika. Znaci desetohiljaditi deo sekunde. Stvarno su mogli da proglase nereseno.

