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ATP - Janko Tipsarevic

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  • Jankov mec sa Berdihom u Londonu je proglasen kao treci najbolji mec u sezoni i to je dokaz koliko je Janko napredovao.......meni je bolji mec bio protiv Bagdatisa u Finalu kada je osvojio prvu titulu......nadam se da ce njegovi mecevi u ovoj sezoni koja dolazi biti jos bolji i da ce se odrzati bar u prvih 15, jer realno cim se Delpo i Soderling vrate mislim da nece ostati u top 10


    • Dobar pocetak sezone za Janka.
      Finale u singlu, titula u dublu, prva u karjeri.


      • Slicice su divne .........Janko je odlicno poceo sezonu........zelim mu puno uspjeha na AO, mogao bi postici dobar rezultat i ucvrstiti se na 9 mjestu


        • Idemoooo Jankela, do druge nedelje !


          • Hey guys...Just wanted to inform you that there will be a short show on Eurosport about be...Basicaly they gave me a video camera and told me to film and do whatever I want...Sooo...Its going to be...Well watch it and let me know.Starts today,on the first day of the Australian Open on "Game set and Mats"...I think around 18.00 or 18.30

            p.s.They have decided to call it "Tipsy Time"


            • Australian Open : Tipsy time

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Tipsy time, part 3 Hah, protect your future family...

                Tipsy time, part 4
                Last edited by eM; 20-01-12, 00:30.


                • Janko Tipsarevic Official
                  Kakav sjajan dan za Srpski sport...
                  Za mene je Nole bio torta,vaterpolisti slag i naravno rukometasi ona najsladja jagoda na vrhu torte...BRAVO MOMCI...SRBIJA!!!
                  A evo i sličica, prvenstveno zbog Jankove kape



                  • Zasto se osecam kao da idem na snowboard,kad ustvari idem samo u teretanu...;)


                    • Simpa...

                      Tipsarevic column: "Don't be a tennis rebel"

                      Janko Tisparevic, the world number nine and the new columnist for The Tennis Space, discloses that he is to mentor young players.
                      If I had the chance now to speak to my 18- or 19-year-old self, I would tell him to stop being a baby on court. When I was that age, if a match wasn’t going the way I wanted it to, I would be like a crying baby who couldn’t have the doll he wanted. I really regret that I was like that.

                      I wish I had had a different mindset then, the sort of attitude that I have now as a 27-year old. I wish I realised then you must always give everything on the court, that you have a short career, that every freaking match counts. That’s what I’m going to be telling the young players who are going to be spending time with me this year, as part of a programme with my sponsor Tecnifibre. Five players will spend a week each with me this season, starting in Indian Wells in California next month, and then in Monte Carlo, Gstaad, Shanghai and Belgrade. I would have liked, when I was their age, to have had an opportunity to spend time with a player on the tour, to hear what it takes to be a professional tennis player. I like helping people how to do things, and I’m very excited about this.

                      The juniors, who will also be my practice partners at tournaments, will be hearing from a guy who has been through almost all as a player. I was a successful junior, then I was a failure, a disappointment, then I broke into top 100, then I got stuck, and everyone was saying, ‘when is he going to start playing good tennis?’ Then I broke into the top 50, and then I got stuck again. It was only at the start of 2011 that it all clicked, that it all came together. So I’ve had my ups and downs. When I was a young player, my management company had me in a ‘rebel with a cause’ programme. I’m not going to be recommending to these players that they try to be a tennis rebel, to be the guy who doesn’t give a damn. You have to sacrifice a lot if you want to make it as a tennis player.

                      As a young player, you don’t appreciate that this is a short career, and you have to make the most of your time on the tour. As a teenager, I didn’t sacrifice enough. I would like to tell my teenage self to just be a boring, stupid professional, to sacrifice everything to tennis. Back then, I never missed a training session, even after going out and getting drunk, but I thought that if I did everything in practice, that it would all be okay. It wasn’t okay. It’s about the small things. Are you eating properly? What time are you going to bed? Are you stretching after every match and practice? Are you watching back videos of your defeats? Are you going on to YouTube and looking at how Roger Federer moves on court? Are you showing a Nadal-like attitude on every point? You need to be thinking about all of these things. I still occasionally go out and have a drink, so I have a life, but I recognise that everything comes second to tennis.

                      I’m looking forward to spending time with these kids, having lunches and dinners together, and getting to know them. I also like practising with young players, as some of my best results after practising with juniors. Maybe that’s because they are so pumped-up about being on the court, and also I can always make sure that the training session is more focused on what I need to be working on. My coach doesn’t always like it, though, when I train with juniors as I can sometimes spend too much time trying to help them improve their game rather than concentrating on myself. Especially when I can see that the young player wants to learn, that he is interested in more than just getting the ball back. Hopefully, I can find a golden middle.

                      This programme with Tecnifibre is something I genuinely want to. I know that it won’t be a pain in the ass. And I hope they will learn something.

                      For more information on Janko’s Next Generation Tour, please visit






                          • Janko novi kolumnista portala The Tennis Space.

                            Tipsarevic: tennis shows Serbia in a good light

                            Janko Tipsarevic, the world number 9 and the new columnist for The Tennis Space, discusses the impact that the success of his country’s top players, especially Novak Djokovic, is having on Serbia’s image around the world.

                            In the last few years, we have had bad luck with leaders of the country, especially Milosevic. That just destroyed the reputation of the country worldwide. A small country like Serbia does not show up on CNN or the BBC or any other big and global news television unless something really big is happening. In the last 10, 15 years, almost all of the news, except sport, was bad so everyone got the wrong impression of Serbs as people.

                            What tennis is doing and mainly what Novak is doing, is putting the face out there in a bright and good light, because people around the world mainly believe what the media feeds them and what the media needs them to believe. And the truth is normally not exactly like this. But in sport, the good thing is that there is no lying. You have results, you have scoreboards and whether somebody likes it or not, winning is more or less everything.

                            If you have a war, like we did, in 1991, with Croatia and Bosnia and all these countries and then only a couple of years later you have the Kosovo problem, I am guessing that people around the world do not have a good impression about Serbia. As I said, we had bad luck with leaders and politicians, people who are leading the country for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the people. Everybody was thinking that Serbs were like, I don’t want to say terrorists, but bad people. And that’s honestly not the case.

                            A few months ago, I tweeted: “I keep telling you, Novak. One more big win and we will join the EU.” Well, I make fun of Novak sometimes, I call him the President. Because, honestly, what this guy is doing internationally for Serbia – apart from our current president who is doing a good job and wanting Serbia to get to the EU – Novak is one of our main weapons to help improve the perspective that people have of the country worldwide. So in a way I was joking, but in a way I was not. The thing is, the way things are going in the Eurozone currently, you would say that joining the EU would not be a good idea, but in my opinion this is the only future for Serbia.

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • Koja zvercina !


                              • Ne znam da li Janka stalno ispituju o Novaku ili on ne zna sta bi drugo, pa prica o njemu.
                                Ko god je - pretjeruje, mislim da skoro godinu dana nisam pogledala ili procitala nista Tipsarevicevo u kom ne prica o Djokovicu.

