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WTA - Jelena Jankovic

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    [quote author=fc nadal link=topic=501.msg87483#msg87483 date=1251715086]
    [quote author=Tmac link=topic=501.msg87482#msg87482 date=1251714633]
    Opet ovi sa Sportala... Jbg, sta ces kad nemamo moderatore.

    Sta je smjesno FC,kada nas ovi iz Sportala zatrpaju,sa KLIKOVIMA,I IZVORIMA...
    Gdje Nato kaze, pa bilo kroz zid, ili u vatru, ili u vulkan, tu Mandusic ide bez pogovora!!!



      Najbolja srpska teniserka, Jelena Jankovi?, lako je prebrodila prvu prepreku na Otvorenom prvenstvu SAD. U prvom kolu, Jankovi?eva je savladala Italijanku Robertu Vin?i sa 2:0, po setovima 6:2, 6:3.

      ?estitke Jeleni, neka samo tako nastavi.


      • Odg: WTA - JELENA JANKOVI?


        Ako je stvarno imala tragediju, ne zamerim joj.


        • Odg: WTA - JELENA JANKOVI?

          Evo i wilijams se zali na povredu...
          Jankovic nema sa kim da igra,svi su povredjeni... ;D
          Gdje Nato kaze, pa bilo kroz zid, ili u vatru, ili u vulkan, tu Mandusic ide bez pogovora!!!


          • Odg: WTA - JELENA JANKOVI?



            • Odg: WTA - JELENA JANKOVI?

              ..a zaradila je oko 1,7 miliona dolara.
              ...?? ????? ???? ;D
              "Kada ljudi, pripadnici srpske nacionalnosti, navijaju protiv legende srpskog i svetskog tenisa, Srbina NOVAKA DJOKOVICA, zbog nekog Svajcarca ili Spanca koji veze sa Srbijom nemaju, takvu situaciju mozemo nazvati ni manje ni vise nego najobicnija PERVERZIJA!" - ja


              • Odg: WTA - JELENA JANKOVI?

                BRAVO JELENA #$&+|r
                Trazite ljude koje biste voleli, to je tajna i uspeh citavog zivota...


                • Jela nam se malo zasitila tenisa rekao bih...

                  Jelena otvorila dušu: Džaba sve bez ljubavi

                  "Novac, kola, kuće, sve materijalno je nebitno ako nema ljubavi, zdravlja, skladne porodice i prijatelja", otkrila je Jelena Janković šta je pokreće u životu.

                  U banci ima milione, automobile marke Porše koje poseduje prestala je da broji posle četvrtog, skupocen nakit i haljine dobija na svakom koraku, gradi velelepnu kuću u San Dijegu. Sve to, međutim, ne čini Jelenu Janković srećnom, koja najveću radost pronalazi na skroz drugoj strani - u ljubavi, ali i zdravlju bliskih joj ljudi.

                  Jelena je posle poraza na Vimbldonu otvorila dušu pokazavši na ruci zlatni "kartije", prsten koji je dobila u Londonu.

                  "Poklonila ga mi je jedna draga žena, čije ime ne bih otkrivala. Rekla mi je da je to za dobar rad. Devojkama u svlačionici je bilo krivo što one nisu u mojoj poziciji. Ali, koliko god to bilo lepo, to su sve materijalne stvari, koje meni ne predstavljaju neku radost. Kada dobijem nešto, srećna sam pet minuta i to je to. Nisam opterećena time, niti sam od onih koji vode računa koliko čega imaju", izjavila je Džej Džej za "Novosti".

                  Ona je otkrila da postoje mnoge stvari koje je raduju u životu.

                  "U sportu, radujem se pobedama. U privatnom životu, tu je ljubav, radujem se zdravlju svoje porodice i prijatelja. To me čini zaista srećnom. Džaba mi i kuće i kola i pare, ako nemam ljubav, odnosno ako nemam sa kim to da podelim, ili ako su mi dragi ljudi bolesni ili bilo šta trpe. Zato je zdravlje najbitnije".

                  Ona je detaljno opisala prvi susret sa svojim dugogodišnjim dečkom Mlađanom Janovićem, crnogorskim vaterpolistom.

                  "Srela sam ga Olimpijskim igrama u Pekingu 2008. Izgubila sam meč, i išla u Mekdonalds, gde sam uzela ogroman bigmek, koka-kolu, pomfrit, neke pite, jer sam bila nervozna i nisam htela gladna da legnem u krevet. Sedela sam tako za stolom, skroz nesređena, obučena u trenerku koja mi je u donjem delu bila preširoka, a gore preuska. On mi je prišao i pitao da li sam prošla ili ne, iako je znao za rezultat. Nevoljno sam odgovorila, ali je Mlađan bio uporan, seo za sto i nastavio da ćaska. Tada sam ga prvi put malo bolje pogledala i shvatila da je veoma zgodan. Krenuli smo da pričamo, i tako je sve počelo. Hteo je da mi priđe i ranije, ali nije smeo od mog trenera Sančeza, koji je nosio trenerku sa natpisom Srbija. Mislio je da je to neki naš čovek, pa nije hteo pred njim da pokušava bilo šta. Tome smo se posle oboje smejali", otkrila je Jankovićeva.

                  Srpska teniserka rekla je da je veliki deo zarađenog novca uložila u porodičnu kuću u San Dijegu.

                  "Radimo na kući u San Dijegu, dosta je velika i zahteva mnogo posla. Ima 2.000 kvadrata, i unutra i spolja će imati sve o čemu sam sanjala - osam soba, teretanu, betonski teniski teren, đakuzi, vinariju, bioskop, i koji će moći udobno da se smesti 12 ljudi, trofejnu sobu, biblioteku i radni salon koji je već kaparisala moja mama, garažu za 10 automobila. Svi ćemo tu živeti, ali plašim se da ćemo se retko viđati, jer je dosta velika kuća".

                  Interesantno je da Jelena nije znala tačan broj automobila koji poseduje u svom voznom parku.

                  "Znam da imam šest poršea, koje sam osvajala na turnirima, jer je to bila glavna nagrada. Doduše, možda imam i četiri, jer sam dva prodala", kazala je Jankovićeva.

                  Uprkos izobilju, ona tvrdi da je i dalje motiviše igranje tenisa.

                  "Tenis igram ceo život i vredno radim svaki dan da budem najbolja što mogu. Nekada, ipak, stvari ne idu po očekivanju. U tim trenucima se treba izboriti za povratak na put pobeda. Normalno je da mi, kada izgubim, nije ni do čega, pa mi padaju samo crne misli na pamet, i govorim kako ima i drugih stvari koje me zanimaju. Nije uvek lako putovati, menjati zone iz nedelje u nedelju, buditi se po hotelima, igrati i kada vam nije do toga, trpeti sav taj pritisak godinama. Ali, borim se svom snagom da opet budem ona stara Jelena i izboriću se, sigurna sam. Nadam se dobroj sezoni".

                  Jelena je izjavila da će posle Vimbldona otići na sasluženi odmor kako bi povratila poljuljano samopouzdanje.

                  "Sleduje mi pravi odmor, i psihički i fizički. Želim da zaboravim na poraze i da čiste glave krenem u pripreme. Ne branim mnogo poena, prošle godine sam bila druga do Portoroža, posle čega sam rano izgubila na nekoliko turnira. To je bilo najviše zbog povrede zgloba. Zato mislim da mogu da napredujem i da vratim samopouzdanje koje mi nedostaje".

                  Jankovićeva obožava slatkiše. Najbolja potvrda za to je izjava sparing partnera Serene Vilijams, Saše Bajina koji je bio iznenađen kada je Jelenu u Londonu video kako nosi čak 25 krofni.

                  "Sreo me je, istina je. Išla sam iz supermarketa, nosila sam namirnice. Mama i ja smo iznajmile kuću ovde u blizini do kraja turnira, i nikako da ostanem malo duže na Vimbldonu pa i da iskoristim prednosti toga. Tek, videla sam u prodavnici paketiće sa krofnama, i rekoh da uzmem najveći, sa 12 komada. Volim krofne još otkako sam bila mala, volim i slatkiše, i ko me ne zna sigurno bi rekao 'koliko ova jede', a, srećom, mogu da jedem šta hoću i koliko hoću jer imam brz metabolizam", otkrila je Jelena i dodala da najviše voli kad njena mama kuva, iako je ovog puta hrana bila neukusna, jer je gospođa Snežana u London zaboravila da ponese vegetu "zbog silnih cipela koje je morala da spakuje".


                  • To Jeco...Konacno neki pravi rezultat i pobeda nad nekom jakom protivnicom...valjda ce nastaviti u dobrom ritmu.Sledeca je Peng.

                    SINSINATI: Jelena otpisala Skjavone

                    Najbolje rangirana srpska teniserka revanširala se Italijanki za poraz na Rolan Garosu i prošla u četvrtfinale - 6:3, 5:7, 6:4.

                    Jelena Janković plasirala se među osam najboljih na jednom turniru, prvi put u poslednja tri meseca.

                    Ona je u teškom meču savladala osmu teniserku sveta, Frančesku Skjavone, mada je imala odličnu šansu da završi posao u dva seta i tako poštedi sebe daljeg utroška energije.

                    Jelena je dobila prvi set (6:3) posle vođstva od 4:0, dok je u drugom imala 5:4 i servirala za pobedu. Pri rezultatu 30:30 uputila je odličan servis, ali je Skjavone dobro reternirala i i potom majstorskim lob udarcem stigla do 30:40.

                    Jankovićeva se iznervirala, izgubila taj gem, a onda i naredna dva, za izjednačenje na 1:1 u setovima.

                    Naša igračica našla se u psihološki teškoj situaciji, ali je isplivala iz krize i posle velike borbe dobila dvostruku uzastopnu finalistkinju Rolan Garosa (šampionka 2010).

                    "Protiv Frančeske nikada nije lako, ona je jedan od najvećih boraca na WTA Turu. Morala sam da dam sve od sebe, posebno u trećem setu. Borila sam se za svaki poen i uspela da pobedim. Meč je trajao više od dva i po sata, tako da sam baš umorna", rekla je Jelena.

                    Na ruku joj ide satnica, pošto će četvrtfinale sa Kineskinjom Šuaj Peng (15. na svetu) igrati u 1.00 po centralnoevropskom vremenu, kada i Novak Đoković sa Gaelom Monfisom.

                    Džej Džej "tukla" je Peng u prvih šest međusobnih okršaja, ali je ova uzvratila 2009. godine u Pekingu i zimus na Australijan openu.

                    Ako pobedi, u polufinalu ide na Andreu Petković ili Nađu Petrovu, dok su u drugom delu žreba parovi Zvonareva - Hantuhova i Šarapova - Stosur.

                    I nesto sa tviter o JJ

                    JJ's walked into our restaurant. Hilarity.

                    There is nothing more surreal than seeing Jelena, Rick, and Sneks, walk into an Applebees at midnight. NOTHING.

                    Ricardo left. Came back with a Burberry scarf. JJ is now wearing that Burberry scarf.


                    Snezana Jankovic takes off her sunglasses to wipe away tears. Huge win for Jelena. Wins a mental battle, avenges the French.

                    FortyDeuceTwits C Note

                    JJ walks into press with a huge smile and an "Oh my gaaaaaahd."

                    judy murray
                    I'm glad to see Ricky Sanchez is back working with JJ again. Seems to me he really "gets" her. I'm sure he can get her back on track.

                    JJ ce posle ovog turnira igrati New Haven

                    “We are delighted to welcome Jelena Jankovic, a former World No. 1 player with a wonderful fan-friendly personality, to the New Haven Open,” Worcester said. “There have only been 20 players in history that have reached the No. 1 ranking, so that speaks to her incredible talent. Adding her to our field, which already features many talented veterans and rising stars, is another reason fans should be excited to attend this year’s event.”

                    Zanimljiv tekst...;)

                    Last edited by draza; 19-08-11, 14:42.


                    • Intervju nakon pobede nad Benesovom.

                      J. JANKOVIC/I. Benesova
                      6-0, 6-3

                      Q. Talk about your match today. You obviously blew her away. What you did you do well?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: First of all, it's never easy to play your first match at a tournament, and especially for me when I lost to her last I think last year.
                      So I really just tried to focus from the first point, and really tried to, you know, be solid out there and, you know, do the right things.
                      You know, my first serve was pretty good, but one thing that I was not happy with was that I made quite a bit of double faults. So there are obviously things I have done well and things that I can do better.
                      But, you know, it's a first match. Hopefully I can just keep improving. I'm happy with the win overall.

                      Q. I saw you in practice earlier this week, and you seemed to be getting pretty frustrated with the mistakes you were making. Were you surprised to come out and win the first set 6-0 with how frustrated you were earlier in the week?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, obviously when you're training -- I'm a perfectionist, and I want to do things and I want to be better and I want to, you know, improve.
                      So obviously when I'm making mistakes in practice I'm not happy. But, you know, that shows that I care. You know, practicing and then going to play the match is completely different. Sometimes you can play so well in practice, and then you go to play a match and it seems like you didn't practice at all. You couldn't put one ball in the court.
                      I practiced well, but obviously, you know, you're going to make some mistakes there, and it's not so important to, you know, keep the ball in play in practice. You're working on certain things. Until you get it right, you're going to make mistakes.
                      In the match it's different, and you focus on tactics and what you're going to do. It's a completely different story.
                      I did pretty well today. I'm happy with the win.

                      Q. Is it hard to maintain focus after you've had a 6-0 set or things are so one-sided?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, it's never easy, because it can turn around easily and you have to focus from the first point in the second set.
                      That's what I did. I tried to keep my momentum going, and I didn't really want to let her come back into the match and start playing her game. So I thought I did pretty well.
                      There were some times, you know, certain, you know, periods of the match - especially in that second set - when I kind of stopped moving and I kind of, you know, I kind of stopped playing my game for a bit.
                      But then I came back again and served out the match and did okay.

                      Q. What's your impressions on playing in the new Court 3? What did you think of that?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I didn't know which one it was actually, which court that was, because I usually, you know, over the years I played on center court and grandstand. Then they told me Court 3 and I didn't know because it's a new one.
                      Throughout this week when I was practicing, I tried to test all the courts. I didn't play on that one. I played on Court 9, Court 7, Court 5, and then I play on Court 3. But it's okay. You know, it's a pretty good court.
                      I really like the facilities out here. There are so many courts. You know, I really enjoy to be here, and especially I won it here in 2009. So you always like coming back to certain places where you played well.

                      Q. I heard that you had an interesting delay on the way in to your match today. Talk about that.
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, you know, on our way to the site, we were driving, me and my coach and my mom and my sparring, and all of a sudden she was supposed to turn on the highway and then the car completely stopped.
                      Then my mom was like, Oh, this car is not working. We were like, What do you mean it's not working? It just stopped. It's not working. Something is wrong with it.
                      We looked, and it was zero gas inside the car. I was like, Oh, my God. Great. I have 20 minutes before my practice session.
                      And then, you know, luckily the gas station was like, you know, two minutes' walk. So me and my coach ran out to the gas station and bought that thing, that gallon that you put -- that you fill up. We kind of didn't know how you open this nozzle thing and stuff like that because it never happened. Then we ran out, you know, and then he put it in and it was okay. Then we got going.
                      But there were some players passing through and looking at us in the middle of the road, like, What is she doing up there?
                      Pretty funny. It's not how you begin the day, it's how you end it, so I'm glad I got my win and we got going. We arrived to the practice court.
                      When I came to the site, there was all these people that wanted autographs, and I'm like, Sorry guys; I'm late for practice. I got to go. I went straight to the court. They were all laughing. A lot of people found out because they saw me in the middle of the road.
                      I'm like, How do you know I got left out without gas? I saw you. I was like, Why you didn't stop to drive me back?

                      Q. Would you have stopped if you had seen one of your fellow players?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, sure. Why not? I think it's human. You know, you can help whoever it is if they have some problem.

                      But it was not a big deal. It was just I didn't want to be late for my practice session. It took ten minutes, but still, you're kind of panicking because you have a match.
                      But anyway, it was pretty funny, and now everybody knows about it.

                      Q. You and several other Serbian players were recently granted diplomatic status. Talk about that.
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, it's a huge honor for us to get a diplomatic passport. Over the past years we have done so well, and I think we are one of the greatest ambassadors for our country.
                      You know, it's written there like goodwill ambassador, so I'm proud to receive that. I think it's a great thing. Hopefully we can continue to, you know, represent our country in the best possible way.

                      Q. You're next match is against Jie Zheng, and you lead 4 to 1. What do you need to do well?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, she's a pretty solid player. She gets all these balls back and she is really -- she hits it flat. I haven't played against her in a while because, you know, she has I think been injured. But she's coming back, and I've seen the last couple matches that she played.
                      So, you know, we'll see. I just want to focus on my game and try to be positive out there and really move well and do what I do best. Hopefully it will go in a good way.

                      Q. What are the perks of a diplomatic passport?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I just kind of got it. I think I get to go in a faster lane, you know, when you're...
                      I don't know. When it comes to certain visas as well. I don't know really. I didn't use it yet to kind of know exactly the benefits. Maybe you can ask some other Serbian players, because when they were getting it I wasn't there.
                      So, you know, I guess I was, I don't know, in the States or somewhere when they were receiving those passports. So those players that were there, they used it for many months. I just got it, and I still haven't used it because I still have my old one that has a few pages left.
                      You know, because they give you a stamp, so until you get -- you know, you use, then, okay, you can take a new one.

                      Q. Not coming from a small country like Serbia, can we really understand the impact of someone like yourself or Djokovic who gets to No. 1 back at home?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: What do you mean? How big...

                      Q. I don't come from a small country like Serbia. Can we even understand the kind of impact that you've had at home?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: If you can believe, for example, for a country that has about maybe 8 million people and we have like three No. 1s in the world in tennis, you know, I think that's pretty impressive.
                      If somebody told us that when we began our careers, we would think it's a joke or it's not even -- it's like a mission impossible. But this shows that anything is achievable. Doesn't matter where you come from and what kind of facilities you have to train, if you're wealthy or poor.
                      I think with the will and with the desire and the hunger, the determination, you can achieve anything. We showed that, and, you know, I'm pretty proud that we have done so well. It's really amazing success for Serbian tennis, and hopefully we will inspire other younger generations to come our way as well.

                      Q. How do you feel about the combined men's/women's events? What did you see as the pros and are there some minuses?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: I think it's nice to have the combined event, especially now that we have these good facilities. We have lots of courts and big, you know, restaurants and big things that we can all fit inside.
                      I think those are the biggest issues that if we didn't have, you know, like a big player lounge or some small places and then we they all come in, there is no place to sit and you have to stand and eat lunch.
                      But we are lucky that we have good facilities and that we can all be here. It's nice for the fans to see men's and women's tennis and enjoy a lot of good tennis throughout the week.
                      And as well for me. I like to watch men's tennis and as well learn from them and see how they play and pick up some tips and learn.
                      So I'm happy that it is like this.

                      Q. Before your match today, you were outside. Were you just trying to get away from all the bodies in the players' lounge?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, you saw me there? I can't hide from anybody, I guess.

                      Q. I wasn't stalking you, but...
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Just before the match I kind of like to have some quiet time and just focus and think about, you know, what I have to do in the match.
                      And as well, just get my, you know, keep my energy and then stay calm. Then when I go on the court I feel good and I am ready to play, as if I'm running around all over and kind of losing my energy elsewhere.

                      Q. You're a veteran. After all this time...
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Veteran? (Laughter.) I'm 26 years old. You call me already a veteran. (Laughter.)

                      Q. I'm sorry. After all this time, what motivates you?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: You know, I'm still happy to be on the court every time, and I'm really happy to work, especially on the practice court. There were times when I didn't really -- you know, it was tough hitting balls every day and doing the same things over and over again.
                      But, you know, I found ways to kind of motivate myself and kind of find fun routines, different exercises and different things that push me to work on my game and get better.
                      I think in any profession if you just keep -- like I guess you guys -- if you're just writing the same articles and doing the same thing every day, or if you're -- if you love pizza but if you eat it every day, you're eventually going to get sick of it.
                      I think you have to kind of mix it up and find some balance between your sport and some other things that you like to do and then stay happy.
                      So I think for me, I play better when I'm happy off the court as well. When I go on the court, I go with a smile on my face and I'm happy to be hitting balls and working on my tennis game.
                      So so far, you know, I've been working pretty hard to come back in form again. For me, the biggest thing is to stay healthy so I can go out on the court and not think about, Oh, I have pain here and there and all of these things. So far so good. So I'm knocking on would.

                      Q. Novak is having a great year. Can you comment about his year from a players' standpoint? Do you see anyone on the women's side being able to do what he's done, for instance?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. It's so tough to say, because what he's done, you can just, you know, put your hat down. It's really unbelievable.

                      Q. Is there anything you've learned from watching him over the last year?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: You know, you can watch, but I think... (laughing.) You can always watch. I think the other players are watching, too, especially the men that are playing against him. But they can't do anything.
                      So it's easier to say and speak, but it's tougher to do it, you know, in practice; it's just theory.
                      You know, I just wish him a lot of luck, you know, to continue like that. Hopefully, you know, he can, you know, finish this season strong and finish as the best player in the world that he has been so far this season.
                      So really congratulations to him. I think he's the best one in this moment, and has been since the beginning of the year. He has been playing so well. One thing that's amazing is that he's keeping his form for so long, which not many players can do and have done maybe in the past, which is very hard.
                      A lot of players play well certain parts of the season, but they cannot play so consistently well the whole year. He has lost only one match since January, so that shows how impressive his game and his mentality has been.
                      The most important thing I think is that he's mentally really, really strong, and I think he breaks down a lot of the players with, you know, his toughness.
                      So unbelievable.

                      Q. Are we going to see you together in mixed doubles maybe?

                      JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I'm playing actually -- I don't think he will be playing mixed doubles in Olympic Games. I'm playing mixed doubles with Tipsarevic. He's my old friend from juniors. We won in mixed doubles juniors when we were 15 years old. So we have one title together, which is good for the beginning.

                      Q. Would you say you had fun today?
                      JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I did have fun today. It's always fun. And especially it's fun when you win. It's never fun when you lose. Even when you played well.
                      Anyway, like I said, just got to go on the court and just try to have fun and play your tennis. Sometimes you can't do everything perfect. When you make mistakes, keep positive and keep going. I did that today, and hopefully I'll just keep getting better and better.


                      • Intervju nakon pobede nad Zheng.

                        Nisam luda za treninzima ali volim da se takmicim

                        J. JANKOVIC/J. Zheng
                        4-6, 6-3, 6-1

                        Q. How you think you did today?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Um, you know, I felt pretty good, you know, throughout the whole match. Then I had a big lead in the first set. I was up 4-1 and then, you know, I thought I had some bad calls. There was like three or four bad calls from the umpire.
                        I really didn't agree with those. But unfortunately we didn't have the challenge there, and so I had to just go, you know, with it, you know, and just kind of focus.
                        But anyway, I lost that first set, and then I kind of regrouped and then started from the beginning. Then, you know, I started playing better and I continued with my tactics. You know, I thought I did the right things.
                        Then in the third set, I just had to still stay strong, especially in the heat. It was not easy. It was pretty hot out there, and I think I got a nice tan being in the sun for, I don't know, three hours or something.
                        But the most important thing is that I got a win, so I get to go to the next round.

                        Q. Were you happier with how you served today?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I served pretty well. I think Zheng is a really good returner and she really picks up those balls. Even though sometimes you hit a really good serve, then she can come up with even better returns.
                        So you have to be alert and ready that anything can come back. And as well from the groundstrokes. She can just pick those up like, I don't know, very few players can do what she can do. You really hit a deep ball and she stays so low and returns such a hard and flat ball.
                        So, I mean, she really, you know, gave me a hard time. It was a battle out there. But I was, you know, at the end the luckier one.

                        Q. In Canada and here we've had a lot upsets. Why do you think that's happening?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: You know, I can speak on my behalf, because, you know, I'm one of those players that the more I play the better I get. I haven't competed in a while, so obviously, you know, when I was in Toronto I felt like I haven't played any matches in the year. That's how I felt.
                        I had no idea what I was doing on the court, and I made bad decisions and kind of was thinking too much and all of that. So it's completely different playing and practicing and being under pressure and doing the right things in the important times of the matches.
                        So this tournament I'm doing better. I'm happy that I'm in the third round. I thought I played better today than I did yesterday, so that's a positive thing. Hopefully I can keep improving.

                        Q. Looks like we have a familiar face back in your box. Talk about working with Ricardo Sanchez again.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: He's here doing some business, so we are good friends and he's helping me out here a little bit. So we'll see. You know, we know each other for a long time and, you know, it's nice to see him here as well.

                        Q. What do you think you're doing better and worse than when you were No. 1 in 2008?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: I think, you know, obviously when I was playing and I was No. 1, I was maybe moving better than I am now. But I think I'm starting to move good again, so I don't want to put myself down and say that I'm not moving well.
                        I think my serve is better maybe than when I was No. 1 in the world. But I think overall, you know, it has as well to do with the confidence and motivation and a lot of other things, not just the tennis game.
                        So with all that said, your game can kind of fall apart at times when you don't feel 100% motivated or you don't really have the confidence, you haven't played many matches and all that.
                        But, you know, I don't want to complain right now. I'm doing well in this moment, this tournament, so I want to continue. There is still, you know, almost, you know, maybe three months of playing, and anything can happen.
                        You know, I can be even better than I ever was; that's my goal. I still have a lot of things to prove, not just to other people, but to myself. That's why I play this game. I still enjoy it.
                        The most important thing I enjoy competing. I'm not too crazy about practicing, and sometimes I wish I could just go and compete, because I always have been a good competitor.
                        But in order to compete well and do well in tournaments, you've got to put a lot hours of training, even though I'm talented and all of that. You can't do it without hard work.
                        So there was times when I was kind of being lazy and stuff like that, but now I'm back on track. I really am working hard again, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to come back to the top again.

                        Q. What changed the match? First set was close and then you started rolling in the second and third sets.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: You know, I was up 4-1 and I kind of thought I lost my focus. I got a few bad calls. I hit an ace and then some lines. And I don't know what the rule is when the girl calls the ball out during the point and then she continues to play. I don't know if that's allowed or not? Is that allowed? What are the rules?
                        For example, she was running to hit a ball and nobody called anything, but she said, Out, my opponent. Then, you know, I was standing and looking, and then all of a sudden she's running, she is continuing to play.

                        Q. I thought you had to stop play.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, then I asked the umpire. You know, I mean, she called it out. When you call the ball out you have to stop. The point is over. Then she goes, No, no, it's my decision.
                        I said, Okay. Somebody can just talk to you during the point and then you can just continue I guess. Okay. I learned something new. (Laughter.)
                        I have no idea.

                        Q. Did you pick up anything on her serve? You were breaking her a lot more frequently.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I tried to -- I was serving well and holding my serve pretty well, but then on her service games I tried to put some pressure on her serve when I'm returning.
                        But as well when I would come up with some good shots I would hit them flat and hard, and she would come up with an even better one with her groundstrokes. She has those really flat and low groundstrokes that are tough to return.
                        So I had to stay low myself and kind of pick those up and kind of hold my ground, which was not easy to do during those three sets. But I managed to do it, and I'm happy with the win.

                        Q. You said you felt like you got a couple bad calls. Do you think she did as well?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: You think?

                        Q. I'm wondering if you did.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: I think they all went her way, especially in that first set. Did you watch?

                        Q. I watched, yeah, the second and third.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: No, the first.

                        Q. I missed the first.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh. Maybe there was one bad call, but that's 4 to 1. But that doesn't matter anyway. When you don't have the challenge, really it can go either way. Those calls are so close, and obviously we didn't play on the court that had a challenge.
                        So, I mean, it can go either way. You just have to go with it and try to focus and forget about it. If you thought there was a bad call, that it should have been your point, you still have to go and continue and fight and focus and do your job. I mean...

                        Q. At the end of the third set, you were up by quite a lot but you your body language seemed like it was so-so.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, you know, maybe because I really wanted to win and I sometimes got frustrated with myself because sometimes I would kind of, you know -- I don't know, I would lose my intensity and I would kind of relax a bit.
                        At this level, you know, you cannot really relax. You have to be on the top and really ready the whole time. As soon as you relax and kind of your body language goes down and your game goes down a level, your opponent can see that and pick up her game and gain confidence.
                        That's my mistake sometimes of showing that. Kind of you know, sometimes being, you know, in that kind of, you know, mood. But I changed that and I won, so that's what matters.

                        Q. In the third set, right after you broke her the second time to start, she got really frustrated. What do you do as a player to capitalize on that when you know your opponent is really getting frustrated? Is it increase your focus? Do you do anything differently?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, I mean, when you're playing, it's a roller coaster out there. She gets frustrated; I get frustrated. She's happy with the way she's playing; I'm not. Then the opposite. So.
                        It's the way it goes. We're there battling, and obviously we all want to win, whoever is in this tournament. It's not like we're in a picnic just hanging out there having a nice time. And especially we're fighting in like 100 degrees out there. It's not easy at all.
                        But obviously when you see your opponent, you know, having a hard time, you kind of know you're doing the right things and you want to continue, you know, to finish and kind of knock your opponent down. Like in a box ring when you have him like falling, you want to do the last punch and kind of finish it off.
                        That's what you kind of try to do and focus on. You don't want to let the opponent come back into the match, especially her. She is one of the greatest fighters out there. She never gives up; she's always there until the last ball; she's not going to give you much; you have to earn everything; she's really solid off the ground.
                        So, I mean, it was a tough match overall.

                        Q. Has the weather helped you this year? Last year was extremely hot.
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: I remember I think for me one of the worst memories was playing the finals here in 2009. I remember I was warming up for the finals, and I went on court and I only practiced for 15 minutes; I came off the court and I was red like a tomato.
                        I thought, I don't know how I'm going to play the finals. Really I felt like dizzy and it was like I went in a sauna and I came out and I just felt like the whole world was turning. But then I went on court and I felt like fresh as a daisy.
                        So I mean, it's really -- I don't know how to explain. I mean, sometimes with the will and you know you want to do something really bad, I think you can do anything. Doesn't matter how hot it is outside or whatever the circumstances. I think if you want it and you're willing to do whatever it takes, I think you can achieve.

                        Q. Is the weather here better this year?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: So far it has been pretty good, but I'm getting darker and darker and getting burned every day. But I don't care, you know, as long as I'm winning.

                        Q. Caroline Wozniacki, the pressure she's under right now, can you empathize with her?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know, you know, it's tough to say. From my opinion, I don't think she should feel any pressure. She has achieved quite a lot, especially at a young age. She will have a long career, and she still has a lot a lot of time ahead of her to prove herself and to do whatever she wants to do in her career.
                        Because at the end of the day, you know, she plays tennis I guess for herself, not because some other people are going to say this or that about her or about any other player.
                        You know, she just, I think, lost today and she had a hard time, but, you know, I think she's as well one of those players - like me - that she has hasn't competed much, hasn't played the amount of tournaments she likes to usually play and the matches she likes to play.
                        Maybe in this moment she's having a bit of a hard time to get into her rhythm and get the confidence. Like I said, you know, it's not the same, you know, hitting balls in practice and doing that millions of times.
                        But then when you get in the match, you kind of don't have the security, you know, you don't have maybe the belief in your shots. You haven't been competing for a while, so you kind of having some doubts here and there.
                        That all shows. That's, I guess, the way it is. But I mean, it happens to everybody. It's not like she's the only one or I'm the only one. That's part of the sport. It's just a matter of how you get back and how you -- I mean, you move from there and try to get better next time.

                        Q. We're getting close to the US Open and the first time Serena has been back there since her episode. What do you remember from when you saw that for the first time?
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: When I saw Serena coming back?

                        Q. When you saw her have her outburst two years ago against Clijsters at the US Open. What were your thoughts when you first saw that? Remember when she was...
                        JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh, I don't want to comment on that. Yeah, I don't want really want to say anything about that. That's the way it was, and I prefer not to say anything.


                        • Tako to rade sampioni. prekorenu los period u velikom stilu
                          Ko se nadao finalu Sinsinatija nakon proslonedeljne katastrofe.

                          Nema sta, sjajna igra Jelene, lose je pocela napravila dosta neiznudjenih gresaka ali kada je vratila brejk u prvom setu drzala je svoj servis ubedljivo.
                          Dobar mec generalno(sem starta), divni poeni i razmene. JJ na mrezi kad je raspolozena izgleda kao da su joj voleji omiljeni udarci.
                          Prvi servis joj je mnogo efikasniji postao, odlucnije ga servira.

                          statistika kaze
                          JJ vise asova, vise duplih, vise vinera, vise neiznjudenjih, vise poena, vise brejkova ....

                          lep pozdrav na kraju meca, zagrljaj i caskanje..


                          • JJ je promenila sponzora, vise nije ona Anta, nego je sad Fila

                            I'm proud to announce my new sponsorship agreement with Fila. I have always been attracted to Fila’s fashion-forward designs and especially appreciate their commitment to infusing our sport with beauty and fashion. Fila has such a rich tennis history and it is an honor to be wearing the same brand as the stars I admired as a child.
                            evo i slicice:


                            Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                            Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                            with experience.


                            • Jelena Jankovic @jelena_jankovic
                              Went shopping on Champs d'Elysees in Paris. Put my bag down, turned around, and my bag was stolen! It happened so fast!
                              Tom, your music is the best drinking partner I've ever had.


                              • Mnogo je smesna ova Jelena, cele godine, pa i prosle, ispada samo u prvim ili drugim kolima turnira, a danas je jos napredovala sa 21. na 20. poziciju. Kad je ona u top 20, po tome se vidi koliko je zenski tenis smesan, cast izuzecima!

