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Novi lockout preti NHLu!

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  • Novi lockout preti NHLu!

    Taman sam se jutros poradovao vracanju Sidney Crosby-a na led veceras protiv New York Rangers-a,kad naleteh na ovo!
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    BOCA RATON, Fla. -- The uncertainty surrounding the NHL's collective bargaining agreement has prompted the league to call off next fall's games in Europe.

    A senior league source confirms the season-opening overseas games will not be held for the first time since 2007.

    The collective bargaining agreement is set to expire Sept. 15 so there is no guarantee there will be games to play.

    The league's general managers wrapped up their meeting Wednesday preaching "business as usual" heading into the CBA negotiations.

    Deputy commissioner Bill Daly addressed bargaining during the final session with GMs and commissioner Gary Bettman discussed it with reporters afterwards.

    Bettman wouldn't comment on what the next CBA may look like.

    "But the CBA that we currently have is in effect until Sept. 15 and we told clubs to continue to operate under the CBA," he said.

    To date, there have been no formal bargaining talks between the league and NHL Players' Association.

    However, the sides have discussed the status of the premiere games for next season.

    There was a desire to schedule them, but an agreement couldn't be reach between the league and the NHLPA over how cancellation costs would be handled in the event of a work stoppage, according to two sources.

    The NHL lost the entire 2004-05 season to a lockout the last time the sides negotiated a collective agreement.

    On Wednesday, Bettman expressed confidence that there is still plenty of time to avoid a repeat of that scenario -- saying he's "not worried" on more than one occasion -- and indicated the league is ready to start negotiations at any time. The NHLPA wants to wait until the season is over.

    "We are continuing to meet with players across the league as part of our preparations for the upcoming CBA negotiations," executive director Donald Fehr said in a statement. "At our request, the NHL recently supplied the NHLPA with some initial financial information that we are currently reviewing. While we do not have a set date for formal negotiations to begin, we expect negotiations will begin when we have players available to participate in bargaining sessions."
    Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC

  • #2

    Ne sviđa mi se nimalo...

    Vlasnici ovdje kažu definitivno da neće pristati na kolektivni ugovor koji je još uvijek na snazi, a istječe u 9. mjesecu.

    Sastanči se, a definitivno se ništa ne dogovara i ne ide se naprijed, za sada... Samo nam je preostalo čekati...
    "Postoji jedno nepisano tenisko pravilo koje kaže sljedeće - ako vidite da loptica ide vani, onda je pustite da ide vani"-- Mićo Dušanović - finale Wimbledona 07.07.2013. godine.


    • #3
      Realno nikada drugu opciju ni nismo imali (navijaci),a niti cemo. Nazalost.
      Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


      • #4
        Po meni su stvarno malo zastranili.

        Na kraju se ova igra kao i sve ostale igra radi gledatelja i najviše para ide prodajom vezanom za gledatelje, em karte, em tv prava(opet netko to mora gledati) i stvarno su malo sebični i jedni i drugi, tu se zezaju radi 2-3 posto dok oni koji su stvarno oštečeni i koji rade za crkavicu da bi prehranili obitelj ostaju zakinuti, dok se oni ebu dal' će zaraditi 1.3 milijuna ili 1.4 milijuna na sezonu.

        Trebali bi mi njih jednu sezonu bojkotirat pa da vidimo koliko će zarađivati.
        "Postoji jedno nepisano tenisko pravilo koje kaže sljedeće - ako vidite da loptica ide vani, onda je pustite da ide vani"-- Mićo Dušanović - finale Wimbledona 07.07.2013. godine.


        • #5
          Tih dva-tri posto je ogleda u milionima. Nije to nimalo mala para.
          Treba traziti kompromis,ali ovi tvrdoglavi ko mazge.
          Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


          • #6
            Nije mala para meni i tebi, ali njima kolektivno je, po mom mišljenju. Igrali su pod tim ugovorom koliko 4-5 godina i sada ne mogu nastaviti?

            Kažem trebaju mediji, ljudi, tv postaje(svi oni koji gube sa ovakvom situacijom, što novčano što na druge načine) bojkotirati njih pa češ viditi kako se ploča mjenja i dogovori dogovaraju.

            Zastranili su, ali tako je kako je. Razumijem sve... Samo je problem što je to postalo normalno.
            Last edited by Clint_Eastwood; 24-08-12, 00:32.
            "Postoji jedno nepisano tenisko pravilo koje kaže sljedeće - ako vidite da loptica ide vani, onda je pustite da ide vani"-- Mićo Dušanović - finale Wimbledona 07.07.2013. godine.


            • #7
              Nazalost NHL i NHLPA (Player assosiation) su prekinuli svake dalje pregovore. Ima jos vremena za dogovor,ali malo. Ovo ne izgleda dobro uopste!
              Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


              • #8
                Liverpool, možda mi ljubitelji NHL-a ipak dođemo na svoje na vrijeme. Ja se nadam najboljemu.
                "Postoji jedno nepisano tenisko pravilo koje kaže sljedeće - ako vidite da loptica ide vani, onda je pustite da ide vani"-- Mićo Dušanović - finale Wimbledona 07.07.2013. godine.


                • #9
                  Da,ali ovo ipak ne mirise na dobro Sutra istice trenutni CBA
                  Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                  • #10
                    Ovime i zvanicno pocinje lockout 2012/13...nadam se da nece dugo potrajati

                    The following message to fans was issued by the National Hockey League on Sunday:

                    Despite the expiration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the National Hockey League has been, and remains, committed to negotiating around the clock to reach a new CBA that is fair to the Players and to the 30 NHL teams.

                    Thanks to the conditions fostered by seven seasons under the previous CBA, competitive balance has created arguably the most meaningful regular season in pro sports; a different team has won the Stanley Cup every year; fans and sponsors have agreed the game is at its best, and the League has generated remarkable growth and momentum. While our last CBA negotiation resulted in a seismic change in the League's economic system, and produced corresponding on-ice benefits, our current negotiation is focused on a fairer and more sustainable division of revenues with the Players -- as well as other necessary adjustments consistent with the objectives of the economic system we developed jointly with the NHL Players' Association seven years ago. Those adjustments are attainable through sensible, focused negotiation -- not through rhetoric.

                    This is a time of year for all attention to be focused on the ice, not on a meeting room. The League, the Clubs and the Players all have a stake in resolving our bargaining issues appropriately and getting the puck dropped as soon as possible. We owe it to each other, to the game and, most of all, to the fans.
                    Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                    • #11
                      Otkazane sve utakmice od 11 do 24 oktobra Verujem da se ponavlja 2004/05 i da ove godine necemo gledati NHL. Ipak je novac najvaznija stvar


                      • #12
                        Uskoro novi pregovori,pa onda sledece nedelje.
                        Slabo to ide
                        Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


                        • #13
                          Napokon se dogovorise!


                          • #14
                            O konacno...ali sezona ce biti kratka samo tako


                            • #15
                              NAPOKON SE DOGOVORISE!!!!!!!!

