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Free agency, draft, preseason...

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  • Zapravo, draft je dosta dobar za ono sto mi trazimo, a to je talenat na defanzivnoj liniji. Kazem i Mercilus i Still su All American, sto ce reci da imaju mnogo kvaliteta. Imamo srece da je Poe razvalio Combine, neko ce ga draftovati samo zato sto izbacuje iz benca 44 puta, a nema kvalitet kao ova dvojica. A diffrence makeri u napadu nam ne trebaju a oticice brzo. Tako da bi ovo mogao da bude dobar draft, naravno ako Bill ne sidje sa uma pa krene da se igra sa timom i nasim zivcima.
    Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


    • Samo da se ne odluci da trejduje nekog od pikova prve runde za vise nekih izbora u drugoj i trecoj rundi,jer je i to moguce ne znam koliko tacno imamo sve ukopno pikova ali mi se cine da nemamo u svakoj rundi barem po jedan pik.


      • Timmy look out. Mozda je Peytonu Denver i najbolji fit kada se sve uzme u obzir, ne znam jedino koliko mogu da ga plate, sigurno ne koliko Miami i Wash, ali biti QB u Mile High City, uz onakvu odbranu i ofanzivnu linijuto je nesto sjajno. Slaba divizija takodje.
        Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


        • ESPN's Adam Schefter reported on SportsCenter that, in the "estimation of many people around the league," the Dolphins are losing steam in the sweepstakes for free agent Peyton Manning.
          Without providing detail, Schefter cited the same reasons that drove away Jim Harbaugh and Jeff Fisher. "I think there are certain circumstances that prevented certain people from choosing Miami," Schefter said. "And I think that those factors will come into play with Peyton Manning." Added Schefter, "I think their chances right now are dwindling some. ... Miami doesn't seem to have an advantage that it did a few days ago, in the estimation of many people around the league."
          Nesto svi beze od Miami-ja mozda ce i Peyton......

          Mislim da bi mu Denver odgovarao solidna su ekipa,odbrana im je dobra Von Miller i kompanija nisu losi,a ako dodje Peyton on ce privuci nekog solidnog WR sto njima sada fali po mom misljenju a i AFC West nije nesto narucito jaka divizija.


          • Realno, Elway ume da pregovara i ubedi, pogotovo jednog QBa kojeg su dosta uporedjivali sa njim. Po meni, 3 favorita suWashington, Denver, Texans, Jets, otprilike tim redom. Ali necemo nista znati jos jedno 2, 3 nedelje sigurno.
            Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


            • Bil i pored sveg naseg nadanja birati nece DE/OLB u prvoj rundi. DL , OL ili nekog u Sekanderiju. Cox bi bio idealan ali odradio je proveru dobro tako da ce tesko pasti do nas. Stil nije materijal za 34DE . na drugom mestu rekoh da se nadam cak dvojci DT/DE u prve dve runde. Brockers i Thompson a moze i Crick. to je osnova svega.
              Pravo mesto za diskusiju o americkom fudbalu

              madden balkanska liga


              • Otpustismo Brandon-a...

                "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                • Procitao, nesto ne vidim sa kim bi mogli da ga zamene. Mozda draftuju Balla.
                  Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


                  • A i stace vam,dok je Ilija tu nema problema za vas.


                    • Ma, meni je mnogo gotivan lik, a i davao nam je jednu potpuno novu dimenziju u napadu, on i Ahmad dva potpuno razlicita RB-a. Al' dobro, verujem da front office zna sta radi.

                      "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                      • Redskins acquired the No. 2 overall pick from the Rams in exchange for three first-round picks, including No. 6 overall this year, and Washington's 2012 second-round selection.
                        FOX Sports' Jay Glazer reports that St. Louis and Washington will exchange first-round picks this year. The Rams will get the Skins' first-round picks in 2013 and 2014. The Redskins are now positioned to draft Baylor QB Robert Griffin III, or Stanford QB Andrew Luck if the Colts pull a fast one at No. 1. New Rams coach Jeff Fisher and GM Les Snead were intent on putting their "stamp" on the St. Louis organization with a lofty draft-pick haul in year one, and they've got it in exchange for moving down only four spots. We still love the deal for Washington. They're absolutely going to get a franchise quarterback, and will still be all systems go in free agency. The Browns have been left in the dust.
                        Sada znamo gde ce RGIII,po meni malo mnogo za njega,ovo verovatno znaci da Peyton nece u Redskins-e.


                        • Jets signed QB Mark Sanchez to three-year, $40.5 million extension through 2016.
                          It's an apology extension. The Jets put out feelers for Peyton Manning, and they were quickly rebuffed. This is Mike Tannenbaum and Woody Johnson's way of saying sorry. On the bright side, the extension should lower Sanchez's salary cap number in 2012, giving the Jets room to operate in free agency. The downside is much worse, of course, especially if Sanchez continues his regression. At the very best, he's plateaued since entering the league. The extension will make the Jets a much less enticing landing spot for free agent quarterbacks that want a legitimate chance to start. Sanchez won't be "competing" for his job anymore.
                          Dobre vesti za Pats-e ovaj lik jos ostaje u AFC East


                          • Ne mislim da je mnogo, RG III je beast, i na vecini drugih draftova bi bio prvi pick. Ono sto bi moglo jako da mu ide u prilog je da ako postoji ogromno trziste bez zvezdi, to je Washington. Ako uspe tim da doslepa do PO u sledecih 2, 3 godine, kupace se u parama.

                            A za Sancheza ne mora nista da znaci, mozda dovedu Peytona.
                            Last edited by Nebojsa; 10-03-12, 11:50.
                            Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda


                            • Cudi me pa Browns-i nisu pokusali da iskoriste ova svoja dva pika iz prve runde sto imaju ove godine,znacili to da nastavljaju dalje sa McCoy koji je prosecan QB a mogli su da nabave mladu svezdu sa neverovatnim potencijalom.

                              Kako sada stvari stoje Peyton nece u Jets-e i Redskins-e,sve mi se vise i vise cini Denver kako mesto za njega.........


                              • Ili mozda ce uzeti Weedena, Wilsona ili Tannerhilla sa svojim drugim pickom. Videcemo, meni se Colt svidja.

                                Pojavile su se informacije da cemo mozda vec do utorka znati gde ce Peyton. To bi znacilo da je dobio ponudu koja se ne moze odbiti. Moj tip ako je tako - Miami. Onaj ludak od gazde hoce da mu da sve sto ima, plus kontrolu nad timom.
                                Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda

