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Nole, idi u peršun!

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  • Originally posted by proudNolee View Post
    Meni je ovaj trofej baš simpatičan, Novaku nekako lijepo pristaje a zar 2009 nije bio drugačiji?
    Svaki trofej Noletu lepo pristaje... ajmo po novi



    • Ide repriza na SK 1,pa ko zeli,malo opustenog gledanja
      sigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee

      ''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...


      • ne moras 2x reci


        • Sve čestitke majstoru na tituli !!!

          Sada u London po novi trofej


          • Ako Nole osvoji London bice ista sezona kao prosla, samo ipak mislim da ce to biti malo teze nego prosle godine. Jedino sto se moze zameriti Noletu je sto barem u ovoj i prosloj godini nije uzeo 2 slama, a mogao je i ove i prosle us open, steta nadam se da ce u 2014 barem 2 slama osvojiti


            • Ako Nole osvoji London bice bolja sezona od prosle (bar po trofejima). Imao bi 1 GS, 3 Masters 1000, Masters kup i 2 turnira ATP 500. Znaci jednu titulu ATP 500 vise

              Originally posted by straxx90 View Post
              Jedino sto se moze zameriti Noletu je sto barem u ovoj i prosloj godini nije uzeo 2 slama, a mogao je i ove i prosle us open, steta nadam se da ce u 2014 barem 2 slama osvojiti
              Slazem se.
              Last edited by Zzz; 03-11-13, 19:27.


              • Bilo bi dobro da uzme DC ako ne bude uzeo London, ali u DC se ne pita on mislim da niko ne sumnja u njegove 2 pobede


                • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                  16. Masters, stizemo drogasa, 40. titula u karijeri, dobrodosao u klub, sjedi, udobno se smjesti. U tom samo su, jos samo Edberg, Muster i Becker. Prvi ima 41, drugi 44, a treci 49 titula. Mjesto broj 15 svih vremena ako pricamo o titulama.
                  Nadal sest poraza u sezoni, Djokovic devet. Da se nije glupirao na Slamovima bila bi ovo strasna godina. Novak naravno najvise pobjeda u sezoni.

                  Neverovatni rezultati,a ima realno jos 4 jake godine po meni,verujem da ce brojka biti mnogo veca.

                  E to sto si rekao za slemove je velika istina.Tu ostaje najveca zal,kao i 2012 igrao je tri finala,a jedno samo dobio.Naravno razmazio nas je,ali morao je dobiti makar jos jedno slem finale,ubedljivo je najkonstantiniji igrac,cak mislim da je trebao da ima 8 slemova(Us 2012 i Rg 2013 racunam da je poklonio protivnicima),ali jbg sta je tu je...

                  Sve ovo je odlican temelj za sledecu godinu i ovo sigurno stvara pritisak na Nadala,mnogo lakse je biti lovac nego lovina.Samo Novak bi morao sledece godine da uzme makar dva slema od 4,to mora biti prioritet.


                  • 40. pehar na 160. turniru
                    16. masters
                    6. visestruki (iw, majami, rim, kanada, sangaj, bersi)
                    200. dobijen masters mec (agasi 209, sampras 190..)
                    99. u dvorani (stoti lovi u londonu)
                    17-0 niz...treci za sad, od ranije ima 43-0 i 22-0


                    • Originally posted by cssr View Post
                      40. pehar na 160. turniru
                      16. masters
                      6. visestruki (iw, majami, rim, kanada, sangaj, bersi)
                      200. dobijen masters mec (agasi 209, sampras 190..)
                      99. u dvorani (stoti lovi u londonu)
                      17-0 niz...treci za sad, od ranije ima 43-0 i 22-0
                      On me najviše zanima.

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Djokovic: "My best tennis of the year"

                        Novak Djokovic claimed the BNP Paribas Masters trophy from David Ferrer on Sunday, taking his third straight ATP title and his 16th Masters 1000 trophy. He spoke to reporters after the match.

                        You won your match in straight sets, but how tough was it to beat David Ferrer?
                        David is the defending champion, and obviously he enjoys playing on this surface and in these conditions. I knew coming into the match that I would have to work for my points. In the opening four or five games he was the better player. In the second set, I was fortunate to come back in the match. He gave me the game with a few unforced errors. Then when the chances were presented to me, I managed to use them. It was very physical, but in the last few games of both sets it was more a mental game. Physically I didn't feel as good today, but on important points I managed to play the right shots.

                        David says indoor might be his best surface. What makes his game work so well in these conditions here?
                        He's always very solid on every surface. You know you can expect a very competitive spirit from the first to the last point, fighting for every ball. His game does not go too much up and down, he’s always at a very high level. He has improved on certain things too. His serve is much more efficient and he's coming to the net more. Against a player like him you need to serve well to get few extra free points. If you don't, then you get into his machine and he wears you down. That's why he's been one of the best players in the world these last few years. David’s a great competitor, one of the most respected guys on tour because he works so hard and he's very humble and such a nice person.

                        This is the first time you have won three straight tournaments since spring in 2011. Does this mean you're back up to your best level?
                        I am definitely playing the best tennis I have so far this year, including the start of the year when I won the Australian Open and Dubai. The summer was up and down for me and now I'm once again playing at a very high level. I have lots of confidence in myself and in my game and I’m enjoy tennis and enjoying competing. The schedule is good for me too, even though it's going to be three weeks in a row now, with Paris, London and then the Davis Cup final. Physically it's very demanding, but it's not just me who is tired. All the top players have had long seasons, and you just have to try to find strength and a way to recuperate. Every day really matters now. I have to do things properly in order to play all the matches at a high level.

                        Is the calendar reasonable, expecting you to go from Asia to Paris, then the World Tour Finals in London followed by the Davis Cup?
                        It's a very delicate situation with scheduling this year, but it's the same for everybody. All the eight quarter-finalists here are the eight players who will be in London. We all showed how much we respect this tournament and how we really wanted to play well here. Of course for David and me, it's going to be more physically demanding but we have to accept it. Maybe some players could be tempted to think it's smarter to conserve yourself physically and mentally in order to be ready for London. But I don't think that way. I need to play well and go far in tournaments like these. I need to win every match. From tonight I’m going to start thinking about London because on Tuesday night I’m up against Roger Federer again, which is always a huge challenge.

                        David Ferrer: "Tired, but happy with my game"
                        “It was a really good match today with great rallies. I think I played better than I did yesterday when I beat Rafael Nadal, but I lost. I didn’t serve well when I needed to. When you’re playing against Novak, it's impossible to beat him if you don’t take your chances. I had no problems with my concentration, I just made a lot of mistakes because the match was so close. I tried to fight hard and now I am really tired. I think I have played six tournaments in a row. But I am happy with my game. I have played well these last weeks. Now I need to relax and be with my team and then I’ll focus on London."


                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • sigpic

                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                            On me najviše zanima.
                            Ide to do 24 ove godine, a posle i preko 30, bez frke... Mozda moze i preko 40, ako se bas nameraci na #1... Ne bih se bunio.


                            • Taj niz i vuče sve ostalo.

                              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                              • To, implikacija i ekvivalencija svugde unaokolo...

