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Nole, idi u peršun!

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  • Shninka se malo šali.

    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


    • Ma ne salim, oduvijek mi je Novak bio bas puno zreliji i bolji. Desavalo se naravno da Andy ima vise od igre i bolji rezultat u par meceva, ali bi mu Novak vrlo brzo pokazao gdje mu je mjesto. Koliko god se Andy popravio i koliko god mu nezgodan bio, od Novaka ocekujem vrhunsko kretanje i odlicno raspolozenje. Bio bih bas iznenadjen kada bi Andy uspio uzeti 2 seta...3-1 mi je nekako najrealnije, mada mislim da ce biti i 3-0


      • Ili nas Novakove navijace tjesi. Ne svidja mi se sto Novakove sanse na kladionicama stalno rastu. Stvara se atmosfera da Novak mora da dobije.

        Ja sanse ocjenjem ovako:

        Novak 3:0 15%
        Novak 3:1 35%
        Novak 3:2 10%
        Mari 3:0 5%
        Mari 3:1 25%
        Mari 3:2 10%
        Last edited by NI; 26-01-13, 19:29.


        • A evo šta je sve rekao na konferenciji.

          The first question was aabout he spennt his day-off and he said: ” Well, happy Australia Day, first of all, to everybody who is Australian in the house. I spent it practicing and recovering. Nothing really unusual that I was doing, that I haven’t been doing for these two weeks here. So getting ready for finals, obviously.”
          “Considering the fact that every time we played in last probably six, seven encounters, it was always long matches, physically very demanding, going three sets and five sets in Grand Slams … I guess we have to expect something similar to happen,”. “I’m ready for that.”
          “The US Open final was a very entertaining, very interesting match, obviously, to be a part of,”. “The were circumstances that day that were quite strange. The wind for semifinals and finals was just incredible. I’ve never played on a stronger wind, so it was more of an adjustment for him and me and he managed to come out as a winner because he found his way in those conditions. As I said after, I thought he absolutely deserved it because he’s been around as a top player for many years. He played in many finals of Grand Slams. He finally won his title.
          So I think that also gave him a lot of confidence for what was coming up after that. Obviously he’s showing again now why he’s one of the best players in the world. You know, I was disappointed to lose that match, definitely. You know, you always are if you’re losing in the finals of a Grand Slam. But I know I didn’t do anything particularly wrong. He was just a better player that day. Now I have another opportunity to win a Grand Slam trophy and that’s what matters for me in this moment.”
          Djokovic also doubts that Murray will be affected despite needing five sets to defeat Federer for the first time at grand slam level on Friday night.
          “I don’t think so because Andy, yes, he has played a five set match against Roger last night, but aside that, he hasn’t been really tested the whole tournament. Also, he’s considered as one of the physically strongest and fittest guys around. So I’m sure he’s going to be fit for the finals.”
          “Just (the) conditions in general I like, especially in Rod Laver Arena. It’s my most successful Grand Slam,” he said.” “Being in a third consecutive final is an incredible feeling and achievement, so (I’m) very proud of it. I just think that also a big reason is it’s the first big tournament of the year.” “Now we had a little bit longer off season which gave us more time to recharge our batteries, to work on some things, to get ready.” “You come out here and you want to win the first big trophy of the year. I guess that’s a fresh start that everybody wants.”
          Nole about Andy when they were 11,12: “I don’t know that when we were 11 we knew what’s rivalry at that time. We were just trying to play the tennis and enjoy this game. As we developed, of course we improved our games, we improved as athletes, as people, and it’s nice, you know, to see somebody that you grew up with doing so well.
          And then of course, being your top rival in our generation is doing really well not just in tennis but in all sports in general. Messi is ’87, Vettel is ’87. It’s quite a good year to be born. ”
          “I know he had a lot of hair, a lot of curly hair. He was quite pale also (laughter).
          But he got more sun I think over the years training in Barcelona. He has more of a tan now than when he was a junior.”
          Djokovic leads their all-time head-to-head 10-7, with an 8-6 advantage on hard courts. They last met in the group stage of the 2012 Barclays ATP World Tour Finals, Nole won 4-6, 6-3, 7-5.
          If Nole win, he will become the first man since the Open Era started in 1968 to win three straight Australian Open titles, and will tie the Open Era record for most titles in Melbourne with Agassi and Federer (4).


          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • Samo da vam kazem da je shminka rekao da ce Fed da dobije i Mareja, a da ce Congu preslisati 3:0, trenutno mu i Rid i Vilander zavide

            Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


            Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
            with experience.


            • Ne mrači Bojana
              Shminka je super momak, i sve što kaže ima čvrstih osnova za tako nešto, ali o tome ćemo sutra (zbog uroka).

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                Samo da vam kazem da je shminka rekao da ce Fed da dobije i Mareja, a da ce Congu preslisati 3:0, trenutno mu i Rid i Vilander zavide
                Znam Bojana. Ne podsjecaj me na to. Ali reako je da ce Federer lako dobiti Tomika i Raonica. Pogodio je.


                • Premalo sam tenisa gledao za vrijeme AOa da bih nesto konkretnije napisao...samo imam takav osjecaj
                  Nazalost ni finale necu gledati, tako da vam zelim jutro sa sto manje nerviranja
                  Ja cu brisati ovo malo boje na tipkicama mobitala sto je ostalo nakon ove dvije sedmice

                  Roger bi dobio Murraya da je bio na nivou na kom sam ga ocekivao, nazalost nije ni u jednom trenutku zaigrao najbolji tenis
                  Last edited by shminka; 26-01-13, 19:37.


                  • Vala,ja cu da odgledam film,ima dobar veceras,a spavacu ko beba,opusteno bre
                    Mada nesto mi se javlja,al necu da napisem sta,a sutra je veliko finale
                    Salite se ljudi,to razumem al sto da nas tesitenema potrebe,zivi smo,zdravi,radujemo se sutrasnjem finalu.Ujutru ne moramo rano da ustanemo,kafica,upalimo tv i uzivamo u finalu
                    Jel tako Noletovi navijaci-mislim da se slazete da je tako,idemoooooooo Noleeeeeeeeeeeeeee
                    sigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee

                    ''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...


                    • Da, da Petra, sve je to ok dok ti familija ne skače po glavi ili ti beše ono komšinica pozvoni, još ako se usudi u sred meča

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Posto sam u zadnje vrijeme dosta u kontaktu sa mladjom rajom, mogu vam reci da ih bar 80% za Djokovica navija

                        Kazu: " Zna digra, sto jest...jest!"


                        • Kad je Shminka presao u protivnicki tabor? Prosle godine je za Mareja navijao u medjusobnim duelima...


                          • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                            Da, da Petra, sve je to ok dok ti familija ne skače po glavi ili ti beše ono komšinica pozvoni, još ako se usudi u sred meča
                            A sto bi se ja vec veceras nerviralaocu,ocu ako sutra mec bude triler,ima da arlauknem ko Nole kad pobedi,ima da cuje cela zgrada,komsinica je sredjenaa familija zna sta je ceka ima majice da im cepam:a vec im je pripreceno s dijagonalom
                            Tako je Olja,ok veceras,spavacu veruj mi ko beba,a pisacemo ko sto si ti rekla
                            Idemoooooooooooooooo Noleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
                            sigpicFokus Nole i ne zaboravi- u pertle... idemo Noleeeeeeeeeee

                            ''Na jedno uho ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo one koji mi priđu sa prave strane...


                            • Još 12 sati..
                              Ponekad pomislim od ovog uzbuđenja i čekanja kao da igramo finale SP u fudbalu.. Što se događa jednom u nikad..
                              U stvari, Novak igra svoje 10. GS finale.. I igraće ih još dosta.. Ali, kada bi bio neko pametan pa da objasni "ovu situaciju"..
                              Inače, kod zadnjeg poena sa Vavrinkom sam oštetio stolicu u lokalu.. Menađer mi je oprostio štetu( ne i mome srcu i glavi).. Naravučenije, ostavljajte uvek dobar bakšiš, jer onda mogu i stolice da lete kao čaše..
                              Ljudino samo hrabro!!!


                              • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                                Da, da Petra, sve je to ok dok ti familija ne skače po glavi ili ti beše ono komšinica pozvoni, još ako se usudi u sred meča
                                moji se prepadnu kad pocnem da se radujem "STA SE DERES" "ZVONI CELA ZGRADA OD TI"

