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Nole, idi u peršun!

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  • Muzika je vrh..

    Čizme nisu za odelo.. Ali sada je vreme kontrasta, pa sve može.. Odela bira dobra..


    • Ma lako ćemo za odelo a Oljice?
      Nek ostane samo u čizmama
      Priznajem, indisponirana sam hahha idem malo da radim (da probam bar) ;)
      "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


      • Oljice ja sam kriva, dodala sam ih naknadno, tek nakon što si ih lajkovala a malo vina za opuštanje nije na odmet
        A vi dečaci, istrpite nas još malkice dok ne počne da igra nemamo baš priliku da postavljamo slike u kojima je majstor ''skockan'' mada ja nemam ništa protiv ni onih u šortsevima, meni je nekako takav najlepši

        Privodim kraju pripreme za Australian Open, a uskoro stiže i moje "tajno oružje" #HEADreket Kao i uvek, obaveštavaću vas o svemu ;)
        Last edited by milicica; 09-01-13, 12:27.


        • Joj bre devojke pretvoriste ovo u zensku temu.
          There's something wrong with me chemically
          Something wrong with me inherently
          The wrong mix in the wrong genes
          I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
          It was the wrong plan
          In the wrong hands
          With the wrong theory for the wrong man
          The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
          The wrong questions with the wrong replies


          • `trinajeste, trinajeste
            Noak pobedijooo...`


            • Originally posted by Indigo View Post
              Joj bre devojke pretvoriste ovo u zensku temu.
              znas ti ono Indigo ako ne mozes protiv njih ti im se pridruzi


              • Sad više ne znam smem li da kažem da mu ova boja stoji a da se dečaci ne pobune

                Vozimo se biciklima po Melburnu... a napolju je baš velika vrućina


                • Stoji boja, ali samo ako zameni mesta sa ovom crvenkastom...


                  • Ko vam je kriv kada niste žene (mislim, zbog "ženske teme"), uostalom dovoljan vam je Tadbas.

                    Nole chatted with his Chinese fans through QQ.

                    A couple of days before the start of the first Grand Slam of the season, the Australian Open, the world no.1 took time to answer 15 most interesting questions from fans.
                    Q: Will you break the record of Federer to keep the ATP No.1 for 301 weeks? Forza Nole!
                    Novak: Federer made some incredible records that are definitely hard to beat, but I don’t really focus on records. I focus on my game and the rest will follow naturally.
                    Q: Do you have any plan to improve your approach shot and smash?
                    Novak: Yes, that’s something I’m working on with my team.
                    Q: I’ve heard that you open a store to sell the cheese made of donkey milk. Do you love the cheese very much? BTW, how could we buy it from China?
                    Novak: I love cheese but I never tried the donkey cheese. The story was based on rumors so the truth is – I never bought the donkey cheese.
                    Q: Do you believe the Mayan prophecy?
                    Novak: I believe that their prophecy was taken out of context, and that they didn’t really say there would be the end of the world.
                    Q: Since we have a nickname for you, would you like to give us a nickname, which is special to Nole ´s fans?
                    Novak: I adopted the name you all use on social networks- Nolefam The name stands for all of my fans who are more than just fans- we are all one big family. So you are more than welcome to join the Nolefam
                    Q: Your idea of a women’s tennis “BIG4″?
                    Novak: In women’s tennis there are many winners, and it is quite open but if I had to chose the dominant ones it would be Serena, Vika and Maria. That’s 3
                    Q: About Murray and how he try to beat him.
                    Novak: Not really. I focus on myself and my game and try to be ready for each match i play. He is a great challenge definitely so I need to work hard in order to be able to beat him.
                    Q: How can you have a brave heart when you beat Nadal and Federer, do you have some advice?
                    Novak: You just have to believe that you have what it takes to beat the big guys, nothing else. If you don’t believe in yourself – who will? You have to be positive and strong and fight until the last moment. Never give up!
                    Q: Do you like Chinese food?
                    Novak: I do! I really enjoy Chinese food.
                    Q: I’ve waited for your signature at the practice Court for 4 days in a row during China Open. But Unfortunately I failed to get one. Can you realize my little dream?
                    Novak: I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get my signature even though you waited so long. I usually try to give autograph to everybody because i know how much it means to you. I hope next time I come to China we will be able to meet and you can have both photo and autograph.
                    Q: How do you celebrate Christmas?
                    Novak: Thank you for nice wishes! Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you too, and all the best. I will have a modest celebration with my team and go to church on Christmas eve. Unfortunately, I will not spend Christmas with my family because they will not be in Australia.
                    Q: Will you go to Shangai in 2013? We Nolefam in Shangai are waiting for you.
                    Novak: I am coming back to Shangai next year! I had a great time last year and I have only good memories from Shangai. I am lokking forward to see you all again!
                    Novak: My dearest victory would be the one against Nadal in finals of Australian Open 2012. It was almost 6 hours match and I managed to win at the end.
                    Q: For 2013, what you own expectations? from Taiwan greetings
                    Novak: I only hope that I will stay healthy and fit, and the rest will follow. Wish you all a lot of health,prospery and love!

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • Radi-gradi prt.2... na volejima, na stimulaciji...


                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Hocu li stici na vreme? Milica i Olja me uvek preduhitre
                        "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


                        • E, deco, ovo je bilo lepo veče... Novak casual, brodić, pehar (od prošle godine, da ne bude zabune ), malo ćaskanja, večeras party (kaže tajna je šta će obući ) i naravno žreb!
                          I to odličan!


                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Novak Djokovic prepares to attempt to hit a tennis ball faster than an Audi R8 LMS GT3 race car during a photocall at Sandown Racecourse on January 11, 2013 in Melbourne, Australia.

                            Novak Djokovic and Victoria Azarenka arrive on a boat prior to the official draw for the 2013 Australian Open on January 11, 2013 in Melbourne.


                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • Prvo reč dve o žrebu. Uživanje je bilo sinoć pratitii izvlačenje, kao da su mene pitali ko gde treba da ide veoma sam zadovoljna kako je sve ispalo, mislim da ne sme biti nikakvih problema do sf i da će to majstor odraditi sa pola gasa ali isto tako ozbiljno i fokusirano, kao i da imamo lepe i realne šanse da zadržimo trofej kod nas Konačno da i mi dočekamo početak nekog Slama a da se unapred ne stresiramo kada vidimo žreb

                              Obzirom da me je Olja preduhitrila ovaj put u postavljanju fotki u meni omiljenoj kombinaciji, mogu samo da kažem da bi trebalo u njoj da igra a ne samo da snima reklame


                              Danas sam imao baš dosta aktivnosti van terena. Prvo sam prisustvovao izvlačenju žreba sa Azarenkom i bilo je baš lepo, ponovo smo videli naše prošlogodišnje trofeje. Ne bih se uopšte protivio da ponovo ponesem jedan kući Zatim sam imao ozbiljan izazov. U svom stilu, HEAD mi priređuje vrlo zanimljive zadatke, a ovog puta sam imao nesvakidašnjeg protivnika - trkački auto. Saznaćete kasnije šta se tu izdešavalo, ali jedino što mogu da kažem je da HEAD koristi neverovatnu tehnologiju za rekete. Zatim sam se preselio u moju omiljenu "kancelariju" - na teniske terene

                              Last edited by milicica; 11-01-13, 15:57.

