Realno gledano, političari uvek rade najbolje u svom interesu. Blamaža koja se desila sa Novakom u januaru je pokazala tadašnjoj vlasti nije pomogao tako debilan potez, izbore su izgubili i dobili novog premijera i novu Vladu. Dakle, kada je narod birao, sigurno je dosta uticalo to što se desilo na Australian Openu.
Sada Covida nema, taj čovek što je ''plakao'' je potpuno irelevantan jer su restrikcije ukinute. A da ne pričam da su montirali priču. Mislim, realno, treba vi da nađete neku tamo budalu da se bavi time šta će sa Novakom jer je njemu žena preminula.
Naravno da, ako Novak bude igrao, da će mu ljudi zviždati, određen broj ljudi ali sve je prenaduvano.
Tiley said he had not had any contact with the government about Djokovic and that Australian Open organisers could not lobby on the Serb's behalf.
"At this point ... Novak and the federal government need to work out the situation and then we'll follow any instruction after that," Tiley said.
"It's not a matter we can lobby on. It's a matter that definitely stays between the two of them and then depending on the outcome of that we would welcome him to the Australian Open."
"Tiley said TA had brought on external immigration specialists to help deal with the demand from players and their entourages, with double the applicants of last year."
"There's an entry deadline in December for the Australian Open, so they'll obviously have to meet that timeline''
Sada Covida nema, taj čovek što je ''plakao'' je potpuno irelevantan jer su restrikcije ukinute. A da ne pričam da su montirali priču. Mislim, realno, treba vi da nađete neku tamo budalu da se bavi time šta će sa Novakom jer je njemu žena preminula.
Naravno da, ako Novak bude igrao, da će mu ljudi zviždati, određen broj ljudi ali sve je prenaduvano.
Tiley said he had not had any contact with the government about Djokovic and that Australian Open organisers could not lobby on the Serb's behalf.
"At this point ... Novak and the federal government need to work out the situation and then we'll follow any instruction after that," Tiley said.
"It's not a matter we can lobby on. It's a matter that definitely stays between the two of them and then depending on the outcome of that we would welcome him to the Australian Open."
"Tiley said TA had brought on external immigration specialists to help deal with the demand from players and their entourages, with double the applicants of last year."
"There's an entry deadline in December for the Australian Open, so they'll obviously have to meet that timeline''