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  • karikatura iz l'Equipe:

    l'Equipe-ov izbor za sportisu godine:

    jedna reakcija sa jednog foruma:

    Jesus Christ! o_O And this from a leading European sports media outlet.:oops:
    Last edited by talicni; 09-03-21, 12:17.



      Now Djokovic has it all: war and peace

      With 311 weeks at the top of the ranking, the Serb has ousted Federer as the most dominant number one in history. García-López, Corretja and Arrese analyze his game, evolution and personality.

      In 2005, when I first played Novak Djokovic, in the second round of the Wimbledon grass, I ended up with tears in my eyes, says the La Mancha native, Guillermo García-López.

      “I felt very frustrated. I had beaten Ferrer in the first round and was playing well. I was two sets up and had a match ball at 5-4 on serve. So, I made a good first serve, then hit a forehand winner to the opposite side; it kissed the line and the linesperson called it in. Novak came to the net to shake my hand, but suddenly, when I was already celebrating, the chair umpire overruled the ball out. I managed to regroup back and found myself up 6-5, 40-0, but he turned that game around and then the match. It was one of the very few times that I have left the court crying”, says the veteran player, who at 37 years old (current ATP ranking 236) is rushing through the last stint of his career, to highlight the Serb's unwavering hunger. The same player who, since yesterday, is king among kings.

      Djokovic never tires of winning or collecting records. While he races against Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer to be the male player with most majors in history - the other two with 20 apiece, himself with 18 after the Australian Open he won two weeks ago - he has made sure that from now on, he will be remembered as the most dominant number one in history. After this Monday's update of the tally, Nole accumulates 311 weeks and has definitely left the Swiss behind, which made us remember an old video from '94 in which, as a 7-year-old boy, he said with determination, with a backwards cap on, that for him tennis was already "an obligation" that required him to train at night and that his goal was to be at the top of the circuit. Said and Done, in capital letters.

      "In the Madrid Masters, I remember that he was already in full gear and left me with just three games," reminisces García-López in reference to his 2011 duel with the Serb, which had them play in the Caja Mágica, shortly before his rival climbed to the top of the rankings for the first time. By that time, July 4, Djokovic was 24 years and 43 days old, and was already threatening to impose his tyranny on the tour. "What impresses me the most about him is that it is practically impossible to find a single hole in him," intervenes Alex Corretja, former world number two, double finalist at Roland Garros (1998 and 2001) and tour finals champion (1998).

      “It is tremendously difficult to hurt him in any way, whether you play slice, topspin, to his forehand or his backhand… When someone is going to play against him, anywhere, they know the game is going to be horribly difficult. With Sampras or Agassi, you knew that for example on clay they were more likely to falter, but he has no such cracks. He is capable of winning everything on all surfaces, at the highest level, for so many weeks at a time. He is very complete everywhere. In that sense he is similar to Nadal, although I think that tactically he's more difficult to play against than Rafa. The only option you have is to make him despair, become a complete backboard until he goes crazy”, adds the Catalan.

      García-López agrees with that technical analysis: "He doesn't have any weakness you can exploit. He has been improving year after year and I think he has never lost his hunger. That's what impresses me the most about him [33 years old]. Logically, everyone up there has that hunger, but he has never stopped evolving. Also, he's been able to adapt to the current conditions better than anyone else. Tennis used to be played in a very different way, and now it's changed a lot; but he has adapted really well, same as Nadal [34] and Federer [39].”.

      Jordi Arrese, who won the silver in men's singles in the 1992 Olympics, and was the Davis Cup captain who first drafted Nadal into the team, thinks that the Belgrade player has reached a kind of perfection. "He's returning phenomenally and, despite what it may seem, he's also serving phenomenally. I think he is the player who serves consistently closest to the lines. His forehand is more versatile now, so he has the choice to step into the court or tighten up defense, and he has improved his serve and volleying a lot. In addition, he's been learning to break the flow and shorten points with dropshots. He spent a couple of years resting on his laurels, with too much peace; he lacked war. And now he has it all: the war and peace he needed.”

      Always in the eye of the storm for whatever reason, Djokovic is haunted by a bad rep he can't quite shake off. “Not because of the racquet breaking, since there are many idols who have done that; but because of the way he manages his ailments. People do not quite understand how someone is able to recover when a moment ago he was not able to walk, or his arm was hanging limp. I think he just has a higher pain threshold than anyone else. But I can perfectly understand how when he finds himself troubled, he likes to exteriorize his problems. He's hot-blooded, Balkan, he gets nervous. He, Nadal and Federer are different in the soul. He is a misunderstood idol. Should he really strive to be exemplary? He must do what he believes and feels. Nobody should act like a robot”, reasons Corretja.

      “We are in Rafa's country, and a Latin country at that. What I mean is, for us, our guy is the best. But Novak is phenomenal and a good person”, adds Arrese. “Although he does display pain more than others, and that sometimes feels odd. I remember playing against him in Estoril, and at a point when the match was very close, he stopped it for ten or fifteen minutes because he said he couldn't see well… It's a habit that has come and gone with the years. Perhaps he has little filter, and says whatever comes to mind; maybe not in the same way one would talk to a friend, but if he wants to say something, he says it, and that sometimes hurts his image. In any case, nobody can argue against him being one of the very best in history”, resolves García-López.

      Comparisons are always tricky, but for the La Roda (Albacete) native, Djokovic reminds him “strategically of Borg, for his ground game, and mentally of Connors for the clutchness”. Arrese, meanwhile, draws the parallel with Ivan Lendl: “They have a similar profile, that fighter mentality, almost mean-spirited. But he also knows how to chill and has evolved much more. Nobody on tour could stand Lendl.”
      Last edited by talicni; 09-03-21, 12:48.


      • Originally posted by talicni View Post
        karikatura iz l'Equipe:

        l'Equipe-ov izbor za sportisu godine:

        jedna reakcija sa jednog foruma:

        Jesus Christ! o_O And this from a leading European sports media outlet.:oops:

        ovome nije mesto na fan temi-teraj te drka** odaVLE


        • zasto ne?

          cisti dokazi da ga ne vole i ne tretiraju isto, ne zbog ovog ili onog nego .... da ne ulazim u to. ako su jedan od vodecih sportskih listova u evropi a ismijavaju ovaj istorijski uspjeh (objektivno 1 od najvecih teniskih uspjeha svih vremena) a uz to su sportski toliko objektivni da u posljednji 16 godina teniseri 11 puta dobijaju nagrade za naj sportiste (rafa i fed po 4 i serena 3 puta) a nole ni 1 onda je sve jasno. pa da je najgora osoba na svijetu, ako spoji sva 4 slema ili postavi rekord svih vremena u poenima, napravi vjerovatno najkvalitetniji niz pobjeda u istoriji ili odradi objektivno i argumentovano najbolju tenisku sezonu svih vremena a ne dobije ni jednu nagradu dok mu rivali dobijaju nagrade za daleko slabije sezone, onda to treba i pokazati. i treba stvari nazvati pravim imenom, naravno uz argumente!
          Last edited by talicni; 09-03-21, 13:31.


          • Originally posted by talicni View Post
            pogledajte video sa ATPovog sajta. i obratite paznju na noletovu crvenu adidas majicu. e bas ta majica mi je do nedavno bila uokvirena na zidu radne sobe!

            Sto do nedavno???
            Znam da si davno pisao da je imaš?
            Originally posted by dekkard View Post
            H2H je najvažniji i jedini presudan parametar.
            Ti i Ja ne odustajemo 💪😉
            Originally posted by miloolja View Post
            Pralica veceras kod Obućine

            Gde se može pogledati Olja?
            Originally posted by Beocca View Post
            a ponovicu,za iovu devojku reci nemam-francuskinja u londonu koja izgovara R[emoji3]
            Ona je carica, možda i najveći fan. Gde ona sve ide i šta radi.
            Svaka joj čast.

            (Mnogo STE-SMO se raspisali, ne mogu da postignem 😁)

            Послато са SM-N975F уз помоћ Тапатока



              pralica kod obućine a ima sigurno i na YT


              • Originally posted by talicni View Post
                zasto ne?

                cisti dokazi da ga ne vole i ne tretiraju isto, ne zbog ovog ili onog nego ....
                pa to znam,nek đipaju od muke,šta mi je za njima...

                kad je dežulović nazvao beograd palankom,dobar broj beograđana se osupnuo-on se nastavio time da je to upravo dokaz tome sto on govori,jer kad bi jedan berlin recimo,reagovao tako...

                neće moći nikad da ga izbrisu i uživaj u tome...


                • Talicni hvala na postovima.

                  Paunov clanak je mogao biti manje eksplicitan. Svi mi znamo da Srdjanovi maniri nisu bas perfektni. Medjutim on pokazuje sustinu, U martu 2004. Novak nije bio intersantan u Srbiji. "Jedino" je Srdjan vjerovao u njega. Samo 9 mjeseci kasnije je Novak dobio vajld kard na AO! Znaci da su inostrani strucnjaci i te kako prepoznali potencijal.

                  Berticevicev clanak smatram zluradim. On je veliki poznavalac tenisa. Teniski je novinar vise od 40 godina. Sumnja, makar i indirektana, da je Novak bio povrijedjen od covjeka Berticevicevog znanja moze se okarakteristi samo zlonamjernom. Vjerovatno Ivanisevic ne moze mnogo pomoci medijski, iako je njegova konferencija za stampu na AO bila jako dobro primljena, ali moze ponesto pomoci igracki. I pomagao je. Imam osjecaj da upravo to Berticevica smeta.

                  Sto se tice L'Equipe, to je sokantno. Mogu razumjeti da su izabrali Bolta kao najboljeg u olimpijskoj godini 2016. Ali ne mogu razumjeti kako su preskocili Novaka 2011. i 2015.
                  Last edited by NI; 09-03-21, 14:42.


                  • Originally posted by cacanin View Post
                    Sto do nedavno???
                    Znam da si davno pisao da je imaš?
                    ma rodila mi se cerkica na valentinovo. pa sam sincica premjestio u radnu sobu. njegova sobica je preuredjena u njenu, radna u njegovu a dnevna je sada i radna i dnevna i trpezarija. tako da je majica sada mislim na tavanu. ili kod roditelja moje bolje polovine.


                    • Originally posted by NI View Post

                      Paunov clanak je mogao biti manje eksplicitan. Svi mi znamo da Srdjanovi maniri nisu bas perfektni. Medjutim on pokazuje sustinu, U martu 2004. Novak nije bio intersantan u Srbiji. "Jedino" je Srdjan vjerovao u njega. Samo 9 mjeseci kasnije je Novak dobio vajld kard na AO! Znaci da su inostrani strucnjaci i te kako prepoznali potencijal.

                      Berticevicev clanak smatram zluradim. On je veliki poznavalac tenisa. [/B]

             karlosa moju naziva spektakularnim igračem-da nije u nadulovom timu,ne bih ni čuo za njega


                      • Originally posted by Beocca View Post
               karlosa moju naziva spektakularnim igračem-da nije u nadulovom timu,ne bih ni čuo za njega
                        To je tvoje neznanje, ne treba se hvaliti time na teniskom forumu

                        Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                        Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                        with experience.


                        • Hvala Bojana!


                          Nisam zlopamtilo i hvala ti na ovom Pralicinom inervjuu. Odlican je. Nasao je pravu mjeru i sadrzajem i tonom.

                          Na ovom forumu sam cesto citao lagane kritike na racun Pralice, Govedarice i Viskovica. Od Australije na ovamo sam imao prilke cuti komentare sve trojice. Sva trojica su vrlo kompetentni teniski strucnajci i dobri sportski novinari. Posebno mi se svidja Viskovic. A Boze moj, svakome su tu i tamo potkrade greska.
                          Last edited by NI; 09-03-21, 15:31.


                          • Originally posted by bojanaBG View Post
                            To je tvoje neznanje, ne treba se hvaliti time na teniskom forumu
                            iz cega si zakljucila da se hvalim,leba ti

                            drugo,i ti misliš da je bio spe kta ku LARAN baš

                            pazi,ne treba lagati


                            • Originally posted by NI View Post
                              Hvala Bojana!


                              Nisam zlopamtilo i hvala ti na ovom Pralicinom inervjuu. Odlican je. Nasao je pravu mjeru i sadrzajem i tonom.

                              Na ovom forumu sam cesto citao lagane kritike na racun Pralice, Govedarice i Viskovica. Od Australije na ovamo sam imao prilke cuti komentare sve trojice. Sva trojica su vrlo kompetentni teniski strucnajci i dobri sportski novinari. Posebno mi se svidja Viskovic. A Boze moj, svakome su tu i tamo potkrade greska.
                              a kakvo zlopamtilo,što?


                              • Originally posted by Beocca View Post
                                a kakvo zlopamtilo,što?
                                Mozda je tvoj komentar o Berticevicu biti malo umjereniji. Malo si se nasmijao njemu a malo meni.

