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  • Znaci sutra ladno, kisa oko 5.


    • Wizard


      • Duga ce mi biti noc ovde, samo da svane i da docekam 9h pa sta bude. Nekako ne osecam standardnu nervozu pred finale GS, da li je to jer se igra na 'gostujucem" terenu pa nije toliki pritisak, ili me je Novak svojom igrom ubedio da nema potrebe za grickanjem noktiju, videcemo uskoro. Samo neka bude zdrav, da moze dati sve od sebe, a onda verujem da moze da dohvati zvezde. Kako god Nadal izgledao, Satrije je mesto koje mu daje dodatnu sigurnost i nalet adrnalina i ocekujem da pokusa od starta da pritisne Novaka. U Novakovom odgovoru cemo videti i u kom smeru ide mec. Finale koje sam iscekivao jos nakon AO, istorijski mec dva velika rivala. Idemo Novace!
        Non-Calendar Year Grand Slam - Stands alone
        Holding all 4 Majors titles on 3 different surfaces at once - Stands alone
        30 consecutive match wins - Stands alone
        3+ consecutive finals in all 4 Majors - Stands alone
        Australian Open 3 consecutive titles - Stands alone


        • Idemoooo breee!!!


          • Svim srcem uz tebe!
            "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


            • Originally posted by Milutinov Tata View Post
              Duga ce mi biti noc ovde, samo da svane i da docekam 9h pa sta bude. Nekako ne osecam standardnu nervozu pred finale GS, da li je to jer se igra na 'gostujucem" terenu pa nije toliki pritisak, ili me je Novak svojom igrom ubedio da nema potrebe za grickanjem noktiju, videcemo uskoro. Samo neka bude zdrav, da moze dati sve od sebe, a onda verujem da moze da dohvati zvezde. Kako god Nadal izgledao, Satrije je mesto koje mu daje dodatnu sigurnost i nalet adrnalina i ocekujem da pokusa od starta da pritisne Novaka. U Novakovom odgovoru cemo videti i u kom smeru ide mec. Finale koje sam iscekivao jos nakon AO, istorijski mec dva velika rivala. Idemo Novace!
              Ja ću sebi dati za pravo i korigovaću te-već je dohvatio zvezde

              I ja još uvek nisam nervozan-bumo videli dokle


              • Mozda i nama pomogne...

                HOW TO DEAL WITH ANXIET

                Even the top tennis players in the world admit to being anxious when the pressure is great, and while most players at the very top of the game have developed coping strategies to successfully deal with their anxiety, finding an approach that works for the individual merits regular attention.
                Novak Djokovic, for one, has often spoken of his meticulous off-court preparation, and how exploring new ways of improving his well-being off court has helped his performance on it. He turned to meditation in 2017 - and while that approach might not necessarily work for everyone, it's something that has certainly been beneficial for the Serb.

                "I won't tell you what I gain with [meditation], but I'll tell you what I lose with it," he said of his new approach in 2017. "I lose fear, I lose anxiety, I lose stress. I guess in the end of the day, that's what you're looking for."
                By its very nature, competition can cause athletes to react both physically and mentally in a manner that can negatively affect their performance abilities. Off court activities won't necessarily allow you to deal with a problem on the court, and physical and mental affects of anxiety can creep up at any moment.

                The physical and mental affects of anxiety can include:

                • Increased muscle tension
                • Trouble breathing
                • Increased fatigue
                • Reduced muscle coordination
                • Reduced concentration
                • Impaired decision making and tactical judgement
                • Reduced confidence
                • Giving up mentally

                Stress, arousal and anxiety are terms used to describe this condition. Most competitive tennis players have felt feelings of nervousness or anxiety at some point, and many have left the court
                feeling they “choked” or “bottled it”.

                Regulating anxiety

                The key point is not to eliminate feelings of anxiety since some anxiety can benefit performance. Instead, it is crucial to control and manage feelings of anxiety more effectively. Reducing muscle tension is particularly important, because muscle tension not only impairs coordination and timing, it also uses your energy because your muscles are working overtime.

                A number of relaxation tips have been developed to help players cope more effectively with excess anxiety and nervousness.

                Here are our top four tips for coping with stressful situations on a tennis court:

                1) Slow down – take time between points

                One of the things that excess anxiety often does to players is to cause them to play too quickly. When the pressure starts to build, and feelings of frustration and anger surface, one of the easiest (but least effective) ways of coping is to rush and get off the court. This may occur because anxiety can be uncomfortable, and one way to get rid of it is to get away from the situation causing the anxiety. Therefore, when a player experiences feelings of anxiousness and tension, and starts rushing their serves, they should walk to the back of the court and play with their strings, go for the towel, or walk to the ball farthest away from them to use for the next point.

                An even more effective way to slow down is to develop consistent pre-serve and pre-service returns routines. This enables you to keep composed and slow down under pressure.

                2) Breath control

                One of the simplest ways to cope with pressure is through proper breathing. Research has indicated that in pressure situations, players do not coordinate their breathing patterns with their stroke production. Often they hold their breath while performing (thus increasing muscle tension) rather than breathing out (thus decreasing muscle tension). Some players accentuate breathing out by
                ‘grunting’ when striking the ball to ensure that they do breathe out on every shot.

                Deep breathing from the diaphragm between points will help to reduce accumulated pressure and help keep the player relaxed.

                3) Set up stressful situations in practice

                A very effective way to prepare for stressful situations is to occasionally practice under pressure. As you become more accustomed to playing under these conditions, you will not be negatively affected by pressure during competitive situations.

                For example, instead of simply practicing groundstrokes, try to get a certain number of strokes in a row to fall past the service line as you practice keeping the ball deep. If you hit a ball short before you reach your target you have to start over.

                As you get closer to your target the pressure starts to build, which is similar to a competitive match.

                4) Have fun – enjoy the situation

                Most top players look forward to pressure situations rather than fearing them. Keeping the enjoyment of tennis foremost in one’s mind can help to prevent burnout, especially in younger players. This involves keeping winning in perspective and focusing on the experience without undue concern for the outcome.

                Remember, ‘it’s only a game’, and games are meant to be fun.


                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                • Samo da okine prvi set i biće mnogo lakše. Nadal će baciti sve na osvajanje istog.


                  • 3 hours to go....


                    • sigpic

                      Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                      But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                      • Ajmo brate Nole...Uvek sebi kazem jos samo ovaj mec, jos samo sad....ali toliko je u njegovoj karijeri bilo jos samo sad, jos samo ovaj mec...
                        Samo jako danas i samo smireno!!!


                        • Zna Mara sta mi je zelja mozda je I zaboravila
                          Srecno Novace


                          • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                            Jupii jupiiii heeejjj
                            "My body feels great. I mean, it´s only five hours"


                            • Pola sata!


                              • Ajmo Nole. Pokaži sav raskošni talenat, intelekt i kreativnost koji te krase.

