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  • Novak počastvovan rekordom

    Prvi reket sveta Novak Đoković rekao je da je počastvovan što je postavio još jedan rekord, ali je priznao da je u finalu u Montrealu bio nervozniji nego inače.
    Đoković je u nedelju pobedio Mardija Fiša 6:2, 3:6, 6:4 i tako postao prvi igrač koji je u jednoj sezoni osvojio pet turnira Masters serije.

    "Ulazak u istoriju je, naravno, važan i to je nešto posebno. Svakako da sam počastvovan i povlašćen što sam deo istorije sporta kojeg volim i koji igram", rekao je Đoković posle meča.

    "Mislim da sam u finalu bio nervozniji nego inače. Dobro, jeste u pitanju finale, ali je bilo mnogo nervoze i tenzije. Bio je jako neizvestan meč. On je želeo da pobedi isto koliko i ja, i zato smo igrali toliko žestoko. Bila je ovo i psihološka borba, ne samo fizička, ali uspeo sam da ostanem pribran kada je trebalo", dodao je.

    Đoković je pohvalio tridesetogodišnjeg Fiša, koga je pobeđivao u svim dosadašnjim susretima: "Bilo je sjajno igrati protiv njega. Drago mi
    je da vidim da mu ide tako dobro. Mislim da su mu poslednje dve godine najbolje u karijeri".

    Fišu je, međutim, poraz teško pao. On je sada sedmi na ATP listi, a poražen je u sva četiri finala Masters turnira koja je igrao.

    "Prvo, veoma je teško uopšte doći do bilo kojeg finala, a ja sam izgubio četiri, sva u tri seta. Stvarno je to teško podneti... potroši se vrlo mnogo mentalne i fizičke energije da bi se dotle došlo. Nisam nijednom pobedio, a toliko to želim da boli", rekao je Fiš.


    • Znam da ovo nema veze sa ovom temom, ali cisto da postavim ovde jer mislim da ce se ovde najbrze videti.
      Marko Djokovic je izgleda zagubio Pjera (Novakovog psa). Evo sta je napisao sinoc na twitteru:

      "DjokoMare Marko Djokovic
      Ljudi pomozite,nalazim se trenutno u BUDVI I nestao nam je mali beli maltezer! Ako ga neko nadje ili ga je neko video obavestite! Pls RT"

      Mozda je zato Nole sinoc bio malo nervozan, a? Nadam se da nije Pjer u pitanju.



        Znaci, Federer je Robokap
        Dayman (a-a-ah...)
        Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
        Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
        You're a master of karate and friendship
        For everyone


        • Nikola, Nikola, igraš se mngooo na stranici najboljeg tenisera sveta

          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • ^ Nikola ?! Hmm, da, tako su me nekad zvali. Sad sam Gadnalf, Gandalf Beli

            Salu na stranu. Pa zar nije Rodzer Robokap (po Vajdi) ako je pobedio Novaka
            Dayman (a-a-ah...)
            Fighter of the Nightman (a-a-ah...)
            Champion of the sun (a-a-ah...)
            You're a master of karate and friendship
            For everyone


            • ja se malo zabrojala u broju nedelja na prvom mestu..Žiko?
              Originally posted by gokara
              Valjda ćemo dočekati dan da kloniraju Federera pa da možemo da ne gasimo televizore kad igraju svi koji nisu Federer i uživamo u meču Federer-Federer.


              • Comment

                • Mogla bih da radim u žutoj štampi šta sve izbunarim

                  Nije baš neka vest, ali evo:

                  LochiMin 17 hours 17 mins ago Twitter

                  Sister met @DjokerNole.. #LuckySister | #JeleousLochi

                  a onda posle nekog vremena...

                  LochiMin 3 hours 16 mins ago Twitter

                  Sister partied wit @DjokerNole l.n while #WtfWasIDoin? Lol


                  • Originally posted by jagodica View Post
                    ja se malo zabrojala u broju nedelja na prvom mestu..Žiko?
                    Ovo je sedma, ako si to pitala

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • DJOKOVIC NOVAK, veliki igrac,sportista,a pre svega covek. Samo napred Nole istetoviracu te.


                      • Originally posted by altlosta View Post
                        Mogla bih da radim u žutoj štampi šta sve izbunarim

                        Nije baš neka vest, ali evo:

                        LochiMin 17 hours 17 mins ago Twitter

                        Sister met @DjokerNole.. #LuckySister | #JeleousLochi

                        a onda posle nekog vremena...

                        LochiMin 3 hours 16 mins ago Twitter

                        Sister partied wit @DjokerNole l.n while #WtfWasIDoin? Lol

                        Nego da nisi cula nesto vezano za Gulbis-a i Anu,o tome se vidim prica ovih dana

                        Da ne bude off

                        Coming to America

                        I believe we started calling Novak Djokovic’s year “unbelievable” in March, after he followed his Australian Open win with back-to-back titles at Indian Wells and Key Biscayne. What do we call it now, with three more Masters trophies, Wimbledon, and more than double the amount of wins added to that early-season haul?

                        I would call it believable, because I watched the Serb, who has managed to outdo himself at almost every tournament this year, in person for the first time in 2011. To me, the word unbelievable implies that something isn’t possible—until you actually witness it. What I saw from Djokovic in Montreal were segments of the spectacular, 54-piece puzzle he’s built (with one piece missing; doesn’t that always happen?):

                        —His forehand, with near-flawless form, fitting since his season can be described in kind.

                        —His point-ending backhand, the Djoker’s trump card appearing at a—often pivotal—moment’s notice.

                        —His defense, stymieing countless potential winners and smoked serves.

                        —His new aura; it felt like the NHL's Canadiens were playing during his matches.

                        —Most impressive, his insatiable desire for more—more points, more wins, more titles.

                        He showed all of this, one more time, in the final, fending off hard-luck Mardy Fish, 6-2, 3-6, 6-4.

                        Fish appeared to be reprising his last meeting with Djokovic, a one-sided defeat in this year’s Miami semifinals. But down a set and 0-30 on his serve at 1-2, the American finally began to reap the benefits of his aggressive mentality. Using the all-court attack that got him this far, Fish avoided the fatal double-break deficit, turning around not just the game but the match. He earned his first break in the next game, started to hit with greater authority, and frustrated Djokovic, who gave away the set with a dreadful service game.

                        “There were frustrations,” Djokovic said afterward. “But, you know, I managed to hold my composure when I needed to. I think it was decisive.”

                        Resetting, Djokovic made Fish labor for an opening hold and would consistently apply pressure in the third set. It brought out some of the best in Fish, who gave the top seed by far his most difficult challenge of the week. But at 2-all, Djokovic would earn triple break point—and break—and at 5-3 secured triple championship point on serve. Fish stopped Djokovic from running away with the title earlier, and did so again here, wiping away all three opportunities. Clearly feeling the pressure, Djokovic was elated after a Fish forehand sailed long, setting up a fourth title chance, which he converted after another error.

                        “I did get tight in the end,” Djokovic said. “Up to the last moment, you didn’t really know who is going to win. But I believed I could do it.”

                        This week was also my first look at Djokovic as world No. 1, the hunted rather than the hunter. We were reminded of that distinction by this well-worn statistic: Before today, the last men’s player to win his first tournament as No. 1 was Pete Sampras, in 1993. Djokovic did what Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal couldn’t by dismissing Nikolay Davydenko and Marin Cilic—hardly pushovers—in the early rounds, two dangerous Frenchmen in subsequent evenings and finally Fish (now 0-4 in Masters finals) to win his ninth title of the year. The feat was “a big satisfaction,” according to Djokovic, and it keeps alive the possibility that we’re watching the Greatest Season of All Time unfold.

                        As first impressions go, Djokovic’s reminded me of what I saw from Nadal three years ago at the Rogers Cup. Rafa wasn’t officially No. 1 then, but fresh off his seismic win over Federer at the All England Club, it was clear who tennis’ top dog was. Both men carried their momentum across the Atlantic, won the title without much trouble, and left their closest competition even further behind (Federer lost his opener in 2008 to Gilles Simon, Nadal lost to Ivan Dodig in his first match this week). In short, the impression impressed.

                        “It is probably a little mental advantage when you get on the court knowing that you’re the player to beat,” said Djokovic about his new status. “But, on the other hand, it adds the pressure and expectations as well because you are a favorite to win each match you play, whoever you play against.”

                        The expectation is that Djokovic will go a step further than Nadal in 2008 and follow his victory at the Canadian Open with another at the U.S. Open. Before that, however, is another Masters event in Cincinnati. It would seem to be a week for rest, practice and whatever matches come Djokovic’s way. But as he’s twice proven this year, the second of back-to-back Masters tournaments can turn out even better than the first.

                        Or, Djokovic could indeed suffer that early-round loss we’ve all been waiting for. But I’ll believe it when I see it.

                        Pres posle meca

                        Pogledajte reakciju na kraju da li da igra Cincy ili ne



                        • Originally posted by Vladan View Post
                          Nego da nisi cula nesto vezano za Gulbis-a i Anu,o tome se vidim prica ovih dana
                          Ma šta kažeš!
                          Ja nisam u toku... slabo nešto stojim sa tim tračevima....

                          Ovo za Noleta ceo dan osluškujem da li će da odustane, jer mislim da hoće... ili da ispadne ranije... ali pre ono prvo...

                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Nesto se suska,a ni meni ne idu bas najbolje
                            Zasto bi odustao,pa uopste se nije trosio u Montreal-u,kad nije odustao od Miami-a posle Dubai-i i IW-a nema potrebe ni ovdje


                            • Igrace Novak u Sinsinatiju..
                              Za mene bi bilo veliko iznenadjenje da ne igra..


                              • Ne vidim što ne bi igrao, najbolje govori video što je Vladan postavio ;) a i zakazao je lekciju golfa sa Roryem Mcilroyem u Sinsinatiju za danas, a on je valjda sa Carolinom Wozniacki, eto to sam čula, a za Anu i Ernesta nisam ništa konkretno, mada sam čula ta neka govorkanja, ništa ozbiljno za shvatiti, a meni bi bili sladak par, on je baš simpa

