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Nole, idi u peršun!

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  • Originally posted by Vanja #66 View Post
    Vidi nje, ne veruje matematicaru! Ccc, nisam to ocekivao...
    pa matematicari nikad nisu znali da broje
    a i ja sam inzenjer, dok ne vidim dokaze, ne verujem

    Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


    Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
    with experience.


    • Au, ja mu racunao i one BYE runde, nisam ih izbacio iz racunice... Ne valja baviti se visokom matematikom ako si prethodno vece gledao tenis do 5 ujutru... Covek bi pomislio da sam to do sad naucio... U pravu si Bojana, sad sam izbacio BYE runde, ima ukupno 2 W/O i 10 BYE, tako da je imao 61-18 prosle godine... To je vec logicnije... Nema vise mate za mene.


      • Najvaznije je da je ostvarena 50. pobeda u ovo vreme godine..
        Fantastican rezultat!
        Pohvalno je da se Bojana ovoliko bavi Novakom.. Ipak je vezana za br. 1..


        • Vanja, kao sto rekoh, matematicari nikad nisu znali da broje
          a tek sabiranje malih brojeva, to je uvek bilo najteze

          Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


          Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
          with experience.


          • Ma imam ja kalkulator (ne digitron ) kraj sebe, samo sam brojao i ono sto ne treba. Numem siroma!


            • Originally posted by prskaj View Post
              moram priznati da nisam zadovoljan igrama (razmazio nas je ) ali mi je bas drago i bitno sto pobedjuje na,da kazem ruzan nacin. nigde sanse za break a onda kad je najbitnije na 5:4 niotkuda set za njega. to je odlika velikana i zato je po meni bila strasno bitna ona pobeda protiv tomica na vimbldonu jer igrac nakon takvih meceva je svestan da cak i kad ne igra kao sto moze ,opet ima kvaliteta da dobije protivnika.

              p.s miloolja hvala na slikama
              Nema na čemu.
              Jeste nas donekle razmazio, ali ako hoće da vlada dugo-dugo, onda mora da pobeđuje i na manje atraktivne načine ili već čuveno winning ugly.
              Mada ja mislim, juče je u drugom to bilo evidentno, da postepeno podiže formu, a videćemo noćas.
              Važno je da gura samo, pa kako god, a kad bude najvažnije, sigurna sam da će biti ono pravo.

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Reci cu kratko,bravo majstore i samo tako nastavi...Jedva ovde na letovanju nekako uspevam da odgledam mec;posto sve do 1h radi...Ali vidim da se desio pokolj...Ostade nam samo Nole...


                • Nole: Finale sa Jankom bilo bi uživanje!

                  Đoković se nada finalu Mastersa u Montrealu, a tamo očekuje "prijatelja Tipsarevića".

                  Najbolji teniser sveta Novak Đoković posle impresivne pobede u četvrtfinalu Mastersa u Montrealu protiv Francuza Gaela Monfisa (6:2, 6:1) izjavio je da bi bilo veoma zabavno da se u finalu sastane sa zemljakom i velikim prijateljem Jankom Tipsarevićem.

                  "Bilo bi to pravo uživanje, i za nas, i za Srbiju. Janko je jedan od mojih najboljih prijatelja i presrećan sam kad vidim kako dobro igra. Poslednje dve godine mučio se sa povredama, ali sada je konačno vratio samopouzdanje, ima igru da se suprostavi svakom i nadam se da će ovako da nastavi. Do tog finala nas očekuje još po jedan meč, ali nadam se da ćemo se sresti u finalu", rekao je Đoković.

                  Tipsarević, koji je pobedom protiv Čeha Tomaša Berdiha (6:4, 6:4) i plasmanom u polufinale ostvario najveći uspeh u karijeri i obezbedio da od ponedeljka bude u Top 20 na svetu večeras od 21 čas igra polufinale protiv Amerikanca Mardija Fiša, dok će se Đoković od dva časa ujutro u reprizi polufinala Vimbldona sastati sa Francuzem Žoom Vilfredom Congom.

                  "Protiv Monfisa sam odigrao najbolji meč na turniru, držao sam ga pod pritiskom, jednostavno mu nisam dao da misli. Ali, protiv Conge moraću još bolje, kada mu krene servis može da pobedi bilo koga. Kao i na Vimbldonu ključ je ritern. Uveren sam da mogu do nove pobede", poručio je Đoković koji u 2011. godini ima skor 51:1, bez ijednog poraza na Masters turnirima.

                  Masters u Monteralu igra se za nagradni fond od 2,43 miliona dolara.


                  • Najbolji srpski i svetski teniser će 27. avgusta, dva dana pred početak poslednjeg gren slema u sezoni, US Opena, učestvovati na humanitarnoj manifestaciji pod nazivom ''Artur Eš dečiji dan'' (''Arthur Ashe Kid’s Day''). Pored Noleta, ovoj humanitarnoj manifestaciji će prisustvovati prošlogodišnji pobednici US Opena, Kim Klasjters i Rafael Nadal, kao i domaći teniser, Endi Rodik, kao mnoge druge američke zvezde."]Najbolji srpski i svetski teniser će 27. avgusta, dva dana pred početak poslednjeg gren slema u sezoni, US Opena, učestvovati na humanitarnoj manifestaciji pod nazivom ''Artur Eš dečiji dan'' (''Arthur Ashe Kid’s Day''). Pored Noleta, ovoj humanitarnoj manifestaciji će prisustvovati prošlogodišnji pobednici US Opena, Kim Klasjters i Rafael Nadal, kao i domaći teniser, Endi Rodik, kao mnoge druge američke zvezde.

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • Bjezmo Grumfe,njih je dvojica a mi smo sami!


                      • Veliki pozdrav za nekolicinu ljudi koji su pisali da ce Novak vrlo kratko biti prvi na svetu. Neverovatno je koliko pojedinci umeju da lupetaju gluposti,koliko god da ne navijate za Novaka ili ga ne volite,budite bar realni a realnost je potpuna dominacija svetom tenisa.


                        • Da i ovdje zabiljezimo. 27. titula u karijeri,9. ove sezone,5. Masters titula ove sezone,10. Masters titula u karijeri.53:1 ove sezone,16:1 protiv TOP 10 igraca,29:0 na betonu ove godine,377 pobjeda u karijeri!

                          Sto se tice titula i titula na Mastersima svi osvajaci su ovdje
                          Last edited by Vladan; 15-08-11, 10:59.


                          • Bravo majstore!
                            Ma sta da uradis do kraja sezone,ja sam zadovoljan..
                            CZ-JK-Elton John-Diva


                            • DJOKOVIC MAKES MASTERS 1000 HISTORY IN MONTREAL

                              Last edited by miloolja; 15-08-11, 15:46.

                              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                              • Djokovic: I'm still human

                                Novak Djokovic has been out of this world this season but the world number one says he is still just flesh and blood.

                                The Serbian won his ninth title of the season on Sunday with a 6-2 3-6 6-4 win over American Mardy Fish in the Montreal Masters, improving his incredible match record to 53-1.

                                "I am human, I can definitely assure you of that," laughed Djokovic.

                                "I've been playing incredible tennis this year," added the Serb, who won the Australian Open and Wimbledon and became the first to capture five Masters Series events in a single season.

                                "I'm aware of the fantastic year that I've had and a great streak but I'm not thinking how many matches will I lose? I'm thinking how many matches will I win?"

                                While Djokovic has hovered near the top of the rankings for several years, finishing number three in the world the last four seasons, his transformation into the sport's dominant force has been both sudden and surprising.

                                In one of the most impressive tennis seasons on record, Djokovic's one and only loss was at the hands of Roger Federer in the French Open semi-final.

                                Despite his sensational record this season, his rivals know he can be beaten.

                                "He plays incredible tennis but he's not an alien," said Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, after retiring with a sore arm in his Montreal semi-final against Djokovic. "He doesn't hit harder, he doesn't hit the ball earlier. But he's always there.

                                "He does not have the best return on the Tour. But on every return, he returns well, and he's always there. So what does it is his consistency, and he has no weaknesses."

                                Djokovic points to a new diet as a big part of his success but according to most observers the real difference in his game appears to be his attitude and mental toughness. The 24-year-old seems more willing to gut out close contests and do what it takes to win.

                                "Every knock he's answered 10-fold this year," said Fish. "It's been incredibly impressive.

                                "To win Indian Wells and Miami back-to-back is incredible. Then the two clay court events, I mean, no one thought that that could be possible. He did it with straight sets both times. Pretty incredible."

                                The question heading into the US Open is can anyone stop the Serb, who has an unblemished 29-0 record on the hardcourts this season.

                                "I will be probably one of the favorites," said Djokovic. "This is nothing different from what I have experienced in Grand Slams in last couple of years. Being one of the top players, you always have these expectations.

                                "My approach will not be different that's for sure for this Grand Slam. I will try to win every match I play on, not change any routine that I have.

                                "There is plenty of motivation and desire to continue on and play well and win matches and win tournaments."

