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  • Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
    Kome se to sviđa. Daj Bože da to prođe bez nekih kasnijih posledica.
    "Pre svega, hvala vam što se ostali ovako kasno. Morao sam da uradim proces oporavka posle duela jer se nisam osećao baš sjajno u poslednjih dvadeset minuta meča. Videćemo kako će telo reagovati sutra, ali verujem da ću se oporaviti i da ću biti spreman za naredni meč", rekao je Novak novinarima u Melburnu.
    Najbolji teniser planete nije se osećao najbolje, a novinare je zanimalo da se ne radi o povredi.
    "Ne, nije bio pad. Nije bio klasičan pad, već pomalo umor i leđa. Ali ništa veliko. Kao što sam rekao, videću kako ću se osećati sutra", kazao je Đoković.

    Sa B92, ne zna da li su dobro preveli.

    Послато са SM-N9005 уз помоћ Тапатока


    • Još nešto što me zabrinjava je da očigledno nema snage da se ganja sa nekim pet setova.
      Iskreno voleo bih da je podloga brža. Verujem da bi na takvoj podlozi lakše završavao gemove.


      • Ove godine ima dosta kise i vlaga je povecana, zato su uslovi sporiji posebno u vecernjem terminu . Mnogim igracima i Dunlop loptice prave problem.. Millman se zalio npr, ostalo u senci, danas ne smes puno govoriti -sponzori .. Poslusajte zvuk lopice, sasvim razlicit..
        Meni se ne cini da je podloga spora,vec pogodna za servere, cini se da ima dosta tb..
        Similis simili gaudet


        • Sjajan mec. Pogotovo za Novaka dobar. Ali Novak je od starta igrao punoooo bolje nego prva tri kola. Najvise mi se svidja sto koncentrisao. BH sa sredine terena u protivnikov forhend je bio odlican, forhend paralela u balon verziji. A i obicna.

          Odlican mec i sada se stvari potpuno menjaju.


          • Fizički izuzetno zahtevan meč.
            Srećom u ovom delu žreba više nema poput Medvedeva upornih grindera koji šalju puno mrtvih loptica.
            Bilo bi sigurno manje naporno da je Novak bio malo ofanzivniji i koncentrisaniji u gemovima kada je brejknut.
            Nakon njegovog onako napornog meča a kao stara mušterija Kej ne bi trebalo biti problem.


            • Ako Novak hitno ne izmisli onaj svoj hiruski servis od prosle godine, ja sam pesimista u vezi osvajanja trofeja. To mu je uglavnom i bilo neko pravilo tokom te druge polovine godine, bez dobrog servisa je uglavnom gubio trofeje. Ali kad ga, pored standardno vrlo dobre igre u velikim mecevima, hoce jos i servis, onda postaje monstrum. Ono je bilo velicanstveno, predivno za gledat.


              • "Pitao me je na mreži da li me je makar naterao da se oznojim, a ja sam se samo nasmejao jer je bilo očigledno (da jeste)", rekao je Novak posle meca. Saljiv ovaj Rus.


                • Novak Medvedev

                  Novak je danas bio bolji nego u prethodnim mecevima. Svejedno, jos nije top. Padovi koncetracije su prisuti, sevsis nije tu... Sa ovim nivom ne moze pobijediti Rafu. Brine da li je mec ostavio fizickog traga.

                  Medvedev je pokazo da njegove izjave prije meca nisu bile prazna prica. Znao sam da ima dobar BH, ali nisam znao da ima fantastican BH. One kratke BH dijagonale niko nema osim njega. Servirao je odlicno, ali treba da popravi 2. servis. Tek onda ce biti opasan.

                  Svejedno, prica mu nije bila pametna. Ovaj Djokovic je blizi onom najboljem Djokovicu nego Novaku iz 2017. protiv koga je Medvedev dva puta igrao. Mislim da su u to Danil danas uvjerio. Izjava je dodatno motivisala Djokovica, tako da i pored odlicne igre Medvedeva i pored relativno izjednacenog meca, rezultat nije bio u pitanju.

                  Medvedev je igrao ala Simon ili Mari s tim sto ima bolji servis od obojice. Naravno, u ostalim elementima, osim BH je losiji od druge dvojice. To je provjerena taktika protiv Novaka. Vracaj uporno i vracaj meko, testiraj Novakov napad. Dobro taktika, dobro sprovodjenje taktike, svejedno nije dalo rezultata. Na samo pocetku je Novak bio odlican blizu svoga maksimuma, dosao je do 5:2. Onda je uzgubio servis. Bio je nedovoljno fokusiran ali je i Danil to odlicno iskoristio.

                  Sve je pocelo jednim nerezonskim DS-om. Novak je igrao dosta DS-ova, to je bila esencijalno u procesu umarnaj Mevedeva. Tu i tamo bi ih odigrao nerezonski. Takav je bio i ovaj.

                  Kad je Novak jos jednom napravio brejk i uzeo set, bio sam uvjeren da (lako) dobija. I krenulo je tim putem. Nije se bojao dugih razmjena, ni diguih gemova, racunajuci da ce na kraju umoriti Medvedeva. I umori ga je, pritom je dosao do vodjstva od 4:1 u 2. setu. Ima je 5 BL za dvostuki brejk i vodjstvo od 5:1 u izuzetno dugackom gemu od 20 poena punom napornih razmjena. Para puta je olako propusti priliku da zavrsi gem. Svejedno, izgledalo je da je sve gotovo jer je Rus pokazivao ozbiljne znake umora.

                  I onda je Novak odigrao jedan potuno nerezonski DS i izgubio poen. To je bio znak da je i Novak umoran.

                  Iza toga je Novaku pao nivo. On je uzao u fizicku krizu a Danil se donekle oporavio. Neshvatljivo, ali je Medved uzeo set u TB. Mene najvise brine da Novak nije dobro rasporedio snagu. Nije vido da ga razumljiva jurnjava za drugim brejkom previse umura. Danas to nije imalo posljedica ali protiv Rafe moze presuditi.

                  U trecem i cetvrtom setu su licili na dva grogirana boksera. Kao protiv Nadala na WTF 2009. Ali Novak je bio manje umoran, samim tim u kontroli. Taktika koja radi protiv Marija je radila i protiv Medvedeva.

                  Ako se nije previse umorio, ako onaj pad nije ostavio posljedica i ako moze jos malo dici igru, ovo je bio odlican test. Ako jedna od ta tri uslova nije ispunjen, Rafa ce slaviti u nedjelju.


                  • Ovaj Novak je bolji od Novaka sa W2018. Stabilnija ličnost. A i igrački je bolji dobrano. Nadal nije bolji nego na W2018. Tamo je bio predobar i bio je favorit protiv Novaka. Ako dodje do finala Rafa nece biti favorit. Novaku do kraja u principu ne treba servis ali ce mu jako značiti. Zatim, Novak je samo malo poboljsao servis prosle godine ali to nije bilo konstantno ali je zato bilo kad je najvažnije.

                    Na papiru Medvedev je bio tezak protivnik. U realnosti je bio samo savrsen test. Novak podize nivo igre.

                    Rafael jos uvek nije imao pravog protivnika na turniru i nece ga imati do kraja. A Novak ih vec ima. Vidim da se pribojavate Rafe ali nema razloga. Poraz na W2018 je bio daleko izvesniji. A da ne pričam što ga se Novak tek ne plaši.

                    Dobro je pitanje kakav je obrnut slučaj?

                    Nemojte verovati Novakovim slabijim izdanjima. On je mnogo bolji nego što se čini.

                    Po mom mišljenju fali nova ličnost u svlačionici. Ovi sada jesu pravi ali su mlaki. Fali jedna gromada koja će da radi posao Borisa Bekera. U tom slučaju ne bih se brinuo za trofej. A bogami to pokazuju i rezultati. Ipak je Novakov prime bio za vreme Bekera. Nesto slabiji ali nimalo loši rezultati su sa Marijanom.
                    Last edited by Ljubitelj tenisa; 21-01-19, 23:42.


                    • Originally posted by Ljubitelj tenisa View Post
                      Ovaj Novak je bolji od Novaka sa W2018. Stabilnija ličnost. A i igrački je bolji dobrano. Nadal nije bolji nego na W2018. Tamo je bio predobar i bio je favorit protiv Novaka. Ako dodje do finala Rafa nece biti favorit. Novaku do kraja u principu ne treba servis ali ce mu jako značiti. Zatim, Novak je samo malo poboljsao servis prosle godine ali to nije bilo konstantno ali je zato bilo kad je najvažnije.

                      Na papiru Medvedev je bio tezak protivnik. U realnosti je bio samo savrsen test. Novak podize nivo igre.

                      Rafael jos uvek nije imao pravog protivnika na turniru i nece ga imati do kraja. A Novak ih vec ima. Vidim da se pribojavate Rafe ali nema razloga. Poraz na W2018 je bio daleko izvesniji. A da ne pričam što ga se Novak tek ne plaši.

                      Dobro je pitanje kakav je obrnut slučaj?

                      Gladiator Nadal ne plaši se nikoga.

                      NIje još pravo vreme, da se priča o finalu Đokovič vs Nadal

                      Za obojicu ima još prepreka na putu do finala.

                      Treba preko Tiafoa, Tsitsipasa/Aguta (Nadal), Nishikorija (ok, kad je Japanac umoran ne ume da dobije nikoga na touru), Raoniča (Đokovič)


                      • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
                        Fizički izuzetno zahtevan meč.
                        Srećom u ovom delu žreba više nema poput Medvedeva upornih grindera koji šalju puno mrtvih loptica.
                        Bilo bi sigurno manje naporno da je Novak bio malo ofanzivniji i koncentrisaniji u gemovima kada je brejknut.
                        Nakon njegovog onako napornog meča a kao stara mušterija Kej ne bi trebalo biti problem.
                        Bojim se da ga drugi set od danas ne kosta eventualnog finala ili titule. Jedva cekam pocetak sledeceg meca da vidim koliko je Novak FIT.

                        Послато са SM-N9005 уз помоћ Тапатока


                        • Novak Djokovic 4R interview
                          Interviews 21 Jan 19

                          Fourth round
                          def. Daniil Medvedev 6-4 6-7(5) 6-2 6-3

                          Q. How are you? Because you fell over in the third set. You were wincing and stretching about. Do you think you'll be ready for the rest of the tournament?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: First of all, thanks for staying in late, or early, for this press conference. I had to do postmatch, all of the part of my recovery program, because I didn't feel so great, you know, in the last 20 minutes of the match or so.

                          So we'll see tomorrow how the body reacts, but I'm confident I can recover and I can be ready for next one.

                          Q. What was the injury?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, it was not the fall. It was not particularly the fall. It was just, you know, a little bit of fatigue, a little bit of back. Nothing major. But there are a couple of things that have surfaced, so to say, you know, after a match like this.

                          But as I said, you know, I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

                          Q. Do you think cheering of spectators encouraged you to show the best possible performance until the end of this match?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, the support of the crowd was great for both me and him. I want to thank the crowd for staying in very late. You know, we played until almost 1:00 in the morning. I do have a lot of support, a lot of people from Serbian community to come out to back me up.

                          It's really nice to see, actually, that people stay, and there was quite a lot of people still till the end of the match even though it was that late. People love tennis, and of course we try to perform our best in front of them, for them, and for ourselves, as well.

                          Q. You and Medvedev seemed to share quite a long joke at the net at the end, and he was whispering in your ear. Was that something suitable you are allowed to share in here? And Roger last night went out to Stefanos. Wondering if you watched that match and how you feel about one of your great rivals going out. Does that make you happy you don't have to face him, or are you kind of sad he's not going deep because you love those matches?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, we have lots of respect for each other, with Medvedev. We have practiced a lot of times together in the past several years, because he also resides in Monaco, and I get to see him a lot.

                          He asked me whether he made me sweat at all, you know, tonight (smiling). I just laugh, because, you know, I think the answer is obvious.

                          I mean, Roger and Stefanos played a great match. I watched some part of it, and the quality of tennis was fantastic, I thought. It was a really great match to see and for them obviously to play, as well. Stefanos showed great maturity and ability to cope with pressure, you know, in those moments when obviously it's Roger and crowd and support and everything that is happening.

                          Considering everything that he was going against, Tsitsipas did phenomenally well. You know, for someone that is 20 years old, it's definitely very impressive. You know, I wish him all the best the rest of the tournament.

                          Roger also played well, but it was very -- it was very close match. One or two points have decided.

                          Q. Next opponent is Kei Nishikori. You have good record against Kei. Is this advantage for you? What do you think about the next match?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, Kei won another marathon match. Congratulations to him for fighting back from two sets to love down and break down. He's a fighter. He's a very talented player. One of the quickest players on the tour. You know, hard worker.

                          I have lots of respect for him. We did play here several times. We actually played in quarterfinals I think one year. You know, every year is different, so, you know, every match that you play against each other is different, so I expect him obviously to come out, to try something new.

                          You know, I have beaten him many times that we played against each other in last couple of years and that we played on different surfaces. It was a couple of very close matches. Yeah, I expect a tough one.

                          Q. It was a very demanding match from the first point today. You seemed to be having trouble to kind of find openings. What was your mindset? How did you find a way to breakthrough?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it was, as you said, you know, hard to go through him. It was kind of a cat-and-a-mouse game for most of the match. That's why it was so lengthy. We had rallies of 40, 45 exchanges.

                          That's why I think it was physically exhausting because of the fact that we didn't really allow each other to think that we can make, you know, a lot of unforced errors and give away points. His backhand is very, very solid. He didn't give me much from that side, but, you know, you can't always play on the forehand. You have to open up the court and try to be patient and construct the point.

                          You know, sometimes it's easier said than done. Just depends on how you feel. Sometimes, you know, you're a bit more hesitant because you're tighter.

                          But, you know, I thought I played a good match. I was a set and a break up, something similar like against to Shapovalov. Unfortunately I, again, lost my serve and got him back to the match. Tiebreak was not that great for me.

                          After that, first four games of the third set were crucial, and that's where I felt like he dropped physically a bit, and that's when I went on top of him, you know, to win the third set.

                          In the fourth he started playing well again. Even though it was three sets to one, it seems like a five-set match, really. It was draining physically a lot, because, you know, you just could not rely on one-two punch tactics, you know, in today's match so often.

                          Q. On the broadcasts and on social media coverage of this tournament, there is a lot of use of many cameras they have in tunnels around Rod Laver Arena and around the tournament. Curious how conscious you are of those cameras when you are doing your daily stuff and if you're comfortable with them or you forget they are there, how they affect you?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It depends. Well, I'm aware that when you get on-site that, you know, you have cameras all over the corridor and, you know, that connects the transport area with locker rooms and gym. That's where we commune the most.

                          Yeah, I mean, look, the only thing I don't like is there is no connection between the ice baths, recovery center and the locker rooms. So, you know, I have seen a lot of players, including Fabio Fognini who is our favorite male model in his bath robe, you know, going back and forth.

                          Also, I mean, for us, I guess for womans, it's even worse because they have to go out and they are in a towel because they just went out from the bath and they didn't carry their bag to change their clothes so they have to go back, and there is camera and corridors and people. That's the only thing I mind a little bit, you know.

                          But other than that, you know, we live in Big Brother society. I guess you just have to accept it.

                          Q. Can I ask you about the super-tiebreaks in use? First to ten points. Do you think it's a problem at all that the four Grand Slams have all got different ways of ending final sets? And which of those four systems do you like best?
                          NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, I actually thought it was a good change, a good innovation to say you play super-tiebreak. I don't mind it personally. I'm more in favor of closing out the match in a tiebreak or super-tiebreak rather than going for 11 hours like Isner and Mahut.

                          Those type of matches are part of the history and I understand that, and I understand that, you know, those are the matches that you remember.

                          But I think statistically percentage-wise if you see, I mean, there is just a lot of matches that people don't recall, you know, that go the distance. And then actually the players who are part of those matches get hurt for the next round, like Isner did actually against Mahut in Wimbledon. He retired his next match or he couldn't move.

                          So that's the only part, you know. I think the super-tiebreak is fine. In regards to all the four slams having different, four different rules, you know, it's not something we used to see because they are very united in every, so to say, innovation or change, but I don't see it in any negative context, you know, towards their unit or players. You know, it's actually interesting that for them to have a different rule.

                          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                          • Đoković bolje da počne sa pripremom za Cicipasa, mali ce veoma brzo mozda vec i ove godine do slema.
                            Sledece 2020. uzima jedan sigurno.
                            On je taj sa kojim ce morati da se bori ako hoce da obori Federerove rekorde.


                            • Novak ce morati da se bori sa cijelim turom, svi imaju igru za njega sad, zato sam se pomirio s tim da je 20 slemova nedostizno. Nadalov broj je dostizan, ali ako on vise ne bi uzeo ni jedan.


                              • Sa Nisikorijem u vecernjem terminu od 19:30 po lokalnom vremenu.
                                Non-Calendar Year Grand Slam - Stands alone
                                Holding all 4 Majors titles on 3 different surfaces at once - Stands alone
                                30 consecutive match wins - Stands alone
                                3+ consecutive finals in all 4 Majors - Stands alone
                                Australian Open 3 consecutive titles - Stands alone

