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  • Za sada su to samo nagadjanja.
    Similis simili gaudet


    • Da Maxo , to sam i ja citao...


      • Pa dobro sad, šta ima veze ionako će da osvoji RG.. taman da nadoknadi ovim i neki prethodni koji nije...

        Ama gde si čitao?
        Last edited by miloolja; 02-02-16, 01:50.

        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


        • Svejedno je Novaku koja je podloga trenutno.
          Meni licno OI su samo dodatno opterecenje pretrpanog rasporeda u teniskoj sezoni
          Similis simili gaudet


          • Neko je ovde pisao o tome,ali na OS nema ni naznake da se igra na šljaci-
            Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
            Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
            "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


            • Meni je apsolutno nelogicno da se ne konsultuju sami igraci u smislu podloge.
              Tacno se zna da je po datumu i u doba OI vreme za Hard, da ce odma posle igara tako i ostati, znaci apsolut logika kaze H.
              Takodje i cinjenica da Brazilci nemaju favorita za tozla, npr. nekog sljakera daje totalnu prednost H.
              2012-e u Londonu su se odlucili za vutru bas zbog W. a sigurno si imali kesha da "sklepaju" i neki Hard Court da je to bila neka zelja igraca ili koga vec.

              A vezano za ovo izvodjaci radova i tako to, meni je logicno da se izvodjac samo javi na tender a raspisivac tendera govori "gde da vezes konja", znaci na Hardu
              Last edited by AIRBORNE; 02-02-16, 03:07.
              >>> Brojim Izbrojao sam sate, minute, sekunde do pogleda na Mourinja u dresu MANCHESTER UNITED-a ! <<<


              • A i Rafi je sada nebitno da li je HC ili šljaka, ionako ga buše svuda


                • Andy Murray 'needs clear strategy' to sink Novak Djokovic

                  Andy Murray arrived back in the UK from Melbourne no closer to cracking the code required to defeat Novak Djokovic in a Grand Slam.

                  The world number two played some outstanding tennis in the second and third sets of the Australian Open final. And yet he still left the court with nothing to show for it, and without a win over the Serb at this level since the 2013 Wimbledon final.



                  • Next stop French Open: Will Novak Djokovic be the first man in 50 years to hold four titles in a year?

                    For the second time in his career, Wimbledon, US Open and Australian Open champion Djokovic will arrive at Roland Garros needing seven victories to become the first man in almost 50 years to hold all four grand slam titles at the same time.

                    It is a feat that is so difficult that it has not been achieved by a man since Australian Rod Laver won the second of his calendar Grand Slams in 1969.

                    Djokovic's effort to join an exclusive club which boasts only two male members -- Don Budge and Laver -- was thwarted in 2012 by Rafa Nadal in the Paris final.

                    "(I'm) very hungry (for Paris)," Djokovic said after beating Andy Murray in the Melbourne Park final on Sunday to win his 11th grand slam title. "Even though I won last four out of five grand slams, I don't take anything for granted. I want to improve as everybody else. I'm not here because I played the same tennis I played last year. I feel like I'm playing better."

                    UNDER SPELL

                    Murray, Federer and Nadal will certainly agree with that assessment as they all fell under his spell in the opening month of the 2016 season.

                    After humiliating Federer in the opening two sets of his 6-1 6-2 3-6 6-3 semi-final victory in Melbourne, Djokovic said it was "probably the best two sets I've played against Roger over my career". That's saying something for a decade-long rivalry that spans 45 matches.



                    • The Technical State of Novak Djokovic

                      Many have fairly argued that Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal revolutionized the way we’ve looked at the game. Federer’s effortless technical precision, grace under pressure and uncanny ability to come up with unprecedented shots allowed him to assert a control over matches that the sport had simply not seen before. Nadal came along and changed the way we think about topspin forever. The Spaniard ushered in an age where the rest of the world was attempting to emulate what he did with the ball off the forehand side. What he has done on clay with his topspin forehand is above what any player has done any surface ever with any shot.

                      Djokovic’s defensive prowess is the “shot” in his arsenal that is not only controlling the game, but simultaneously changing the way it can be played. It’s easy to recognize something you haven’t seen before, and in the case of Djokovic’s defense, you are just left shaking your head. The best word for it is preposterous. Some of the balls Djokovic is able to get back defending out of the open stance (and less often, the closed stance) is preposterous in the sense that if I hadn’t seen it before and someone described it to me, I would laugh if it off as simply not possible. But, as Federer and Andy Murray could tell you, it is a frightening reality for anyone standing across the net from him.

                      Getting to the ball is only half the equation, and what happens to the ball once it leaves the racket is more crucial. To deliver an offensive strike, a player typically needs to have their body situated in a certain position and the ball coming at a certain speed and particularly depth. To Djokovic, almost all of this becomes irrelevant. He can take whatever ball he wants from a seemingly defensive position, and turns it into immediate offense. It is comparable to Nadal’s topspin forehand — a shot that used to be as safe as any other, but also had the quality of being an offensive powerhouse.

                      Last edited by Bulevarac; 02-02-16, 06:59.


                      • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
                        Evo za priliku ovaj najnoviji slucaj gde se proknjizi 11-i slem uz dostizanje velikog Borga (Eeej Borga ) primi nekako ravnodusno, dobro ne bas ravnodusno ali onako prilicno mirno, bez preteranog cimanja.
                        To je tacno i to je najveci kompliment Novaku. Svi su ocekivali pobjedu na AO i primaju je kao nesto sasvim normalno. Vijest je kada Novak izgubi, ne kada pobijedi. Kao u vrijeme Borga.

                        Naravno, tu postoji i jos jedan detalj, bar za nas navijace. Toliko ocekujemo RG i ono sto slijedi iza da AO smatramo samo uvertirom. Razmazeni smo ali ne i nerealni. Nadam se da nece biti razocaranja.

                        Originally posted by Bulevarac View Post
                        Getting to the ball is only half the equation, and what happens to the ball once it leaves the racket is more crucial. To deliver an offensive strike, a player typically needs to have their body situated in a certain position and the ball coming at a certain speed and particularly depth. To Djokovic, almost all of this becomes irrelevant. He can take whatever ball he wants from a seemingly defensive position, and turns it into immediate offense. It is comparable to Nadal’s topspin forehand — a shot that used to be as safe as any other, but also had the quality of being an offensive powerhouse.
                        To je ravnoteza koju Novak ima a niko drugi nema. Izmedju ostalog povezano sa skijanjem, sto Novak cesto istice.

                        Niko nije opovrgao glasine da ugovor za izgradnju terena na hard nije prekinut. To mi se ne svidja. Zadnja stvar koju Novak treba je sljaka usred sezone na hardu.
                        Last edited by NI; 02-02-16, 08:13.


                        • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                          Ko kaže šljaka?
                          Nije šljaka.... biće tvrda podloga, kažu nešto slično kao one na severnoameričkim turnirima.
                          Ako sam dobro shvatio iz medija, priča o šljaci se pojavila jer se jaaaaako kasni sa izradom teniskog centra za OI, pa organizatori razmišljaju da raskinu ugovor i prebace na već postojeće terene sa šljakom.
                          Tu bi morali samo pojačati logistiku.


                          • Originally posted by Bimbo View Post
                            Ako sam dobro shvatio iz medija, priča o šljaci se pojavila jer se jaaaaako kasni sa izradom teniskog centra za OI, pa organizatori razmišljaju da raskinu ugovor i prebace na već postojeće terene sa šljakom.
                            Tu bi morali samo pojačati logistiku.
                            To se vjerovatno svodi na to da li ce se naci trazeni novci.


                            • Originally posted by NI View Post
                              To je tacno i to je najveci kompliment Novaku. Svi su ocekivali pobjedu na AO i primaju je kao nesto sasvim normalno. Vijest je kada Novak izgubi, ne kada pobijedi. Kao u vrijeme Borga.

                              Naravno, tu postoji i jos jedan detalj, bar za nas navijace. Toliko ocekujemo RG i ono sto slijedi iza da AO smatramo samo uvertirom. Razmazeni smo ali ne i nerealni. Nadam se da nece biti razocaranja.
                              Zanimljiva je kontradiktornost koja se javlja na relaciji uspesi - reakcije. Sto su uspesi veci to su reakcije kako samog Novaka tako i njegovog navijackog korpusa sve umerenije.
                              `Krivac` tome je naravno on sam jer je kontinuitetom uspeha ucinio da se sve pretvorilo u rutinu koja vrlo retko ishoduje visoko emotivnim reakcijama.
                              Da bi se do te i takve rutine stiglo bila su po meni presudna tri faktora:
                              1. Apsolutna sigurnost u svoje igracke domete.
                              2. Savrsen balans kojim pristupa na velikim turnirima ondnosno vrlo umesna kalkulacija formom tokom turnira
                              3. Harmonija kako u porodici tako u timu i bliskom okruzenju.
                              Mislim da je previse rano govoriti o RG-u, ide se korak po korak sa jasnim planom i jos jasnijim ciljem. RG jeste top cilj za naredni deo sezone ali nas do njega deli sasvim dobar komad vremena da bi se vec sada o njemu razmisljalo.


                              • pecaros,

                                Postoji tu jos jedan element. To je u stvari prosirena tacka 2. kod tebe.

                                Potpuna sigudrnost da zna sto da radi. Konkretno, u danom mecu, protiv danog protivnika. To je doslo sa Bekerom. I ono pokazivanje na Bekera kada osvoji GS titulu je dio toga. Kao da mu kaze: "Napravio sam sto smo se dogovorili i nije bilo vecih problema."
                                Last edited by NI; 02-02-16, 11:29.

