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  • Kad je dotle doslo da me zreb uopste ne zanima. Bukvalno nemam zasto da gledam, vec samo da cekam da pocne turnir i uzivam u svakom mecu sa narednim protivnikom. Jedino ko me "plasi" je Wawa, pokazao je da mu odgovara ovaj turnir, u sjajnoj je formi ali najbitnije od svega pokazalo se da mu je Novak izvrstan match up i da je protiv njega u svojoj komfornoj zoni i moze da igra svoju igru.

    Nikad se ne zna u sportu, ali cinjenica je da je Nole u takvoj formi da prvo on mora da pobedi sebe da bi njegov protivnik imao priliku.
    It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


    • Originally posted by pecaros View Post
      Ono kada te tvoj igrac dovede do stanja kada ti zreb postane tako nebitan

      Apropo ankete od ponudjenih opcija najbliza mi je prva mada mi Sinsinati nekako ne ide u listu ovogodisnjih prioriteta.
      Sezona ce biti sve samo ne laka jer nanovo valja u bitke protiv sve napaljenijih protivnika pred jos manje naklonjenom publikom uz medije koje ce jedva docekati priiku da potkace i oblate.
      Motivacije i kvaliteta ima onoliko pa su sva nadanja protivnicka ka nekom vecem padu zaludna.
      Ukoliko zdravlje posluzi uz nesto malkice srece moguce je ostvariti ono sto niko nije.
      Posto je godina olimpijska zelja je da se uzme, ukoliko je moguce zlatni slem a i da tako ne bude, opet dobro.
      E svaka ti je ka u Njegoša
      Lako je uvek pogadjati u centar ako imaš ljude da crtaju krugove oko njega


      • * Victory makes you happy, failure makes you stronger!
        * Smeš da izgubiš, ali ne smeš da se predaš!
        NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ #TrueChampion


        • ...

          Bekerov intervju za austrijski portal

          op -prevod sa nemačkog na engleski: google

          "Djokovic against Federer, this is black versus white, but not evil against good"

          Germany's tennis legend talks about his "wonderful trip" with Novak Djokovic.

          Boris Becker (48) is the most successful German tennis player. The London-based German won six Grand Slam titles and a total of 49 tournament trophies. 25 years ago, after the first of his two Australian Open victories, he became the world number one. Since December 2013 Becker's head coach at the world rankings-First Novak Djokovic. In the time of the vehicle combination Becker / Djokovic drop four of the ten "Major" title of the Serbs.

          Mr. Becker, Novak Djokovic won in 2015 almost everything there is to win in world tennis. He was at the end of the clearest number one of all time. What do you do in order to repeat the can?

          Boris Becker: It is crucial to take a real, real break. Total off. Not to compete in any tournament scene. He has played 80 matches at the highest level in the last year, which was gigantic. But verschleißend. Therefore was: rest, relaxation, a break from the tour. And, most important: oneself happy about what you've done. That comes in daily stress too short.

          Breaks are in modern tennis has become very rare.

          Becker: But they are sometimes as important as a tournament victory. Breaks, installed properly, are like a training session. Only if you find yourself sometimes deliberately retire, body and spirit auflädst, you are now ready for further success. Many forget that today. And pay for it.

          "Breaks, installed properly, are like a training session." Boris Becker

          That is, the team Djokovic begins in 2016 just back to square one.

          Becker: 2015 past. That is no longer interested in us. All stand again at the start line and want to finish first. But Novak is fresh and rested in the race, in Doha we have seen that it burns again for tennis.

          If you look back on your start as Djokovic coach, two years ago, what is there arrived from your expectations?

          Becker: Honestly Neither Novak nor myself would have dreamed that. Since I myself sometimes asked: really happens this? We wanted to square one back, win Grand Slam tournaments. But this dominance in the last 18 months, which was both unusual and remarkable. Much better than Novak last you can play a season hardly, in this quality and endurance. It is a wonderful journey with him. I experience unexpected moments of happiness.

          "Neither Novak nor myself would have dreamed that." Boris Becker

          Has Djokovic never Motivation problems?

          Becker: He's like all the major sports: If you have this run, if you win, you want more. Always more. He has a fabulous setting, almost all classified under the tennis. He knows what he has with whom and how to do to be successful. In top tennis it comes to be better in the last questions of detail as the other good and very good. And in this he is a master. He tickles the last few percents out always.

          Now all the questions again and again like: How does a Becker as Djokovic even better?

          Becker: I never like to talk about me and my success share of Djokovic. The fact is that I had a good tennis career may, to pass on my experience. And Novak is one who listens because who wants to draw lessons learned from them. He always wants to learn day after day. So are Champions.

          He always wants to learn day after day. So are Champions. Boris Becker over Novak Djokovic

          The coach Becker's almost more successful than the player Becker.

          Becker: With me probably always true that one does not know how it will end. That's part of my life, now as a coach.

          What have you actually taken from the years with their coaches with in this work?

          Becker: I had wonderful coaches and teachers. Ion Tiriac, Günther Bosch, Bob Brett, Nick Bollettieri Niki Pilic or - all very different characters with their own abilities. Of this I benefit tremendously today. Everything I myself have learned from these great coaches, today flows into my work. Season planning, tactics, opponent-observation, the psychological game.

          "For me, probably always, true that no one knows how it will end. That's part of my life, now as a coach. "Boris Becker

          Give an example: As you have Djokovic in the Wimbledon final against Federer prepared?

          Becker: That can not be confined to these last two days you. There is always a process. And in this case, the success story began in, Novak after the lost French Open final to bring back on the track, with the help of the team, with the help of his wife. Because he was pretty bent after the defeat of Paris. It took a lot tact him for Wimbledon adjust properly again. But this is the job of Team Djokovic, even from me. Bring Also and precisely in these moments the best as a coach. When he was on the court at Wimbledon, again with motivation and inspiration, the hardest work was done. A work that no one has seen.

          Do you have a former number one, as "Major" winner more persuasion and reasoning power?

          Becker: It's just the way that you as a multiple Grand Slam winner has a different approach. It has everything personally experienced the ups and downs, the comebacks, the crazy match situations, the rain breaks at Wimbledon or anywhere else. For Novak, it is important to be able to speak with someone who can bring a life experience to an authority from his own experience. The supports him. And helps him to overcome a crisis as to Paris.

          "It took a lot tact him for Wimbledon adjust properly again." Boris Becker over Novak Djokovic

          2016 a complex year, also because of the Olympic tennis tournament. How important was itself the subject Olympic Games, how important it is for Djokovic?

          Becker: It was extremely important to me. This Olympic idea to be with all the stars from all sports together in one place, has always fascinated me. I was injured four times in the German team, and unfortunately three times, torn ligaments, 1984, tendonitis 1988 Sehnenriss 1996. Remained 1992 Barcelona on a slow clay court. In individual there was nothing in it, but in a double, which was then a mad gold history with Michael Stich. He was one of my biggest rivals at the time, 1991, he won Wimbledon against me, 1992 I struck him there in the quarterfinals. And then came Barcelona. And the victory. We have somehow it all together, like, I do not even remember exactly. When I tell my children now that I have won gold medals, I rise in their esteem. Today gold in tennis is worth much more than it was then. Therefore, the answer to the question, what would it mean Novak, quite simple: a lot. That's a great goal. And I will also travel to Rio.

          They have repeatedly complained that Djokovic successes in the public had not been adequately addressed. Has anything changed since 2015?

          Becker: Definitely, yes. And above all, how he dealt not only with the victories. But even with this single painful defeat in Paris. His speech at that time, these emotions, the tears, the one of the most moving moments that I have ever ever experienced in tennis. I think people get easily with what a great champion he is. Modesty in success, no one who carries arrogant victory in front of them. One who simply as a leader doing the tennis well.

          "I think people get easily with what a great champion he is." Boris Becker on the increased recognition of Novak Djokovic

          On the other hand, you as still as a TV commentator once noted, you go to the top to be cuddly. Djokovic is now available not just for confrontation, for conflict.

          Becker: But on the center court, he may already be a warrior. A street fighter who wants to assert himself with all his might. Let us against Djokovic and Federer for only times at the US Open final, a couple of 100 Serbs in the stands, but 24,000 Amis frontal: If you insist so a check, you're really a big one. This you can do only if you have the backbone, not're anxious and show a clear position. For me it was the game of the year from him.

          The rivalry between Djokovic and Roger Federer is indeed the most formative feature in men's tennis.

          Becker: There are two different characters who meet each other there. This is the attraction, the tension, the thrill. It is black versus white, but not good versus evil. I often get a beating, because I supposedly said something against Roger. And I have only related position per Novak only in truth. It's crazy that people that do not understand: I'm Team Djokovic, I have to take care of his successes. The Guardiola will not go out and say: "The Tuchel I find nice, so goes a little bit cautious in the duels against Dortmund." It does not matter what your opponent has done before and done what was his life's work - is considered at the end : You go with the square, wants you steal the victory. And you have something against it. And the coach also.

          "I often get a beating, because I supposedly said something against Roger. And I have only related position per Novak only in truth. "Boris Becker

          Presumably Federer won the even best understood.

          Becker: Absolutely. There are also no problems with Roger. We see every week in the locker room, shake hands. My family and I have huge respect for his lifetime achievements. But I have a job in which it comes to the question: How can I beat him? How to win my husband against him?

          Are you now, as a successful coach, happier than two years ago?

          No, I was also happy. I'm lucky not depend on professional successes. For me, the equation is rather the other way round: I am privately and with my family at peace, I can work well. And that was no different in 2013 2016th

          "There are also no problems with Roger. We see every week in the locker room, shake hands. My family and I have huge respect for his life's work. "Boris Becker

          The most common argument for coach Becker is: He's arrived back at itself. In tennis, where he still knows best.

          Becker: The least know what happened in my life, today as 30 years ago. Therefore, there is also always the most impossible theories about Boris Becker - what he does know why. On the subject of Becker is intended only in extremes, there is no gray area. Back at the tennis? No, I was never away. I stop only ceased to be tennis players. I have worked as an expert and commentator, in Germany it has only hardly anyone noticed. Also, because the topic Tennis is a whole large area disappeared from the radar.

          But it fills the what you do in tennis, more than any other professional projects?

          Becker: My life would have been poorer if I would not have accepted other challenges. I've tried many, many has worked, otherwise not. If that is not so? Only that is made ​​equal to the drama at Becker, to fail at all. As I said: There is only triumph or tragedy. But I have no regrets. Because what the alternative would have been: From 32 years and the retirement only be a legend? I was not born to Grüßaugust.

          "On the subject of Becker is intended only in extremes, there is no gray area." Boris Becker

          What may come as a coach in tennis even if you have the number one training - such a towering frontman as Djokovic?

          Becker: First of this mission is far from over. I want to register as coach in Djokovic also continue to evolve. Because this job is hard, it provides a tremendous amount of work before. Nothing is certain in this business, no one more victory falls slightly. Look at Federer and Nadal on two absolutely outstanding people. And yet they have won nothing very big more for some time, no Slams. This shows what it means today to be Grand Slam winner. There is always a small miracle. Tennis is a business of winning. We, Novak, the team and I were, as very successful. And that is why we want all even like to go on, I think.

          Will there be the coach Becker after the job with Djokovic yet?

          Becker: I had other questions before Djokovic. But I refused. Because it is a very intense sport travel. Because I've done it myself for 20 years. In number one, I could not say "No". Because I knew what a player he is for a type: the one who gives everything for tennis. Motivation, passion, intelligence - it's perfect. With it, every minute is worth working. I do not know if there could be a similar partnership again. I'm so not getting any younger, you want to spend more time with the family. I see my children and my wife already too little.

          "Motivation, passion, intelligence - it's perfect. With it, every minute is worth working. I do not know if there could be a similar partnership again. "Boris Becker over Novak Djokovic

          Germany's major theme of last year will probably also be the theme of this year: the refugees. How important can the sport as an integrating factor be?

          Becker: First of: Much of the discussion in Germany I did not understand. How many with a German passport have parents and grandparents who were refugees themselves? Quite a lot. I also. Belong The waves of immigration have never harmed the country. And we are also to help obliged not without conditions clear. But we are a rich country, which has its possibilities. And the sport that will help for sure. He can deliver a very decisive impulse to want to achieve something.

          Interview by Jörg Allmeroth.

          Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
          But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


          • Kakva izjava, ovo je praznik za dusu
            - "Đoković ima sve. Nema ništa dosadno u toj igri. Njegov bekhend je od samog Boga, liči na Agasijev. Ritern je neverovatan, a tek njegovi pokreti. Novak je ceo paket - u tehiničkom, fizičkom i mentalnom smislu. Sve radi savršeno. Na vrhuncu je karijere i mislim da kreće u “štetu”, u potpunu dominaciju nagrednih godina. Sada je najkompletniji od svih, zato je favorit broj 1 i u Melburnu.".
            Ni dodati, ni oduzeti
            * Telo je slabo, ali je duh krepak, zato ga treba svakodnevno održavati. *


            • sigpic

              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Što reče Peca žreb je nebitan...Međutim,teško je održati ritam i odbraniti sve ono od prošle godine.Ove godine očekujem "samo" 3 GS-AO,RG,Wimbledon,plus Sinsinati i zlato u Riju.
                Kada su u pitanju Mastersi,pored Sinsinatija tu još OČEKUJEM i Majami,IW,MC,Rim,eventualno Šangaj i WTF.
                U svakom slučaju #idemo
                Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
                Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
                "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


                • Malo je BH skripao, malo kretanje , vrucina, solidan Hyeon .. Zato je FH jako dobar..
                  Imam utisak da su i tereni nesto brzi..
                  Similis simili gaudet


                  • sigpic

                    Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                    But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                    • Mats po običaju ističe očigledno.Novak je morao da ima najbolju sezonu u karijeri da bi ga ovaj napokon pohvalio,ali ono pravo,a ne škrto kao pre...A možda je i do mene jer mi je Mats jako antipatičan lik(i da se razumemo nema to veze sa Novakom-ni Boris mi nije simpatičan)...
                      A što se Novaka tiče mislim da je imao protivnika po meri za 1 kolo,mada nivo na kom je Čang(Čung-nisam sigurna kako se pravilno izgovara-po sudiji na meču je Čang,po komentatorima Čung) odigrao je po meni čak i za neko 3 kolo da evo već u prvom nije naleteo na Noleta...
                      Dobra stvar je što se vidi da Nole polako tempira formu,mada mi je danas izgledao na momente nekako sporo i tromo(vrućina?),BH jeste škripao,naročito paralela-ali mislim da je bolje što je tako sada,da može da je natempira do finala sa Marejem.Da,rekoh Marejem-tako mi se "javlja"...
                      Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
                      Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
                      "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


                      • sigpic

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Originally posted by Marija81 View Post
                          Mats po običaju ističe očigledno.Novak je morao da ima najbolju sezonu u karijeri da bi ga ovaj napokon pohvalio,ali ono pravo,a ne škrto kao pre...A možda je i do mene jer mi je Mats jako antipatičan lik(i da se razumemo nema to veze sa Novakom-ni Boris mi nije simpatičan)...
                          A što se Novaka tiče mislim da je imao protivnika po meri za 1 kolo,mada nivo na kom je Čang(Čung-nisam sigurna kako se pravilno izgovara-po sudiji na meču je Čang,po komentatorima Čung) odigrao je po meni čak i za neko 3 kolo da evo već u prvom nije naleteo na Noleta...
                          Dobra stvar je što se vidi da Nole polako tempira formu,mada mi je danas izgledao na momente nekako sporo i tromo(vrućina?),BH jeste škripao,naročito paralela-ali mislim da je bolje što je tako sada,da može da je natempira do finala sa Marejem.Da,rekoh Marejem-tako mi se "javlja"...
                          Hvalio je Mats Novaka i ranije i to ne skrto, vec mu je dodeljivao neke epitete koji se samo najboljima svih vremena dodeljuju.

                          Always somewhere Miss you where I've been I'll be back to love you again

                          U crnim rupama možeš ludo da se zezaš. Da lebdiš iznad zemlje. Da slušaš rock ´n´ roll.Dozivaš kišu.
                          Ili da mazneš neku lepu ribu. Samo je bezveze kada se probudiš….


                          • Meni se najviše dopada kada poslednjih godina hvali Noaka, svaki put kaže kako mnogi nisu videli da će on sve ovo postići, pa ni on sam... svaki put zvuči kao da se kaje zbog toga ili ono.. jao kako ovog nisam ukapirao ranije.

                            Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                            But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                            • Originally posted by miloolja View Post
                              Meni se najviše dopada kada poslednjih godina hvali Noaka, svaki put kaže kako mnogi nisu videli da će on sve ovo postići, pa ni on sam... svaki put zvuči kao da se kaje zbog toga ili ono.. jao kako ovog nisam ukapirao ranije.
                              Ili je mozda pricao jedno na TV-u a drugo privatno. Pa sada podsjece druge na ono sto je on pricao.

                              Mats od 2011. ne prestaje da hvali Novak. Problem je sto su pohvale bile relativno rijetke i sakrivene u brdu nebitnih komentara i konstatacija. Samo treba imati osjecaj kada Mats kaze nesto sto misli a kada kaze nesto sto treba da kaze.


                              • Ja to ne vidim tako kao ti, tj. nemam taj osećaj. Ne kažem da je njemu Novak najomiljeniji, ne vidim ni zašto bi pa i bio na kraju, ali od te 2011. sasvim drugačije priča, što na kraju i ističe da pre tog perioda nije (kao što sam već prethodno napisala), a šta misli i priča privatno ne zanima me mnogo, a znam i vidi se da ga veoma poštuje. Kad god je analizirao Novakovo neko finale, tačnije šta se može očekivati u njemu od Novaka i protivnika pre meča, u velikom procentu je bio u pravu (da se ne razbacujem sa brojkama). I kad god sam ga čula hvali Novaka konkretno, e sad da li je to bilo retko što sam slušala, ne znam.
                                Last edited by miloolja; 19-01-16, 18:30.

                                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.

