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Nole, idi u peršun!

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    • 14:26 hahahaahahahhaahahah

      It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


      • Novak Djokovic merits more acclaim after great year in tennis history

        The Serb won three of the four grand slam titles in 2015 but had his service faults applauded in the US Open final against Roger Federer

        A few days ago Roger Federer was asked what invincibility tasted like during that glorious stretch between 2004 and 2007 when the sweet spot on his racket was as fat as a watermelon and his tennis was so exalted the writer David Foster Wallace compared watching him to a religious experience.

        “It’s a funny place,” he replied, fumbling for an appropriate analogy, “Whoosh, like on a bullet train!” Or being caught on a wave “you don’t want to get flushed out” from. But he had regrets too: “There is so much winning and playing going on that sometimes … you don’t take enough time to actually celebrate those moments.”

        Aren’t we, as a wider sporting audience, falling into the same trap with Novak Djokovic? During 2011, when he won three grand slam titles and finished with a 70-6 win/loss record, including 10 victories in 11 against a close-to-peak Rafael Nadal and Federer, the Serb was “having the greatest year in the history of our sport”, according to John McEnroe. Yet statistically Djokovic was even better in 2015. Not only did he win 82 of 88 matches – a 93% win percentage, the sixth best in the open era behind McEnroe in 1984, Jimmy Connors in 1974, Federer in 2005 and 2006, and Bjorn Borg in 1979 – he also became only the third man, after Rod Laver and Federer, to reach all four grand slam finals in a calendar year. For good measure he ended 2015 with six Masters titles, a record.

        That success was earned the hard way. This year Djokovic beat top-10 players 31 times – another record, eclipsing the next best of 24 (by Djokovic in 2012 and 2013, and Nadal in 2013). If it was not for Stan Wawrinka’s forehand getting molten-hot in the French Open final we could be talking of Djokovic as only the second calendar slam winner in the open era. After Wawrinka had cracked 60 winners in that final he confessed to playing “the match of my life”. That is what it took to beat the world No1.

        Yet while Djokovic has produced one of the greatest years in tennis history, deep public affection for him remains elusive. The crowds mostly rooted for his opponents. In the US Open final against Federer they even applauded his service faults. And then another minor snub: missing out on the BBC’s overseas sports personality of the year award to Dan Carter.

        Djokovic says not being a fan favourite “has only steeled my resolve”. And how. To these eyes he was not quite as brilliant a shot maker in 2015 as he was four years ago but his body and mind are even more resilient. A couple of years ago he tweeted a photograph of himself standing by a dilapidated wall in Serbia that he used to whack tennis balls against as a four-year-old. This year he was like that wall. Whatever opponents threw at him came back with interest.

        Such is Djokovic’s consistency he tops four of the 10 ATP ranking categories – second serve points won, first and second serve return points won, and return games won – and appears in the top 10 in four more. Only in aces (18th) and first serve points won (24th) was he anything less than exceptional – and while he won fewer cheaper points than his rivals on serve, his strength from the back of the court more than made up for it.

        And according to Dan Weston, a tennis analyst and professional gambler, Djokovic’s underlying figures this year even sneak ahead of Federer’s finest season in 2006 and Pete Sampras’s best year in 1997. In 2015 Djokovic held his serve 89.8% and broke his opponent 33.7% of the time – a combined success total of 123.5%. In 2006 Federer held serve 90% and broke his opponent’s 32% of the time, a combined total of 122%, while Sampras in 1997 was lower still (90% serve hold, 28% breaks of serve).

        What these numbers cannot show, of course, is Djokovic’s incredible litheness and flexibility. He reminds one of those plastic bendy men which, no matter how much a child twists and scrunches it, always pops back into position, ready to go.

        True, there has been the odd misstep – including the “fake” cramp against Andy Murray in the Australian Open final and raging at a ball girl for being too slow at Wimbledon. But his reaction to defeat against Wawrinka at Roland Garros spoke volumes: “In life some things are more important than victories: character and respect,” he told the crowd. “I have a great respect for you, Stan – I lost to a better player.”

        Unlike many of his great rivals, Djokovic has no obvious weakness on grass, clay or hard court. And as Weston points out, he is exceptional with the roof up too: his defeat to Federer in the group stages at the Tour finals last month was his first indoors since 2012 – a 38-match run.

        As he approaches his 29th birthday, Djokovic clearly believes he can ride that wave of invincibility which Federer talked about, promising that he feels “physically stronger and mentally more experienced” as he bids to add to his 10 grand slam titles. But even if he is not able to get closer to the 14 held by Sampras and Nadal, and the 17 by Federer, he surely should be more appreciated for being one of the finest champions of this age – in fact, any age.
        Last edited by miloolja; 21-12-15, 13:51.

        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


        • Olja,

          Upuceni, kao kao autor clanka, sve znaju i sve razumiju. Mislim da je clanak pripremao ocekujuci da ce Novak, a ne Dan Karter, pobijediti sinoc na izboru internacionalne sportske licnosti u Britaniji. Novak nije pobijedio. To je kako autor kaze "minor snub". Ja prije mislim da je "micro" a ne "minor" i nadam se da Novak to tako shvata.

          Nadam se i da se priprema za sljedecu godinu, u prvom redu mentalno, jer mozda je to sezona po kojoj ce se Novak pamtiti...
          Last edited by NI; 21-12-15, 14:31.


          • Polako i samim medijima postaje neprijatno
            Similis simili gaudet


            • She knows ...


              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


              • Tennis World objavio je listu 10 najboljih teniskih turnira u ovoj godini i na mnogima od njih dominirao je Novak Đoković

                Tennis World – 10 najboljih turnira u 2015. godini:

                10. Masters u Šangaju – šampion Novak Đoković
                9. Rodžers kup u Montrealu – šampion Endi Mari
                8. Masters u Monte Karlu – šampion Novak Đoković
                7. Završni Masters u Londonu – šampion Novak Đoković
                6. US open – šampion Novak Đoković
                5. Turnir u Kvinsu – šampion Endi Mari
                4. Australijan open – šampion Novak Đoković
                3. Rolan Garos – šampion Stan Vavrinka
                2. Vimbldon – šampion Novak Đoković
                1. Masters u Indijan Velsu – šampion Novak Đoković

                Kriterijumi za izbor turnira osim igrača koji su učestvovali su još bili uslovi za igru, posećenost, kvalitet mečeva, usluga u turnirskim objektima, nagradni fondovi, dodatne aktivnosti...
                * Telo je slabo, ali je duh krepak, zato ga treba svakodnevno održavati. *


                • upravo sam preracunao Fedove 2004-2008 godine u sadasnji sistem i iznenadio se da je nole skupio vise od 5000p u njegovih 5 godina nego rodja u svojim. to je preko 1000 poena po godini vise! jedino mala rezerva za olimpijske poene ali i ako nisam potrefio, greška je minimalna.

                  12235 p - 2004
                  11655 p- 2005
                  15495 p - 2006
                  13345 p - 2007
                  8785 p - 2008
                  ca 61515 p - 2004-2008
                  No1e 66755 p - 2011-2015

                  ovo pokazuje da je noletova era vjerovatno najkonstantnija od svih. ako se gleda sve a ne samo slemovi naravno.

                  PS. No1e 2011 - 2015 vs Fed 2004 - 2008 ---- fed 2009

                  poeni: 66755 vs ca 61515 ---- 10550
                  YE#1: 4 vs 4 ---- 1
                  GS: 9 vs 12 ---- 2
                  WTF: 4 vs 3
                  M: 21 vs 13 ---- 2
                  ukupno T1 titule: 34 vs 28 ---- 4
                  GS F: 6 vs 4 ---- 2
                  MM titule: 7 vs 18

                  Ako nole bude br1 i u 2016 (obojica bi imali 5 br1 u 6 godina) i ako, dao bog, bude multi slem godina, moci ce se njegova era po mnogo cemu uporediti sa fedovom. osvajanjem samo 5000p bi imao vise ukupnih poena, sto je u slucaju da bude br1 zagarantovano. nemoguce je stici feda po slemovima (fed je imao 14 u periodu 2004 - 2009 a nole je trenutno na 9) ali bi imao dosta bolji ucinak na ostalim jakim turnirima (WTF, OI i mastersi) i dosta veci broj ukupnih T1 titula (GS, WTF, M i OI). nole u 2016 ima sansu na 4 slema, WTF, OI i 9 mastersa a za sada im je odnos 9-14 u slemovima, 4-3 na WTF, bronza-nista na OI i 21-15 na mastersima uz 6-6 slem finala ako gledamo periode 2011-2015 (5 godina) i 2004-2009 (6 godina). ako kojim slucajem No1e produzi vladavinu na 2 godine (2016 i 2017) to bi vec bio vrlo ozbiljan slucaj za naj eru svih vremena!
                  Last edited by talicni; 25-12-15, 16:01.




                    • novaku cetvrta zlatna znacka. preskace legendarnog cerara. eto i formalno nas naj sportista ikad

                      Đokoviću Zlatna značka # DSL Sport

                      1. Novak Đoković 47
                      2. Ivana Španović 32
                      3. Ana Dabović 17
                      4. Milica Starović 11
                      5. Andrija Prlainović 10
                      6. Nemanja Bjelica 8
                      7-8. Maja Ognjenović 3
                      7-8. Zorana Arunović 3
                      9. Dušan Borković 1
                      10. Aleksandar Konovalov 0


                      • I nagrada najboljeg sportiste Evrope



                        • U izboru L'Ekipa Novak drugi na svijetu iza Bolta. Bilo je blizu, ostali ni blizu.



                          • jos maloooooo
                            It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you


                            • Ovi što su sa druge strane, ovi iz zone sumraka.. nadaju se nekom padu našeg Nolenceta....ccccccc.....
                              No pasaran!

                              Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                              But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                              • No no... idemo Nole, ne mogu ovih dana vise da slusam kako laprdaju koje kakvi!!!

