Da li neko ima onu statistiku koliko je ko dobio u mecu Novak-Rafa:
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Odlicna analiza.
Mislio sam da je u dugim razmjenama bio bolji Nadal, ali on je tek bio jednak. Novak je bio toliko superioran u srednje-dugackim razmjenama jer je bolji napadac i jer ima bolji 2. servis.
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Odlicna analiza.
Djokovic’s huge advantage came in rallies of 5-8 shots, where he won a substantial 70 per cent (36/51) of points. Just over 50 per cent (52%) of all points for the match ended in the first four shots, 29 per cent in the 4-8 shot range which Djokovic dominated, and only 18 per cent were extended to at least nine shots or longer. The mix was straight out of the Djokovic/Becker playbook.
Djokovic also won the other two rally lengths, winning short rallies 49-41 and extended rallies 17-15, but it was the mid-length encounters where his patterns of play proved superior.
Djokovic also won the other two rally lengths, winning short rallies 49-41 and extended rallies 17-15, but it was the mid-length encounters where his patterns of play proved superior.