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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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  • Nadal je bio uplašen kao zec u polufinalu. Šta je razlog tome ne znam ali kad god mu se pruži šansa da se približi Federeru on čokne svetski. U Australiji 2017-te je epski čoknuo u petom setu sad je od trećeg seta delovao nesigurno i uplašeno kao da treba da gubi nevinost.

    Doduše i Federeru se treba odati priznanje zato što je odstupio od svog klasičnog kompjuterski programiranog napadanja, već je malo i promešao karte.
    Vidi se da je radio domaći zadatak pre meča.


    • Tipovao sam na Nadala juče. Mislim da nije izgubio zato što je lošiji igrač na travi. Taktika je u pitanju. Karlos Moja nije bio na turniru što je po mom mišljenju velika greška. I u Australiji je imao lošu taktiku. Definitivno Moya nije dobar trener. Sve najvaznije mečeve je gubio Rafa od Federera i Novaka.


      • Opet je mogao da ga dobije, bio je blizu, mec je mogao da ode i na drugu stranu.
        Na RGu je bila rutina, a ovde se Roger dobro pomučio.

        Što se tiče kompleksa, opet kažem da je to za mene velika glupost i ne smatram da to postoji. Što ga nije imao onda u polufinalu RGa ili u finalu Rima kada je Novaku dao krompir?
        Ne postoji kompleks, kada je neko bolji on tada i pobedi, ne znam kada je Rafa bio bolji, a da je izgubio meč.
        Juče je Roger bio bolji i zasluzeno pobedio, cestitke.
        Originally posted by Casiraghi
        Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
        Originally posted by Casiraghi
        Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.
        Originally posted by Casiraghi
        Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


        • Slazem se da nema kompleksa. Ruzno zvuci ta reč za ovu priliku. Nadal zna gde ima vise gde ima manje šansi. U Australiji je 2012 Rafa bio egal igrac i izgubio. Prosle godine na Wimbledonu bio je bolji i favorit i izgubio je. Bio je bolji od Rogera 2017te u Australiji i imao cini mi se brejk prednosti u 5tom setu i tada je izgubio. Tako da ima mečeva gde mu je izmaklo iz psiholoskih razloga.


          • Ma taj izraz kompleks su Federerovi navijaci patentirali da bi lakse objasnili i opravadali brutalnu dominaciju Nadala nad njihovim mezimcom u tzv. njegovom prajmu. A to veze sa zivotom nema, kad je bolji coek kao sto je jucer Federer bio nema tu kompleksa niti bilo cega drugog.


            • Bio je Rafa nadigran ... pa, skoro u svim segmentima igre, toliko je prosto. Mozda i bi mogao do tog brejka na kraju, ali nista ne garantira da bi dobio sledeci gem. Celi mec je Federer diktirao tempo, igru, sve ... a, Rafa sledio, i to je kljuc, nije niti jednom na duzem roku uspeo da ga izbaci iz komforne zone ... dobro uspeo je u drugom setu, ali igra nije bila tu.
              To je to, cekamo US Open, mada dva GS ove godine gde drasticno pada na kraju su diskutabilna.


              • Originally posted by Ljubitelj tenisa View Post
                Slazem se da nema kompleksa. Ruzno zvuci ta reč za ovu priliku. Nadal zna gde ima vise gde ima manje šansi. U Australiji je 2012 Rafa bio egal igrac i izgubio. Prosle godine na Wimbledonu bio je bolji i favorit i izgubio je. Bio je bolji od Rogera 2017te u Australiji i imao cini mi se brejk prednosti u 5tom setu i tada je izgubio. Tako da ima mečeva gde mu je izmaklo iz psiholoskih razloga.
                Nabrojao si mečeve gdje Rafa mentalno nije podbacio

                Na AO 2017 finalu Rafa se šampionski borio i izčupao 5.set. Roger je bil kroz cijeli meč boljii

                Slično kao i finale AO 2012

                To što je propustio break prednostu u 5.setu u oba slučajeva ne znači da nije mentalno bio dovolj jak. Protivnici su bili bolji.

                POlufinale W 2018 je drugač priča. Neverovatno izjednačen meč gdje su presudile nijanse. BIlo je pitanje jedne loptice.
                Last edited by jacques9; 13-07-19, 22:07.


                • Originally posted by Chiwwi View Post

                  Doduše i Federeru se treba odati priznanje zato što je odstupio od svog klasičnog kompjuterski programiranog napadanja, već je malo i promešao karte.
                  Vidi se da je radio domaći zadatak pre meča.
                  indeed al totalno-to je izraz koji sam trazio kad sam rekao da njegov tim nije uradio sta treba


                  • Nadal je napravio izuzetno dostignuce.Izgubio je zadnjih 9 duela van sljake protiv Djokovica a 6 protiv Federera sto zajedno daje nevjerovatan skor od 0-15.
                    Ajmo da poredjamo to hronoloski.
                    Peking 2013 Djokovic-Nadal 63 64

                    Atp finale 2013 Djokovic-Nadal 63 64

                    Majami 2014 Djokovic-Nadal 63 63

                    Peking 2015 Djokovic-Nadal 62 62

                    Basel 2015 Federer-Nadal 63 57 63

                    Atp finale 2015 Djokovic-Nadal 63 63

                    Doha 2016 Djokovic-Nadal 61 62

                    Indian Wells 2016 Djokovic-Nadal 76 62

                    AO 2017 Federer-Nadal 64 36 61 36 63

                    IW 2017 Federer-Nadal 62 63

                    Majami 2017 Federer-Nadal 63 64

                    Sangaj 2017 Federer-Nadal 64 63

                    Vimbldon 2018 Djokovic-Nadal 64 36 76 36 10 8

                    AO 2019 Djokovic-Nadal 63 62 63

                    Vimbldon 2019 Federer-Nadal 76 16 63 64

                    Osvojenih setova:

                    Koliko su ga dominirali govore i rezultati izgubljenih setova,2 puta je izgubio set sa 6-1,6 puta je izgubio set sa 6-2,15 puta je izgubio set sa 6-3,7 puta sa 6-4,1 put sa 7-5 i 3 puta sa 7-6.
                    Prakticno 80 % setova je lagano prepustao protivniku.
                    Last edited by E1_PG; 16-07-19, 14:49.


                    • Toni Nadal: "Rafael is not a tennis player, he is an injured person who plays tennis"

                      Only those who believe they already know everything are those who do not train”. This sentiment, recently expressed by Toni Nadal, reveals how much stock he puts in training and practice. And the philosophy has obviously carried over to Rafa: “In life, I can’t conceive of not improving, I can’t conceive of making today the same as yesterday.

                      The standard is progress, and this can only be done with practice. For this there are values. Knowing that improving is difficult is of vital importance, and so we also must listen and be advised. Today we live in a world in which effort is not well seen.

                      When you try, you are different from others, and wanting to differentiate yourself from the rest does not seem good. What is clear is that anyone who tries has more chances of success and we can all improve. Success is not winning at Roland Garros or the US Open, success is about getting better.

                      Winning a Grand Slam doesn't just depend on me. I don't know if there will be one or two Federers in the tournament, or if there will be five Djokovich’s, I have to watch and improve what depends on me, and this is the success, which is why one will be successful being the best in the world and another will be successful being the number 100.

                      Success is the tranquility of knowing that you have done the things that were within your reach; be satisfied with what you are doing”.

                      “Success is the calm of knowing that you did all you were capable of doing”.

                      Toni has also opened up about his nephew’s relationship with Carlos Moyà, something Rafa has not been keen to do. “I see it well, the most important thing is that they appreciate and respect each other, something very necessary.

                      And Rafael wants to continue playing, despite his physical problems. This is what counts. Until? Who knows. Maybe two or three years. What I'm saying is that Rafael is not a tennis player, he's an injured person who plays tennis, and that's very difficult”.

                      Finally, he also had some strong words about society in general: “Today we have made the essential element of society to do well. We all have fewer obligations and the fun has its consequences, because we want things to be easier every time and cost us less time.

                      That's why it's difficult to persevere and move forward. When we arrived at the ATP, the best were between 21 and 23 years of age. Now, the best are 29, 30, 32 or 37 years”.


                      • Originally posted by jacques9 View Post
                        Toni Nadal: "Rafael is not a tennis player, he is an injured person who plays tennis"

                        Only those who believe they already know everything are those who do not train”. This sentiment, recently expressed by Toni Nadal, reveals how much stock he puts in training and practice. And the philosophy has obviously carried over to Rafa: “In life, I can’t conceive of not improving, I can’t conceive of making today the same as yesterday.

                        The standard is progress, and this can only be done with practice. For this there are values. Knowing that improving is difficult is of vital importance, and so we also must listen and be advised. Today we live in a world in which effort is not well seen.

                        When you try, you are different from others, and wanting to differentiate yourself from the rest does not seem good. What is clear is that anyone who tries has more chances of success and we can all improve. Success is not winning at Roland Garros or the US Open, success is about getting better.

                        Winning a Grand Slam doesn't just depend on me. I don't know if there will be one or two Federers in the tournament, or if there will be five Djokovich’s, I have to watch and improve what depends on me, and this is the success, which is why one will be successful being the best in the world and another will be successful being the number 100.

                        Success is the tranquility of knowing that you have done the things that were within your reach; be satisfied with what you are doing”.

                        “Success is the calm of knowing that you did all you were capable of doing”.

                        Toni has also opened up about his nephew’s relationship with Carlos Moyà, something Rafa has not been keen to do. “I see it well, the most important thing is that they appreciate and respect each other, something very necessary.

                        And Rafael wants to continue playing, despite his physical problems. This is what counts. Until? Who knows. Maybe two or three years. What I'm saying is that Rafael is not a tennis player, he's an injured person who plays tennis, and that's very difficult”.

                        Finally, he also had some strong words about society in general: “Today we have made the essential element of society to do well. We all have fewer obligations and the fun has its consequences, because we want things to be easier every time and cost us less time.

                        That's why it's difficult to persevere and move forward. When we arrived at the ATP, the best were between 21 and 23 years of age. Now, the best are 29, 30, 32 or 37 years”.
                        Kao i uvek veoma mudro. Veliki respekt za Tonija i Rafu.


                        • 35ca and counting, to mi je najbitnije. 2 Mastersa ispred Novaka, bar za sad.


                          • Čestitke Nadalovci
                            Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.Ali
                            Ko sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred.
                            "When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."


                            • osim titule i trke za no.1 Nadalu je nesto manje bitan upravo osigurani, bar do kraja US Opena, broj 2
                              ako u ostatku sezone odoli naletu Federera, moze ga preci po broju nedelja u top 2

                              Top 2 ned

                              528 Federer
                              517 Nadal
                              395 Đoković

                              387 Konors
                              377 Lendl


                              • Originally posted by Stefan-kobe View Post
                                35ca and counting, to mi je najbitnije. 2 Mastersa ispred Novaka, bar za sad.
                                pa nije bas

                                zavrsni masters ako ubacis,u minusu je

                                olimpijsko zlato,eeeeeeeeee tu je u plusu

