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ATP - Rafael Nadal
Carlos Moya: 'Nadal is too demanding with himself, it takes time to evolve'
First practice in Melbourne for Rafael Nadal with his new coach Carlos Moya. Straightaway there are some very interesting aspects they are working on. The priority is to play more aggressive, and to do it Nadal is having specific practice sessions: winning the point from a defensive to offensive position and setting a limit of shots to win the point. In order to hit more powerfully, he is also trying to change the way he finishes with his forehand. 'It's difficult to change it because it's worked for him during all his life,' Moya told El Espanol. 'Though it's not a question of changing, but evolving and daring. The more he dares at practice, when there's no pressure, the more likely he will do it when he's under pressure.'
Playing more powerfully doesn't mean he has to make unforced errors: 'Rafa's a player who punishes himself a lot for his errors. He's constantly asking if the ball's been good or bad, even at practice. He is too demanding with himself, but has to try to change this a little bit. Rather than asking if the ball was in or out, he should think if he has dared or not. If you want to change something, to evolve and, at the first failure, you punish yourself, it's impossible to change. It takes time, but it's something important that he's trying to get used to.'
On Tuesday, Rafa hit with two hitting partners: Moya himself and Marc Lopez. A ball on the left, another one on the right and so on in order to change the shots' direction. 'I don't like that he hits for 40 mins the ball on the centre of the court. Instead, changing direction can help you in the match,' Moya added.
Rafu je žreb pogledao, sada je na njemu da izbori SF sa Novakom. Srećno.Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.AliKo sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred."When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."
Originally posted by Marija81 View PostRafu je žreb pogledao, sada je na njemu da izbori SF sa Novakom. Srećno.
Bice dosta tesko,Zverev,Monfa,Raona...bas tesko.Originally posted by CasiraghiAl bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre CanOriginally posted by CasiraghiOriginally posted by CasiraghiSrecan Mane svima koji slave.
Originally posted by MareLFC View PostHvala.
Bice dosta tesko,Zverev,Monfa,Raona...bas tesko.Šampioni se ne stvaraju u teretanama. Šampioni se stvaraju od nečega što imaju duboko u sebi- želju, viziju i san. M.AliKo sme taj može.Ko ne zna za strah taj ide napred."When the crowd is chanting Roger I hear Novak."
Originally posted by Marija81 View PostOd svih pomenutih Zverev mu je najteža varijanta.Originally posted by CasiraghiAl bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre CanOriginally posted by CasiraghiOriginally posted by CasiraghiSrecan Mane svima koji slave.
Originally posted by Marija81 View PostOd svih pomenutih Zverev mu je najteža varijanta.
Svakako si u pravu.
Do polufinala je Zveren najteži protivnik.
Sve u svemu dobra žreb za Rafa.
Mogao je dobiti Novaka ili ANdya u 8-finalu. A dobio je na papiru najlakšem mogučeh protivnika u 8-finalu - Monfu
Izbjegao je Novaka i Andya u četrtfinalu. Ako dogura do čertrtfinala ima svoje dobre šanse protiv Miloša jer če biti pun samopouzdanja zbog 4 pobeda u nizu
Ali treba dogurati do tamo. Zverev je jako težak protivnik za 3.kolo. Taj meč je za Rafu najbitniji na ovom turniru.
Zvereve neče praštati plitke reterne in spore laso FH diagonale na BH Zvereva.
Protiv Zvereva mora odigrati agresivno sa puno promjena strana u izmjenama sa osnovne linije uz dobar return.
Kako komentirati igri Nadala u 1.kolu protiv F.Mayera.
Servis je sasvim OK. Opa, 3 asa u nizu u jednom gemu - nešto neviđeno za Rafu.
FH je proradio. WIPER sve više upotrebljava
BH kao uvijek dobar u poslednje vreme.
VOlley savršen
KRETANJE OK. Ok nije to ona brzina iz najboljih dana ali nije tako daleko od toga
Najviše što me brine je RETURN. Ovaj element u igri je trenutačno največa mana za RAFU. Baš u tom elementu je daleko od Andiya i NOvaka.
RETURN če biti ključan protiv ZVERENA in RAONIČA. Bez dobrog returna jih ne može dobiti.
TITULA? Ako popravi return i ako nam neko izbaci Novaka sve je moguče.
No osobno se više bojim ZVEREVA in RAONIČA nego npr. Murraya in Wawrinke.
Toni Nadal: 'I never demanded that Rafa trusted me blindly'
Rafael Nadal recently said that his retirement doesn´t depend on his Grand Slam results, but if he´s happy playing or not. His uncle and coach Toni thinks the same thing. ´In life, winning doesn´t motivate me as much as the happiness,´ Toni told El Espanol. ´I would never play only to win, despite it is a motivation. Winning is not an essential thing. I am not like Ferguson. I red an interview to (Eric) Cantona where he said that for Ferguso winning wasn´t the most important thing, it was the only thing that mattered. For me it´s not like this. Being happy is already enough. It would be wrong if Rafa plays only for Grand Slams.´
Toni has been with Rafa on the ATP Tour for 13 years. Asked if he learned much during all these years, he replied: ´I don´t know if I am very ready, but if I didn´t learn anything, I would be stupid. Seeing Federer, Djokovic and Murray practicing, finding a way to beat them is something you have to learn. Did I make errors? Yes of course, I didn´t do much but I did it. I am not among the ones who say that if they were born again, they would do the same things. I would not do the same things, I would try to change something and to repeat the ones that went well.´
Toni Nadal is also known as the person who says always no. Why does he like so much to speak? 'The difference between the human being and the animal is to think. I like to thing and I used to say the contrary. You can have any opinion on anything and if you explain well what you think, you can defend what you say. I like to speak and think, most people should like it, and instead it's not something we see a lot because we live in a world where we are interested only to our things, the little environment where we live. When I was a student and we went to eat something in Barcelona at night, we spoke a lot, about anything: football, women, religion, astronomy, politics. The main topic was to speak. We were available to give opinions, but nowadays it seems we are not interested to what it's not about our work directly. I don't like to speak only about tennis, it's not all my life.'
He started to coach his nephew when Rafa was 3 and now is 30. Asked if there are things on which now he doesn't agree and that before he accepted it? 'Yes, but I wanted it. I never demanded that my nephew trusted me blindly. I am convinced of what he says, although sometimes I am contradictory. I meditate on the things that I say and I do. I understand that the other person thinks in a different way. What surprises me is that people trust themselves blindly, defend their position obsessively and don't understand what others think. I like to debate, and sometimes I've to enter in the people's mind to do it.'
He also spoke about Alexander Zverev who is on Rafael Nadal's way at the Australian Open in the third round. Toni Nadal is aware that it could be a tough match if Rafa and "Sascha" win their first two matches. 'I have been saying for years that he will be World No. 1,' Toni told El Espanol. 'I thought he was a very good player since we practiced with him in Basel, and obviously I still think the same. I saw him playing the other day in Perth, against Federer at a very high level. He is very complete, serves and returns well, hits strong from both sides and is serious, ready to work. This is very important. Kyrgios is very good but you never know if he will play at his best. Anyway, this is the next generation: Zverev, Kyrgios, Thiem. Who will be competitive for most weeks who will face better the complicated moments, will probably win most Tournaments.'
Another player that Nadal could face is Novak Djokovic at the semi-final. 'Last year he played an unbelievable final against us in Doha, he didn't make any error. Rafael wasn't convinced to try to do something different. Then in Rome I thought he could beat him because he was so close. On clay I didn't see that Djokovic was better than Rafa. We already suffered the wrist issue in Madrid, but without that injury we could compete with him in Paris. Then he kept playing well but Murray was perfect. You could see he was tense, which we didn't notice in the last years'.
Veoma,veoma bitna pobeda uz dosta dobru igru,ali sa dosta oscilacija.Sledece kolo ce mislim biti lakse,jer Monfils ni blizu nema BH kao Zverev koji je generalno gledano najvazniji udarac protiv Nadala.Vamooos!!!Originally posted by CasiraghiAl bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre CanOriginally posted by CasiraghiOriginally posted by CasiraghiSrecan Mane svima koji slave.
Originally posted by MareLFC View PostVeoma,veoma bitna pobeda uz dosta dobru igru,ali sa dosta oscilacija.Sledece kolo ce mislim biti lakse,jer Monfils ni blizu nema BH kao Zverev koji je generalno gledano najvazniji udarac protiv Nadala.Vamooos!!!
Zaista jako bitna pobeda za samopouzdanje pre sve na način kako je došla
Strahovao sam od tog meča protiv Zverava. Mali je uistini bio odličan i više od očekivanog
Raduje me pre sve način na koji je Rafa pobedio
NIje se ukenjao te fizički raspao u 5.setu kao u poslednja tri meča koji je odigrao i izguibo u 5.seta.
POslije očajnog tie-breaka u 3.setu digau je glavu, pronašao nova taktička rješenja (više miksovanja na BH strani, izlasci na mrežu, popravio servis te return).
Ohrabruje me ove činjenice:
- fizički nije razpao u 5.setu. Rafa je odlično fizički pripremljen
- servis odličan poslije puno godina. Nali broj duplih, veliki borja aseva za Nadalove standarde, ubičajni velik procent ubačaja 1.serivsa
- FH puno bolji nego u 2015 i 2016
- taktički pokušavao mnjenjati stvari više puta. Reternirao daleko od linije, pa onda korak blizu, pa opet nazad, do kada nije pronašao svoj optimum
- Izmešu 2007 i 2013 Rafa u dobroj formi se poigravao sa ostalim igračima sve do polufinala iii finala GS turnira (ajde pustimo sad Wimbledon sa strane).
Tada su Rafu (u dobroj formi) mogli ugroziti NOvak, ANdy te DELPO i nitko drugo
Dan danas RAFU moze ugroziti više nego 15 igrača na TOURU kad imajo svoj dobar dan (pustimo sad sa strane šljaku). Da li je RAFA toliko slabiji nego oanj iz najboljih godina?
Nije baš Tako.
Činjenica da je tenis napredovao. Igrači zbog bolje tehnologije reketa, veče fizičke snage igrača itd lupaju po lopticu kao luđaki. vse teže je u defenzivi spašavati poene. Rafa se u defenzivi sve teže nosi za ovim razbijačima
-šta mi najviše nervira je ona blesava taktika koja nije prikagođena evoluciji tenisa - RAFA uporno igra onu sporu laso FH diagonalu na BH protivnika.
Kad igra sa igračem sa TOP dvoručnim BH.-om kao je to primjer igrača kalibar Đokovič, Nishikorij, Murray, Zverev, po pravilu bude kažnjavan i protivnik preuzima iniciativu. Osim toga taj udarac je kao pročitana knjiga. Svi več znaju da če on odigrati taj udarac.
Ajde znam da kad si u defenzivi nije baš jednostavno udariti WIPER ali mora da nešto Rafa uradi na tome.
Jeste da je tao LASO FH diagonala odlično rješenja proti jednoručno BH-a te da je taj udarac radio Rogeru uvijek velike probleme ali danas treba nači neka nova rješenja. Nije više Federer največi problme in najteži protivnik
Monfe se ne bojim ali Raonič prestavlja veliku veliku pretnju. Puno zavisi od Rafinog returna ali ne smije Rafa dozvoliti da ima Miloš inicatiuvu u poenu kad imajo razmjenu sa osnovne linije te pre sve nesme da igra one spore FH laso diagonale koje če MIloš kažnjavati za inside-outside FH-om