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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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    Happiness is in the field

    A grandfather concentrated and on cloud nine
    An admiring and moved uncle:
    Rafael Nadal made his entire family happy yesterday
    Toni Nadal

    Julien Rebouillet


    • Re: Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

      [quote author=BEST link=topic=474.msg27165#msg27165 date=1215706485]
      SVAKO U SVOJU TEMU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



      AKO ZELITE - OTVORICU JA JOS GSM TEMA (pogledati u pravilima)







      kad si kao moderator dozvolio da ove devojke naprave od foruma svinjariju dzaba sada pretis praznom puskom

      kad je neko clan foruma, zasto bih ja zaobilazio i jednu temu. mozda neko hoce da kaze nesto o nadalu osim
      "oooooo maljorka!!" "bravoooo mi te cenimo" "postujemo teee nadale!!" kao da on sam cita ovaj forum

      ima ovde normalnih ljudi koji bi da razgovaraju kao odrasle osobe a ne devojcice iz drugog razreda osnovne shkole kad gledaju Bred Pita u filmu Troja.


      • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

        Ako ne volis Nadala to je jedna stvar,ali da napadas ljude koji vole filmove poput Troje to je vec neka druga stvar. Da si makar malo upucen u istoriju znao bi da taj film sem Bred Pita ima istorijsku pozadinu sto se i videlo iz prilozenog u filmu, ali je film zeleo da sem toga obuhvati i jednu drugu stranu-da besmrtnost ne postojii ,da je svako ranjiv kao i sam Ahil. Sem cinjenice da je posvecen velikim ratnicima (kako Homer izlaze u ''Ilijadi'') poput Hektora i Ahila, u filmu se vidi i velika netrpeljivost izmedju Sparte i Troje...tu su zidovi Troje,trojanski konj,a ne samo Bred Pit za kojim luduju devojcice u drugom razredu Osnovne skole.

        Druga stvar: to sto ljudi na forumu vicu ''Bravo Nadale'' ''volimo te Mallorca'' i sl. oni to ne govore bez razloga.A) Bravo Nadale imaju svako pravo da kazu ,jer je decko to dokazao svojom igrom osvojivsi za 2 meseca MC,Barselonu,Hamburg,RG, Kvins, Vimbldon
        B) Volimo te Mallorca...sto ne bi voleli Malorcu? Mesto je predivno i moglo bi se nazvati ''raj na zemlji''

        Vidis da razgovaramo kao odrasli ljudi,zar ne?


        • [/quote]


          • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

            [quote author=jeta link=topic=474.msg27253#msg27253 date=1215791724]
            Ako ne volis Nadala to je jedna stvar,ali da napadas ljude koji vole filmove poput Troje to je vec neka druga stvar. Da si makar malo upucen u istoriju znao bi da taj film sem Bred Pita ima istorijsku pozadinu sto se i videlo iz prilozenog u filmu, ali je film zeleo da sem toga obuhvati i jednu drugu stranu-da besmrtnost ne postojii ,da je svako ranjiv kao i sam Ahil. Sem cinjenice da je posvecen velikim ratnicima (kako Homer izlaze u ''Ilijadi'') poput Hektora i Ahila, u filmu se vidi i velika netrpeljivost izmedju Sparte i Troje...tu su zidovi Troje,trojanski konj,a ne samo Bred Pit za kojim luduju devojcice u drugom razredu Osnovne skole.

            Druga stvar: to sto ljudi na forumu vicu ''Bravo Nadale'' ''volimo te Mallorca'' i sl. oni to ne govore bez razloga.A) Bravo Nadale imaju svako pravo da kazu ,jer je decko to dokazao svojom igrom osvojivsi za 2 meseca MC,Barselonu,Hamburg,RG, Kvins, Vimbldon
            B) Volimo te Mallorca...sto ne bi voleli Malorcu? Mesto je predivno i moglo bi se nazvati ''raj na zemlji''

            Vidis da razgovaramo kao odrasli ljudi,zar ne?

            izvini samo mala dopuna sto se tice filma Troja,ovaj drugi deo posta me ne zanima to su vase stvari.

            S obzirom da zelim da studiram istoriju,malo sam cackao po temi Grcka u to doba,i da to nije istina,to je sao najobicnija legenda tj MIT, u kojem se u origibnalu Ahilu(koji nije postojao) javlja nisam tacno siguran koja Boginja,u snu i prica mu pricu o nekim tamo konjima i tako to,pa je ovaj dosao na ideju za Trojanskog konja..A sto se tice rata rat je zaista bio ali ne tako kako je prestavljen,a Troja je zaista postojala.
            pozdrav svima ;)
            Anaheim Ducks,Philadelphia Eagles,Orlando Magic,Crvena Zvezda,Liverpool,Valencija,Torino,KFC


            • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

              Poznato mi je sve to za Troju, veruj mi,ali stvarno nisam imala zelje da se upustam u dalju diskusiju,pa sam iz tog razloga isla malo ''kracim putem'' da tako nazovem meni je cela ta prica oko drevne Grcke fascinanatna,ali da nas ne bi ''ubatinali'' modovi stavljam tacku na temu istorija ;D



              • [/quote]

                ti samo pokazujes koliko si low inteligentna osoba time shto nisi ukapirala zasto sam pravio troja analogiju.

                shto se tiche volimo te mallorca fazona... niko tebi ne brani da to radis. ali to radi negde druge. okupite se negde pa
                onda zajedno pocnite sa tim budalastinama.

                gubite vreme ljudima ovde. da je ovo iole normalan forum, svi bi bili banovani jer spamujete tim glupostima a i mozak vam ocigledno nedostaje.

                koga uopste interesuje da cita vase izlive emocija za nadala? najtuzniji deo je da to radite, a imate po 20+ godina. opet pitanje - gde je mozak?

                evo probao sam da budem prilicno fokusiran, jer moje analogije sa filmovima, istoriji, i ostalim granama nauke ne kapiras.


                • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL


                  [attachment deleted by admin]


                  • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                    De Telegraaf - Richard Krajicek: "Nadal mentaal de sterkste ooit

                    Nadal mentally the strongest of all time

                    Column by Richard Krajicek for The Telegraph
                    Thursday, July 10, 2008


                    • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                      Wimbledon final: how we fell in love with a beautiful game

                      The Wimbledon men's final between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal held millions in its grip for hours. The superb tennis wasn't the only reason, says Michael Simkins

                      Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal battle it out in the Wimbledon men's final

                      An extraordinary thing occurred in our house on Sunday. My wife sat down and watched a sporting event on the television. What's more, she didn't move from the sofa until it was over. And most miraculous of all, she sat utterly entranced, and afterwards talked about it long into what little there was left of the night.

                      This from a woman who once famously described sport as "meaningless encounters between groups of pathetic, sexually inadequate no-hopers".

                      I was with her. Although a sports fan, tennis is not my favourite game. Indeed, until Sunday, my idea of hell would have been watching two men swatting rubber balls across a net, particularly when Wimbledon fortnight interrupted my beloved live cricket coverage, as it once did in the old days of terrestrial-only television. But with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal both reaching this year's final, an instinct had alerted me that it would be something special.

                      I wasn't the only one. A friend who is a Buddhist admitted that, with a posse of in-laws unexpectedly descending on her for Sunday lunch, she had started chanting for bad weather in order that she could watch the match live later in the day after they had gone.

                      At a theatrical summer party we attended in the afternoon, where the most oft-used phrase would normally be "Working at the moment, darling?" the talk was only of Wimbledon and whether it was still raining. When word got round of delay and interruption, I noticed people making their excuses and leaving early.

                      As it was, the final exceeded all expectations. Our evening meal went uneaten, phone messages unanswered. Even the BBC postponed its new flagship drama series, George Gently, until it simply disappeared from the schedule.

                      Instead, the nation was treated to a sporting contest of rare pedigree and it was no surprise to read estimated viewing figures of nearly 13 million the following day. It is rare nowadays that two players at the very peak of their powers meet head-to-head at the same pinpoint in history; yet so evenly matched were Federer and Nadal that it was possible to imagine the match going on forever.

                      Rafael Nadal reacts to his Wimbledon win

                      Thank goodness Wimbledon doesn't yet quite have floodlights and its retractable roof, or else they might be playing still.

                      Such collective national experiences are rare. I still remember the 1966 World Cup Final - my parents owned a confectioners and we didn't have a single customer during the entire match. In 1985, I stayed up late into the night in a Liverpool hotel room to watch an ashen-faced Denis Taylor kissing his snooker cue after his memorable final against Steve Davis. I was only too aware from the thinness of the walls that all the other residents had stayed up as well.

                      And then there was the 2005 Ashes. Indeed, the mixture of intense rivalry and huge affection displayed at Wimbledon reminded me most of all of the iconic image of Andrew Flintoff consoling Australian bowler Brett Lee after the England victory at Edgbaston in 2005.

                      But here's the point. Of all the sports that once served up this sort of heart-stopping drama, I wonder if it's only tennis that can still deliver such a gladiatorial spectacle in so pure a form.

                      Football may still be a great game, but it's one in which money, histrionics and the ability to hoodwink the referee in the penalty area now play a massive part. The England rugby team became entangled in tawdry allegations of misconduct in their tour of New Zealand. Snooker has long since lost its power to hold a nation in its thrall, while golf, for all its blend of skill and courtesy, is essentially a contest against yourself and the elements.

                      Even my beloved cricket, which once seemed so resurgent, now appears mired in too much money and too many fixtures, with the players looking not only worn-out but terrified as well, lest they drop a vital catch and miss out on Sir Allen Stanford's promised millions in the Twenty20.

                      But at its greatest, sport can be great art. And in the hands of these two outstanding tennis players, so it seemed here. There is something very special about watching two colossi pitted directly against one another, but the attraction in this remarkable match was not just the intensity of the struggle.

                      There was something more precious still. In an age in which triumphalism is deemed to be a necessary component of the desire to win, the defining quality of this year's five-hour final was the grace and elegance of both champions in victory and defeat. No grandstanding, no showboating and no swaggering celebrations; merely sincere gratitude from both players for being so blessed by the sporting gods as to be able to participate in such a spectacle.

                      The words respect and honour have been grotesquely mangled in recent parlance into something dark and menacing, but here in SW19 were genuine respect and genuine honour. It wasn't just the quality of tennis that made my wife's eyes prick with tears; it was the humility with which the young Spaniard Nadal embraced his destiny and the fruits of his colossal labours. If we want a role model for youth, we need look no further


                      • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                        nemam nista protiv potpisa,ali malo originalnosti ne bi bilo lose

                        Roger Federer signs multi-year endorsement deal with Rolex

                        June 15, 2006

                        Here's the most remarkable thing to me about Federer: Seems to me that the more you know about tennis, the more amazed you are by the guy. If you know nothing at all about tennis, he's amazing. If you know a little something about tennis—maybe you have played a few times in your life—he's more amazing. If you know a little more about tennis—maybe you played in high school and once had illusions of becoming a pro—he's even MORE amazing. And if you were a great player—if you are a McEnroe or a Connors or a Jim Courier—then Federer is preposterously amazing


                        Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you...
                        with experience.


                        • [/quote]

                          ti samo pokazujes koliko si low inteligentna osoba time shto nisi ukapirala zasto sam pravio troja analogiju.

                          shto se tiche volimo te mallorca fazona... niko tebi ne brani da to radis. ali to radi negde druge. okupite se negde pa
                          onda zajedno pocnite sa tim budalastinama.

                          gubite vreme ljudima ovde. da je ovo iole normalan forum, svi bi bili banovani jer spamujete tim glupostima a i mozak vam ocigledno nedostaje.

                          koga uopste interesuje da cita vase izlive emocija za nadala? najtuzniji deo je da to radite, a imate po 20+ godina. opet pitanje - gde je mozak?

                          evo probao sam da budem prilicno fokusiran, jer moje analogije sa filmovima, istoriji, i ostalim granama nauke ne kapiras.
                          Wow blago nama kad te imamo tako pametnog.A sad bi mogao da nam ucinis jednu uslugu: ako te toliko nerviraju ljudi koji podrzavaju Nadala i vole njegov stil igre zaobidji ovaj topic i neces se vise toliko nervirati.Verujem da na SK forumu ima toliko drugih stvari koji te interesuju,zar ne? A sto se tice tvoje konstatacije da nisam skapirala ''Troja analogiju'' savrseno je jasno koji si efekat zeleo da postignes uvlaceci Bred Pita u sve to. Veoma zalosno... Pozz za tebe ,jer ne zelim da ulazim u dalju diskusiju prvenstveno zbog ostalih clanova i ljudi na ovom forumu


                          • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                            Hay un nuevo rey


                            Osvrt na prethodna 3 finala Wimbledona

                            Men's Tennis: Rafael Nadal is an Erudite Sportsman

                            So what is it that makes Rafa special?

                            Sure, if he is expected to speak English almost every day, you could make a case of he has no choice but to improve. However, his earnest attempt during pressers is such a clear indication of that he wants to improve. He could just as easily avoid the hassle, by sitting adjacent to an interpreter.

                            When asked three years ago on what his dream was, he responded quite bashfully, "It is to win Wimbledon, no?." No one, maybe not even himself would have taken him seriously at that point of time, but it is his inherent commitment to learning that has elevated him to what he is today.

                            Growing up on the Majorca Island in Spain, playing on clay was first nature to him. Winning Wimbledon was as far a dream as Majorca was from Wimbledon in itself, if not more. The transition, I can only imagine, must have been so far away from his comfort zone, that it was the only way to improve.

                            Watching footage of him even as recent as two years ago, gives us an idea on the long, hard yet extremely utilitarian learning process he has undergone during this period. He is not a Federer or Sampras, playing on grass was not natural to him; he had to teach himself that in its entirety.

                            His service action has changed significantly from what it was two years ago, enabling him to serve more solidly (he was broken a lesser number of times than Federer was in the final last Sunday). His backhand, which was not a weapon, is one of the most important tools in his arsenal.

                            Above all, his belief that he might not know it all, but he sure as hell will try his best and learn to accomplish what he desires on court, can never be emphasized enough.His humility, his willingness to accept limitations and explore into uncharted dark corners to improve his game, and his desire to improve through continuous learning are the components of the fuel that drives his engine.

                            Buena Suerte, Rafa!


                            Bojana, nisam znala da je to vezano za Feda, jer mi je banner pravljen. Sada je popravljeno


                            • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                              Polemike u ODVOJENIM TEMAMA su potpuno u redu
                              i samim tim nemam kao admin nista protiv toga.

                              Ja sam samo zamolio da se te teme i polemisanje ne iznosi na postovima
                              bilo kog igraca ili igracice jer nema potrebe. To su teme fanova.

                              Ima sasvim dovoljno tema u kojima moze da se polemise
                              i kao sto sam rekao vise puta to vam niko nece braniti niti ima pravo.

                              Uskoro ce nove GSM teme - Toronto, Sinsinati , Peking i tako do kraja godine.

                              Svi , ali apsolutno svi ce imati i imaju vremena i prostora da kazu sta misle.

                              Nadam se da smo se konacno razumeli
                              Ja zaista ne znam vise kao da objasnim sta je moja zelja i zelja Sport Kluba.

                              Sve najbolje ;)



                              • Odg: ATP - RAFAEL NADAL

                                :-* :-* :-* za video, Crys
                                Trazite ljude koje biste voleli, to je tajna i uspeh citavog zivota...

