Ne potcenjuj Gofana i Schwartzmanna tako su ljudi otpisali i Ramosa i Cuevasa. Korak po korak. Rano je za razmisljanje o Novaku.
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ATP - Rafael Nadal
Originally posted by madrid View PostNe potcenjuj Gofana i Schwartzmanna tako su ljudi otpisali i Ramosa i Cuevasa. Korak po korak. Rano je za razmisljanje o Novaku.
Gofin je več teža prepreka ali Novak jeste svakako favorit.
Bice mnogo tesko protiv Gofana.Bez opustanja do titule!Originally posted by CasiraghiAl bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre CanOriginally posted by CasiraghiOriginally posted by CasiraghiSrecan Mane svima koji slave.
Jos 2 meca, vamos!Originally posted by CasiraghiAl bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre CanOriginally posted by CasiraghiOriginally posted by CasiraghiSrecan Mane svima koji slave.
Rafa poslije pobede nad Schwarzmanom
"It wasn’t easy to find a real way to win, but I played much better in the last three-and-a-half games, more aggressive with my forehand. I finally found the way to create damage on the opponent,” said Nadal. I am in the semi-finals. That's what I'm looking for, a great start to the clay-court season
Da li bi Nadala tako poremetila takva sudačka greška? Naravno da ne bi. On bi se još više napalio i fokusirao da dobije taj meč.
A svi sad pričate koliko je Nadal prosječan i slično. Nadal je juče igrao u 4.brzini do kada nije zagustilo.
Slično se desilo danas. U onom spornom gemu prabaco je u 5.brzini. Da ni je bile sudačke greške naravno da bi izgubio taj 6-i gem ali ne bi izgubio meč.
Zadovoljan sam sa nivojem igre Rafe. Danas su lopte imale veču dubine nego u prošlim mečevima. BH odličan, FH ide na bolje. I defenziva na FH strani bolja od očekivanog.
Sutra očekujem pobedu.
To ja pokusavam da kazem. Iskreno ocekivao sam Nadala kao osvajaca turnira i da resi Gofana u 2 seta, mada sam mislio da ce biti nesto kao protiv Svarcmana rezultat, sto bi vrv i bio da nije bilo ove odluke. Steta sad posle ovog ne mogu da dokazem to sto pokusavam(moje misljenje) izmedju Rafe i Novaka a David je bio dobra prilika, ali sta ces, bitno da je Rafa u finalu i da dobro igra. Cekamo la décimu.
Sutra očekujem pobedu za Rafu ali u svakom slučaju morat če igrati svoj najbolji tenis.
4.brzina (kako protiv Edmunda u 2.stu, Schwarzmana set i po, te prvih 6 gemova proti Gofina) protiv takvih igrača što je Ramos Vinolas neče biti dovoljan za pobedu. Rafa mora da več od pečetka igra na full.
Rafa posljie pobede nad Gofinom:
I am more satisfied with my backhand. I played very well with the backhand this afternoon, no? I think I served well, especially after a couple of games. Is true that in that game after the 3-2, 40-Love for him, I started to hit the ball much stronger with my forehand, with my backhand, too. Happened what happened with the ball, but that's just a thing that we have to separate. The real thing is in that game, after the 40-Love for him, I started to hit much stronger with my forehand, much stronger with my backhand. That's when I started to create damage on the opponent. Before that, he was playing better than me. He was on control on the points from the baseline. I needed to change something, and I think I did.
Originally posted by jacques9 View PostRafa posljie pobede nad Gofinom:
I am more satisfied with my backhand. I played very well with the backhand this afternoon, no? I think I served well, especially after a couple of games. Is true that in that game after the 3-2, 40-Love for him, I started to hit the ball much stronger with my forehand, with my backhand, too. Happened what happened with the ball, but that's just a thing that we have to separate. The real thing is in that game, after the 40-Love for him, I started to hit much stronger with my forehand, much stronger with my backhand. That's when I started to create damage on the opponent. Before that, he was playing better than me. He was on control on the points from the baseline. I needed to change something, and I think I did.