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ATP - Rafael Nadal

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  • Jesam- Sve je to povezano Stefane.

    Teško je praviti ozbiljijna predviđanja, ne samo kod Rafe trenutno .
    Ipak, nikada ne otpisuj šampiona
    Similis simili gaudet


    • Kad serviraš kao Erani i kad reterniraš lošije nego Karlovič ne možeš dobiti Rogera i Novaka u dobro izdanju.

      Mentalno je Rafa puno bolji nego u 2015 ali teniski gledano gubi korak sa ostalim.

      Uz dobar žrijeb Rafa če dogurati dalako na svakom turniru jer vjerujem da je mentalno dovoljno jak i teniski toliko konsistentan, da može izćupati mečeve proti raznoraznih Cuevasa, Fogninija, Monfilsa ali za nešto više baš nisam optimist.

      Njegova šansa ove godine ostaje jedino šljaka iako sa ovakvim Rogerom bit če težko i na šljaci.

      Što mora Rafa da radi?

      Kao prvo, da radi ono što može i mora. Da konstantno igra dobro protiv igrača koji može i mora dobiti.

      te izkoristiti priliku kad se mu otvori žreb uz kikseve najboljih dogurati daleko

      Kao drugo popraviti svoj servis in return. Mora intentivno raditi na tome.

      Da li može da osvoji RG? Posljie ovog IW baš nissam optimista.

      Šta možemo očekivatu Miamiju? Ako bude imao žreb kao Careno Busta može dogurati do finala.


      • Šteta za Rafu on je veliki champion i nadam se da ce se vratiti u top3 ali jednostavno sad na svaku lopticu kasni
        Sevne tu po neki njegov p-poznatljiv FH ali za sada kao da svi imaju igru protiv njega

        Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


        • Originally posted by 7eleven View Post
          Šteta za Rafu on je veliki champion i nadam se da ce se vratiti u top3 ali jednostavno sad na svaku lopticu kasni
          Sevne tu po neki njegov p-poznatljiv FH ali za sada kao da svi imaju igru protiv njega

          Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

          Najlakše je reči, da je problem u kretanju. Mene osobno više mene brine njegov return i servis.


          • Uz dobru igru Rafa može stiči do finala. Naravno da je protiv Dimitrova, Raoniča in NIshikorija potreban najbolji tenis za pobedu

            Ovaj Miami može nam vratit samopouzdanje a može ga još dodatno srušiti.

            Trebaju nam bodovi za dobar ranking na šljaci.


            • Carlos Moya: 'Nadal should probably have played more aggressive against Federer'
              Interviewed by reporters in Miami Carlos Moya, who is following Rafael Nadal in Florida, commented on his player's loss to Roger Federer in Indian Wells. According to Moya, the Swiss player played the match he wanted to by dominating. 'He didn't allow him to do anything,' Moya told El Espanol. 'It's difficult when you play against an inspired Federer. He maybe had to play insider the court on the return, be more aggressive especially on the second serve even if it means making more errors. It was a comfortable match for Roger. The beginning could have been a little bit different because he had a game point to be up 1-0 and then another one to break him back, but Federer's level was incredible. There isn't anything to say.
              Dictating points, that's what Moya wants from Nadal: 'He realizes that top players have a big advantage if their opponents play far away from the court. Despite he doesn't feel comfortable many times, he will have to adapt to it. The more he practice on it, the easier it will be in competition. Anyway, he doesn't have to play like this all the time, but he will have to vary. Tennis evolves and the player needs to do the same thing, but in the past he already did it. You're not asking to him anything he can't do. We try to plan the practice session depending on what we see in the matches. We didn't changed anything drastically, you simply need to continue on this way and improve little details in order to keep having a good season.'


              • How to lose Set 1 6-0 & win the match – by Rafael Nadal
                Rafael Nadal wins 0-6, 6-2, 6-3.
                Lose the 1st Set. Win the match. No problem.
                Rafael Nadal had a career 13-1 record against Phillip Kohlschreiber coming into their Miami Round of 32 match on the weekend. He had only lost one set in their past six matches.
                Nadal had a solid warm-up for the match. And then lost the opening set 6-0…
                I went for practice this morning and I practiced great, but then on the first set he was not able to touch a lot of balls.Rafael Nadal
                Kohlscreiber came out hot. White hot. Here’s some pretty remarkable stats from the opening set.
                • Kohlschreiber 8
                • Nadal 3
                Points Won On Serve
                • Kohlschreiber 13/19
                • Nadal 7/20
                Average Groundstroke Speed
                • Kohlschreiber 78mph
                • Nadal 69mph
                Rally Length – 0-4 Shots
                • Kohlschreiber 18
                • Nadal 8
                Distance Run
                • Kohlschreiber 410m
                • Nadal 376m
                Total Points Won
                • Kohlschreiber 26
                • Nadal 13
                Nadal didn’t know what hit him. Kohlschreiber was pounding everything, and everything was finding the court.
                But Kohlscreiber ultimately didn’t win. Nadal did. The Spaniard gave a wonderful insight into his mind in his post-match interview, discussing the adjustments he made to get back into the match.
                In the 25 Golden Rules of Singles Strategy, I talk about the EIGHT ways to force an error. Here’s the list:
                1. Consistency
                2. Direction
                3. Depth
                4. Height
                5. Spin
                6. Power
                7. Court Position
                8. Time
                NOW.. read Nadal’s words and figure out which ones he doubled down on to win the second and third sets.
                I wanted to ask you, after the first set finishes, what goes through your mind? Do you change your strategy? What exactly is going on in your head at that time?
                No, what I needed is to change the dynamic of the match, no? It’s obvious that the points have been too quick. He was able to return so quick and to hit every ball as hard as he could.Rafael Nadal
                Nadal was being hurt by POWER. Here’s how he handled it.
                So I need to play a little bit longer points, no, more than I decided to be a little bit less aggressive, no? I mean, it’s not about being more or less aggressive, it’s about changing a little bit the position on the court. I went back on the return; I tried to play a little bit higher balls against his backhand.Rafael Nadal
                Nadal went to:
                1. Consistency
                2. Court Position
                3. Height
                4. Direction
                Smart play. Very smart play!
                The thing that I was trying to do in that moment is just to put balls in, you know, to recover the feeling on the ball. So that’s what I needed, no? That happened. I was able to make that happen for a while, and then I started to had the chance to hit a little bit more with my forehand than with my backhand. I think my serve worked so good in the second and third set.Rafael Nadal
                Great insights from a great player. Great insights from a great fighter – a player that can think his way out of a jam. Nadal first neutralized with the four elements above, and then the FOREHAND and the SERVE took over.
                Nadal hit just two forehand winners in the opening set, but hit 11 in the next two sets. Nadal finished the match winning 73 points on serve to Kohlschreiber’s 59.
                This is how you recover from getting pumped in the first set, and still walk off the court with a W. You cycle through the list and find counter moves. You don’t give up. You adjust. You probe. You give different looks. You manipulate time and space.
                A great lesson for players at all levels of the game.


                • Kako ocjeniti igri Nadala u 2016?

                  FH puno bolje nego u 2015 i 2016.

                  BH konstantno dobar

                  Volley - odličan!!

                  Servis - prosječan kao uvijek ali barem u ključnim trenucima ne readi duple kao u 2015 i 2016

                  Kretanje - godine prolaze i naravno nema više one eksplozivnosti iz najboljih godina

                  Mentalno stanje - izgleda ona stari Rafa. Kad je najbolje on podigne nivo igre

                  ŠTA BAŠ NIKAKO NE VALJA............ RETURN !!!!!

                  Rafa daje veliki fokus na return i sam (te njegov stručni štab) zna gdje je taj glavni problem u njegovoj igri. Vrlo često mjenja pozicije na returnu u želji, da dobije neki pravi balance ali svejedno daleko je to od nekog pristojnog nivoja

                  Uzmimo primjer. Protiv Mahuta je Rafa odigrao odličan meč. Perfektan na FH.-u i volleyu te dominantan na svom servisu.
                  A na kraju dobio meč sa velikom mukom jer pola servisa Francuza nije mogao da ubaci duboko nazad u teren.

                  Kako može da dobije Rogera ili Kyrgiosa na hardu sa ovakvim returnom? Nema šanse. Ni u snu.

                  Treba još dodatno raditi na returnu.


                  • Rafael Nadal: 'Playing even more hard-courts events is the worst thing for the body'
                    By 2019 The South American clay-courts could disappear. Both Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro events said that they want to switch to hard-courts in order to try to have more top players in the field. For Rafael Nadal, a 49 clay-courts titles winner, these potential changes won't benefit tennis. 'Is obvious that if every day is less clay court tournaments, is obvious that there is less strong players on clay. That's the normal thing, no? If there is 80% of the tournaments on hard, is normal that the best players of the world are hard court specialists, Not clay court specialists, no? So if we still putting more tournaments on hard, then no one top player will be a specialist on clay and the top players are always on hard and they want to play on his surface', said Nadal after his straight sets win over Nicolas Mahut, beaten 6-4 7-6(4).
                    'That didn't happen in the past when there was more tournaments on clay, that there is a lot of great players on clay, stars on clay, like Gaudio, Ferrero, Coria, Carlos Moya. Situation change because ATP is pushing more and more the hard court tournaments. If that's what we want to do for our sport then it's fine. I think it's the same thing that I'm playing the Masters Cup every single year on hard. I don't understand. I don't understand that I qualified for 11 or 12 years on Masters Cup. I had to play all the Masters Cup on hard when you qualified on grass, clay, hard, and indoor. So it's fair in my opinion not. It's the same thing. If you put more tournaments on hard, every time you have less tournaments on clay. For me is not fair enough. At the same time, for the body is worst.'
                    Asked if now that he is almost 31, he changed the way he practice, if he puts in less intensity, Nadal replied: 'I practice a lot during December, no? When I have physical problems is obvious that I need to adjust and I need to practice less, no? But if I am healthy, then I am playing well. I started well 2017 because I had the chance to work as much as I can, as much as I would like, for one month and a little bit more. So that's always my goal: just have the chance to decide what's better for you. For a lot of years of my career, a lot of periods of my life, I didn't had that opportunity. I just practiced what the body told me, not what I really feel that I need.'


                    • Rafa ima Fonjinija, Zvereva/Kirijosa i Federera koji dise na skrge...sad ili nikad!
                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                      Originally posted by Casiraghi
                      Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                      • Osim NOvaka nema tezih protivnika za Rafa od Fogne, Federera, Kirgiosa

                        Tezi so ovi tri igrači za Rafu nego recimo Wawrinka, Murray, Nishikori, Raonič.

                        Ne treba da se daje dodatni pritisk na Rafu.

                        Protiv Fogne če biti favorit, a u finalu ima svojih 45 % šansi protiv Kyrgiosa a protiv ROgera više zavisi od Rogera nego od Rafe.

                        Ako Roger bude igrao kao na IW nema šanse. Ako bude igrao Roger kao protiv Aguta te Berdycha imamo svoje dobre šanse

                        Svakako treba prekinuti crni niz 3 uzastopnih poraza protiv Rogera.


                        • Trebao bi dobiti Fogninija, ko zna. . . A i mislim da Federer igra za nijansu gore nego u IW, a Rafa za nijansu bolje. . . i nadam se de je nesto umorniji. E, sta sve treba da se poklopi da bi osvojio neki turnir. Ali, da je sansa ove godine, zaista je.


                          • Mislim da Nadal ima lepe sanse da napokon uzme Majami. I Kirjos i Federer su imali teske meceve plus podloga je sporija nego u IW. Po meni Nadal je sada prvi favorit za titulu.


                            • Mene bas plasi Fognini, ali verujem u Rafu.
                              Originally posted by Casiraghi
                              Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                              Originally posted by Casiraghi
                              Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                              Originally posted by Casiraghi
                              Srecan Mane svima koji slave.


                              • Trece finale u sezoni
                                Idemo po Majami
                                Originally posted by Casiraghi
                                Al bar nauci me drugoj da se dam da tebi nevernoj budem Emre Can
                                Originally posted by Casiraghi
                                Ti nikad neces biti kao Joel Matip.

                                Originally posted by Casiraghi
                                Srecan Mane svima koji slave.

