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  • Ako 76ers-i ne pobede veceras, treba ih rasformirati.

    Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

    "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

    Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

    All hail the Chan-Chan man!


    • Ovo je sramota, ne igraju odbranu i sutiraju samo spolja.

      "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


      • Sta je uradio James Johnson, je l' gleda neko Toronto?

        "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


        • Strasna odbrana, ali strasna. Pa ovi iz Orlanda sve sami sutiraju


          • Tako je, pustite ih da se zagreju... Vristacu jebes mi sve.

            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


            • Odnos u skokovima, 22-12 za Orlando, a igraju bez Dwight-a i Debele Bebe


              • Tako je Stefane, platices ti racune kad te izbace iz stana... Kako mrzim ovaj Orlando, sad ste nasli da ne mozete da promasite.

                "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                • Miami se perverzira u Jersey-u. Otvorena tekma sa dosta lepih poteza. Fino za gledati.

                  - 4xMVP -


                  • Johnson je posterizovao naseg Radmana



                    • JJ rasturio Radmanovica...


                      Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                      "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                      Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                      All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                      • Philly 40 poena u drugoj cetvrtini primio, sunce ti jebem.

                        Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                        "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                        Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                        All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                        • Originally posted by D-Wade View Post
                          Philly 40 poena u drugoj cetvrtini primio, sunce ti jebem.
                          A sasvim je moguće da će neka od ove dve ekipe u PO protiv Miami-a ili Chitown-a.

                          LEBRON "KING" JAMES - GLOBALNI FENOMEN. G.O.A.T.!
                          - 4xMVP -


                          • Doug, moli te brat, reci ovim supljoglavcima da zaigraju odbranu, inace smo svi u dubokim govnima. Hvala unapred.

                            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                            • Wade vise ne igra protiv ovih raspalih timova.

                              Mladji je ipak LBJ, neka on tlaci..

                              Sever celi sada se veseli, crveno-beli, 'ajmo u napad zajedno! Sa severa nek zapeva svako, nek grmi jako, Zvezda šampion!

                              "Nema velike ljubavi bez velike radosti, ali i bez velike patnje. E, to vam je Crvena zvezda. Ima da se raduješ do neba, ali sekiracija ti ne gine." Gospodin Ljuba Tadic

                              Batica Wilshere je gospodin covek...

                              All hail the Chan-Chan man!


                              • Dobra cetvrtina za Netse. Kako ovaj Brooks igra lepo za oko, cudo. Neka ga uzima neki normalan klub sto pre, prosto mi ga zao gde igra, posebno ako (kad) ode Deron.
                                Na celom svetu samo Crvena zvezda

