Originally posted by Branislav
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Originally posted by LBJmvpFORlife View PostPoznato je da je NBA uvek degradiran od strane javnosti zato sto nije autentican americki sport kao NFL i Bejzbol. Elem da se zahvalim Kobiju na ovih 8000 sto cu da uzmem <3
- 4xMVP -
Originally posted by Branislav View PostE vidiš, to je krajnje čudno jer su bejzbol, ragbi i hokej preneti iz Evrope, a košarka je jedini sport (uz još neki koji je krajnje marginalan) koji je nastao na teritoriji SAD-a tj. Kanade.
Koliko je Orlando disciplinovan govori cinjenica da je Anderson zapalio vec 8 trojki.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Znaci moram gledati bar do prvog timeout-a, bar za toliko da ispostujem.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
DeAndre je zivotinja ispod kosa. Jos sad kad je CP stigao bice bolji i u napadu."Moja generacija je zivela na ulici. Mi smo imali tu srecu da smo imali pripadnost kraju,
odnosno cosku. Tu smo se obrazovali, tu smo postali ljudi, tu smo postali lopovi,
fudbaleri... A ulica je kao sto znate jedan veliki univerzitet."
Koje je uzivanje gledati kosarku u ovakvoj rezoluciji, moram uzeti LP, pa makar 2 nedelje jeo suv hleb.
Golden State odlicno zapoceo utakmicu, Biedris caruje reketom.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Letting Chauncey handle the ball when you have Chris Paul on your team is the most Vinny Del Negro thing in history.
Ovih dana cu uplatiti najverovatnije. ;)
Steph zaradi 2 penala bez veze.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kakav timeout, samo je zbog ovoga vredelo ostati.
EDIT: Jos malo sprdnje
I'm sure Mark Jackson said a lot of moving, important stuff before that clip, everyone.
Ocajna odbrana CP3-a na Ellis-u u zadnjem napadu i to je to od mene ljudi za danas, mrtav sam.
P.S. Ko od modova sutra dodje prvi neka zakljuca ovu temu, Week je vec otvoren.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant