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"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Idemo, bas sam se uplasio kad sam prestao da promasujem po jednu utakmicu na nekoliko tiketa...sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Originally posted by Drogba View Post
Da sam i ja bio pametan da uplatim ova 2 tiketa na 50 evra sto mi je i bio plan...
Elem, za veceras se mislim da zveknem singl na LA (no offense Reise), jednostavno prevelika kvota, a Portland mora malo da stane majku mu.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Originally posted by T-Mac View PostDa sam i ja bio pametan da uplatim ova 2 tiketa na 50 evra sto mi je i bio plan...
Elem, za veceras se mislim da zveknem singl na LA (no offense Reise), jednostavno prevelika kvota, a Portland mora malo da stane majku mu.
ne bih odigr'o protiv Portlanda pa da znam da cu da dobijem. Orlando, oni, Denver to nikad ne znas na cemu si.
I Lebron i Wade su questionable za veceras, ako ne budu igrali kucu na Atlantu!
Milwaukee takodje desetkovan bez Bogut-a, Dunleavy-a i Mbah a Moute-a, ja cu to verovatno na velike pare u singlu u BetCity-u.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant
Veceras bajka, kako kad
Napisao sam vec mislim da u Mozzart-u nema Sacramento-a, a sad vidim da nema ni Miami-a, iskreno ne vidim iz kog razloga. Imate u BetCity-u i u Meridianu, za toliko znam. Sacramento stvarno ne bi bilo dobro propustiti, kao ni Hawks-e ako ova dvojica ne igraju.sigpic
"The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant