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  • Originally posted by vesna8.11 View Post
    Po pisanju novinara, koji su bili u Japanu, Lorenco je izbacio Rosija iz trke.
    Sad, sto Lorenco prica nesto drugacije, njegova stvar.
    "I saw Valentino make a mistake at the second braking and he touched Lorenzo and then Spies," Simoncelli said. "Lorenzo was in front and Valentino braked very hard and then touched Jorge. It is difficult here because you arrive very fast from the straight to this hard braking point and when everybody is together in the first lap it is easy to do a mistake."

    "Lorenzo made a mistake because he touched the grass on the exit from the first corner and at the braking for Turn 2 he moved to the outside to take the line for the corner and touched my bike, broke the fairing, and pushed me on to Spies," Rossi said.


    • Niki o karbonu

      Hayden: "The carbon isn't the problem"
      “They’ve tested aluminum and I don’t think it is a matter of material I think it is more stiffness and flex. You can make carbon softer or stiffer so I don’t think that's the situation. I tested a lot of aluminum swingarms and carbon fiber swingarms and you can get either one to do what you want it to do.

      a stari Ago o Rosiju, Stoneru, Hejlvudu...

      All-time great Giacomo Agostini appeared at the 200 Miglia di Imola Revival last weekend in Italy, riding his old Yamaha OW29 750cc bike on which he won the race in 1974. Ago also took Jorge Lorenzo's current 800cc M1 for a spin around the Enzo e Dino Ferrari Circuit.

      Ago granted an audience to the media, and he wasn't reluctant to share his thoughts on the struggles this season of his fellow Italian legend Valentino Rossi aboard the various flavors of Ducati GP11 bikes. Ago also volunteered his opinion on the true sheriff of the premier class today.

      "Success in this sport depends on the rider-bike combination, and unfortunately only one rider can win," Agostini said. "Just look at Honda: Despite all of their resources, they haven't won a title for five years.

      "But Vale is struggling on a bike that has won in the past. Maybe things will be better with the 1000. He is a sensitive rider, and he needs to have the optimal feeling with the bike to win. Stoner, however, is a more aggressive and raw rider, without any half-measures. At Ducati, he was either fast or he crashed.

      "But I don't think Valentino has stopped being a good rider. The rider can only contribute his opinions. Put simply, he needs a perfect bike, but Stoner doesn't. It reminds me a little bit of myself and Mike Hailwood. He was less sensitive to the feeling that the bike wasn't right. When I tried his bike, it felt like a piece of iron to me, but he was able to go fast with it."

      Replace iron and Mike Hailwood with carbon fiber and Casey Stoner, and you catch Ago's drift.


      • Dovi otisao u Tech 3!
        "The fact is that when my bike is prepared and I can ride like I want to, no one can beat me!"

        "I arrive. I see..... is possible. I go fast. I WIN!"

        "...Maverick Vinales, Marc Marquez, and it was Simoncelli. These are guys who were good figures for the sport. They always look to be having fun. There's always going to be the Pedrosas. There's always going to be the Stoners. But once Valentino is gone, all the character in the sport is gone. "



        • Ima smisla to sto Nikcy prica mene zanima sto ce pricati poslije testa aluminijske shasije. Mada ja i dalje mislim da promjenom u aluminijsku cje rijesiti 50% problema ali nije to jos dovoljno dobro. Al mi Nicky nije jasan kako to moze karbon biti savitljiv koliko aluminijum? To mi je novost.


          • ''Hayden: "The carbon isn't the problem"
            “They’ve tested aluminum and I don’t think it is a matter of material I think it is more stiffness and flex. You can make carbon softer or stiffer so I don’t think that's the situation. I tested a lot of aluminum swingarms and carbon fiber swingarms and you can get either one to do what you want it to do.''

            Zbog ovakvih gluposti Nikiju postavljaju pitanja jos samo novinari-pocetnici... Tehnicari iz Dukatija su od njega davno digli ruke! Bice da je skroz otupeo i vise ne razlikuje karbon od aluminijuma...

            Ovaj forum sve vise lici na mesto gde se lepe iseceni clanci iz raznih casopisa... Zar nema nikoga ko bi moga da iznese svoje misljenje o desavanjima u MotoGP, pa da krene neka prica...


            • Originally posted by Pablo View Post
              Pozdravi od mene i Vanje!
              Pozdravi i ti njega!
              Usput, da li bi neko od administratora mogao da se smiluje i da nam objasni zbog cega je neko ko je najaktivniji na ovom forumu banovan? Ili je to ''velika'' tajna... Mozda vecina zna, ali ja nemam pojma... Ili mi bar recite gde bih mogao da se informisem?


              • Originally posted by nnebojsa View Post
                Ovaj forum sve vise lici na mesto gde se lepe iseceni clanci iz raznih casopisa... Zar nema nikoga ko bi moga da iznese svoje misljenje o desavanjima u MotoGP, pa da krene neka prica...
                Pa ti ako imaš iskustva sa karbonskim i aluminijumskim ramovima pričaj a mi ostali ćemo da te pažljivo slušamo.


                • Originally posted by YAMAHAY View Post
                  Pa ti ako imaš iskustva sa karbonskim i aluminijumskim ramovima pričaj a mi ostali ćemo da te pažljivo slušamo.
                  Yamahay, jesi li ti uvek ovako zelen ili samo ponekad?


                  • Hello everybody,visible and invisible ;)..How is going ?
                    Vanja miss you
                    nnebojsa ,miss you ,too
                    Vesna ,miss you to ,so;)...invisible,hmmm


                    • A zašto je Vanja banovan,i mene zanima


                      • Originally posted by djurdjina View Post
                        A zašto je Vanja banovan,i mene zanima
                        Huh... ovde vlada neka jeziva tisina! Nekome je izgleda poslo za rukom da upropasti najbolji forum. Ali idemo na tenis... tamo se uvek slatko ismejem...


                        • Originally posted by nnebojsa View Post
                          Huh... ovde vlada neka jeziva tisina! Nekome je izgleda poslo za rukom da upropasti najbolji forum. Ali idemo na tenis... tamo se uvek slatko ismejem...
                          A zašto baš na tenis ?


                          • Originally posted by djurdjina View Post
                            A zašto baš na tenis ?
                            A pa jednom sam bio tamo (kada je igrao protiv Dolgopolova)... Ali me niko nije upozorio, da tamo nije bas zgodno navijati za Novaka... Jedva sam izvukao zivu glavu! Za malo nisam popio ban...


                            • Originally posted by nnebojsa View Post
                              ...Ali me niko nije upozorio, da tamo nije bas zgodno navijati za Novaka... Jedva sam izvukao zivu glavu! Za malo nisam popio ban...
                              Odje mora bit' cenzura


                              • Posto smo svi smrtno ozbiljni...
                                Ovo boli!

                                - Utepa li se bato? Istece mu ulje..,
                                - Ma koj' ga jebe ulje...

                                Goloruk protiv Kawe...
                                Last edited by nnebojsa; 09-10-11, 16:42.

