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Premier League 2011/2012

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  • HAhahahha , pa vjerovatno bi bio uspjesniji u kladjenju nego u trenerskom poslu ..

    Kakav jad , ovo je smijesno . <3


    • Nema veze sa PL, gledam sada na nekom sajtu,dosta uplacuju na Mancester, nece valjda kladionice da se umesaju?


      • Ono sto sam predvideo to se i dogodilo... Atmosfera je katastrofalna unutar ekipe, a to je bilo samo pitanje vremena ukoliko se naredjaju losiji rezultati.


        • Ma kao da se igracima Citya je*e za titulu.. Njima je bitno da im svakog petka na racun legne koja hiljada. Balotelliu nije bitno da pobjedi, vec mu je bitno da dadne gol i napravi neku glupost kod radovanja. Tevez je svoje pokazao, kolko ga zanima sve ovo i tako to. Aguero mi ne djeluje nekako zadovoljan sa svim ovim, isto kao i Nasri i pola Arsenala sto je preslo u City Pohvalio bi Dzeku, vidi se da se momku igra i da ima veci kapacitet nego Balotelli i Tevez zajedno, ali jbg. Tu je i fenomenalni Hart svakako i trener Mancini koji se bori svim snagama da na kraju bude prvi ali sta ces kad imas mentole u ekipi.


          • Svakom igracu su bitni trofeji. Jer ce se za par godina pricati kako je ta i ta generacija osvojila to i to. Svi zele da se i njihovo ime pominje.

            I onda ima ljudi koji vjeruju da ce Balotelli biti najbolji jednog dana. Kakav paradoks. Taj tesko da ce biti najbolji u svom timu a kamoli na svijetu. Ima talenat, sredjen zivot, u klubu je koji je gladan za trofejima i umjesto da fino sa grupom vrhunskih igraca koje ima oko sebe krene u osvajanje trofeja, on glumi neko ludilo. Idiot ostaje idiot! Prije mi je bio cool s tim ispadima ali sada mi vec ide na kurac. Volio bih da ode iz lige samo da ga vise ne gledam. Njegovo prisustvo je toliko stetno za ekipu da je to nevjerovatno.
            Takođe, ovde se uvodi i jedan divan kriterijum pomoću koga prosuđujemo je li žurka prestižna, dakle ona je “obično prestižna ako se neko od poznatih pojavi bar na pet minuta”. Zahvaljujući upravo ovom genijalnom kriterijumu, ako na primer na žurku upadne Manda, uđe u klonju, iskenja se i ode kući (pod pretpostavkom da mu za to treba više od 5 minuta), može se zaključiti da je ta žurka prestižna. Lepo je znati.


            • Originally posted by Topdzija View Post
              Citam na jednoj fb stranici da bi ukoliko Chelsea ostane 5-i i slucajno osvoji LS, 4 ekipa na tabeli(znaci Tottenham ili Arsenal ili eventualno Newcastle) isla u Ligu Evrope. Koliko je to tacno ?

              Secam se kad je Liverpool osvojio LS, bio je 5-i na tabeli, a Everton 4. i oba tima su isla u kvalifikacije naredne sezone.
              Ovo je tacna informacija! Kad je liverpul osvojio titulu, tada jos nisu utvrdjena pravila ko ide a ko ne ide, pa je napravljen presedan da engleska tada ima 5 timova. Sada je odluceno da prvak lige sampiona uvek mora da brani tituklu koji god bio u prvenstvu. Ali je i odluceno da jedna zemlja nemoze nikako da ima vise od 4 predstavnika. Tako da ako celzi osvoji, tim koji bude 4-ti ide u ligu evrope


              • Te godine je napravljen presedan gde je Liverpulu dato da se takmici kroz kvalifikacije, buduci da su osvojili LS, morali su da brane tu titulu, ali od pocetka, dakle od prvog kola kvalifikacija... Everton je igrao od treceg kao i Utd te godine... Ali Engleska nije imala pet predstavnika jer je Everton ispao u kvalifikacijama od Viljareala...

                E sad, nisam siguran dal bi se isto desilo i danas, ako u slucaju Celsi osvoji a zavrse peti u ligi, to je veoma diskutabilno...

                “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                -Jürgen Klopp


                • Desavala mi se ta situacija da neko van top 4 osvoji Ligu Sampiona na manageru. U tom slucaju cetvrta ekipa ide u LE. Na manageru su ove informacije 100% tacne.


                  • U pravu si Tony...

                    Evo i dokaza...

                    2.03 The UEFA Champions League titleholder is guaranteed a place in the group
                    stage even if it does not qualify for the competition through its domestic
                    a) If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to four places in the
                    UEFA Champions League and qualifies for the UEFA Europa League
                    through its domestic competitions, the lowest-ranked club of the association’s UEFA Champions League representatives is automatically
                    transferred to the UEFA Europa League (into the latest possible round
                    where there is a vacancy). In this case, the number of places to which the
                    titleholder's association is entitled in the UEFA Champions League and
                    the UEFA Europa League does not change.
                    b) If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to four places in the
                    UEFA Champions League and does not qualify for the UEFA Champions
                    League or UEFA Europa League through its domestic competitions, the
                    lowest-ranked club of the association’s UEFA Champions League
                    representatives is automatically transferred to the UEFA Europa League
                    (into the latest possible round where there is a vacancy). In this case, the
                    association of the titleholder is entitled to one additional place in the
                    UEFA Europa League.
                    c) If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to fewer than four
                    places in the UEFA Champions League and qualifies for the UEFA
                    Europa League through its domestic competitions, it is entitled to play in
                    the UEFA Champions League in addition to the association’s other UEFA
                    Champions League representative(s). In this case, the combined number
                    of places to which the titleholder's association is entitled in the UEFA
                    Champions League and UEFA Europa League does not change.
                    d) If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to fewer than four
                    places in the UEFA Champions League and does not qualify for the
                    UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League through its domestic
                    competitions, it is entitled to play in the UEFA Champions League in
                    addition to the association’s other UEFA Champions League
                    representative(s). In this case, the association of the titleholder is entitled
                    to one additional place in the UEFA Champions League.
                    Celsijev slucaj je pod a)... Dakle u prevodu, ako Celsi osvoji titulu, i kvalifikuje se za Europa ligu(5. mesto u ligi), ima zagarantovano mesto u grupnoj fazi, a klub sa najmanjim koeficijentom u Ligi sampiona u tom trenutku se prosledjuje u Europa ligu...

                    “We have to change, from doubters, to believers, now.”
                    -Jürgen Klopp



                      Ko ne cita temu Arsenala pogledajte ovo, proslava glavnog sudije Mike Dean-a kod prvog gola Q.P.R.-a protiv Arsenala.

                      Sta reci ? I na utakmici Tottenham - Arsenal je slavio gol Louisa Sahe i svirao nepostojeci penal Baleu.
                      Originally posted by maliajnstajn
                      Arsenal ako uzme narednih 5 tekmi, uzima i titulu, nema previse tu filozofije.


                      • Alooooo ima još mnogo do titule

                        Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                        But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.


                        • Vrtimo se oko sesnaesterca,imamo posjed ali nema zavrsnog pasa.Dvije dobre prilike na pocetku i to je to.De Hea brani majstorski,postaje bas masina!


                          • Al' dade covek golcinu.

                            "The last time I was intimidated was when I was 6 years old in karate class. I was an orange belt and the instructor ordered me to fight a black belt who was a couple years older and a lot bigger. I was scared s---less. I mean, I was terrified and he kicked my ass. But then I realized he didn’t kick my ass as bad as I thought he was going to and that there was nothing really to be afraid of. That was around the time I realized that intimidation didn’t really exist if you’re in the right frame of mind." - Kobe Bryant


                            • Nema srecnijeg tima od ovog Mancestera.
                              Cuj prvi maj


                              • Aaaaa ućeraše ga nekako.
                                Bravo Valensija majstore, najbolji si!

                                EDIT: Jang iz okreta... 2:0
                                Last edited by miloolja; 02-04-12, 21:52.

                                Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything.. his face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion, his God.
                                But there's one thing he can't change... he can't change his passion.

